“The Tao is ruthless than sentimental.”

“This is too esoteric. Can Young Master explain it in detail.”

“No problem, this In other words, to put it more popularly, it is that the avenue is ruthless, but people are affectionate. If you compare the avenue to a high mountain, then my generation cultivator is a person standing under the mountain, and if you want to ask about longevity, we have to Find a way to climb the mountain until you climb this high mountain.”

Yang Xuan laughed, and said: “During this period, some people have good feet and climb fast. Some people climb a little for various reasons. Slow, the roads you choose are not all the same, but even so, everyone’s goal is the same, that is to climb this mountain.”

“You deserve to be the one who climbed the mountain, Shaosheng This analogy is really appropriate.”

Fuyunzi was nodded, and immediately said to the female disciple of that door: “Sentimental and ruthless, all within the thought of my generation, only the legendary eternal Saint wants to go to the Supreme Indifference, and Your cultivation base and mood are lower now, so naturally you can’t understand it, but this is what everyone will experience, and there is no need to worry about it.”

After that, wave your hand, “Well, today At this point, if anyone has any doubts, please find time to consult with Young Saint in the future, or ask me to wait for Elder. If everyone is okay, then this will be gone!”

hearing this, The Dao Sect juniors did not dare to say much, and they retired.

Seeing this scene, Yang Xuan couldn’t help opening the mouth and said: “I wonder if Brother Shen is here in Heavenly Void View Shen Lingxiao?”

“I don’t know why Young Master is looking for me?”

A young man wearing a white clothed daoist robe, slender figure, dashing eyebrows, out of the ordinary, cultivation base reached the 8 Heavenly Layer of the fairyland, step one stopped, then turned and walked on Come and ask politely.

Obviously, this person is Shen Lingxiao, undoubtedly

the name speaks for itself, even if the body is not at all deliberately exuding an imposing manner, but there is a faint rush to the sky. Qi, worthy of being Number One Person, the younger generation of Taoism.

“Hehe, I heard that Brother Shen has found a good match and will be married soon. This Yang congratulates Brother Shen in advance.”

Yang Xuan said with a smile.

“Many thanks Shaosheng, tomorrow on the Heavenly Void Cloud Watching Platform, I also ask Shaosheng to be there. We will not be drunk or return by then.”

Shen Lingxiao cup one fist in the The other hand is polite, he is naturally arrogant, but he is not arrogant, especially now that he sees Yang Xuan with his own eyes, he is even more afraid to look down upon him.

After all, he is as proud as him, and he was not able to destroy the bridge of the lost as powerfully as Yang Xuan, and instruct others to cultivation while talking and laughing. It can be said that he is both a cultivation base or a personal enlightenment. Far inferior to Yang Xuan.

In fact, even the Heavenly Dao Saint Court Hua Yuntian had to be overshadowed in front of Yang Xuan. If not, why Hua Yuntian retreated from Daoshan? All can only show that Yang Xuan is better than Yang Xuan. Hua Yuntian is even better.

“It’s better to hit the sun if you choose a day. It just so happens that this Yang is also free now. We might as well find a place to have a drink.” Yang Xuan said.


The big wedding is just around the corner. There are too many facts to be busy. Shen Lingxiao was a bit unable to get away at first. It can be seen that Yang Xuan’s warm invitation, he naturally It’s not easy to refuse.

“I forgot to introduce this. This is Jianiwu Lingyan. On the way here, I was very curious about Brother Shen’s fiancee. This time Brother Shen will not as well as his wife. Bring it on?”

Wu Lingyan smiled secretly in her heart when she heard Yang Xuan’s words, but opened the mouth and said: “It’s too boring for two men to drink, Big Brother Shen took It’s okay for the girl, the Huayu Changhua girl, to come together. They are both women, and there are many topics that can be discussed with each other, so they won’t be bored.”

“Also, both of you can go to Tianwai immortal first. Island, we’ll see you in Tianwailou later.”

Shen Lingxiao thought about it and agreed.

“Tianwailou, that’s a good place, just because this Yang wants to go there to see it!”

Yang Xuan said, he had heard Xia Yufeng mentioned Tianwailou, right This building also understands something.

According to legend, there are ninety-nine layers in this building, each floor pavilion is for people to drink and have fun, and its owner is a powerful Taoist, praised as the Mysterious Immortal Emperor.

This Mysterious Immortal emperor originally used to watch Elder from the sky, but later automatically gave up his identity as Elder, which is considered to be an outlier in the door.

According to legend, this person normally does not like cultivation, good wine, good meat and good poems. He was self-appointed as the first poem of Taoism, but because he has not returned from a trip, he has never seen tens of thousands of years. Over.

“The two are one step ahead, and Shen will come as soon as he goes.”

Shen Lingxiao hugged cup one fist in the other hand and didn’t say much. The whole person walked quickly. The sky is gone, disappeared.

Chapter 1666 Tianwailou

Tianwai immortal island is located deep in the Eastern Sea of ​​Yuanshixing. Although it is remote and small in size, it is extremely rich, magnificent, and reputable.

Tianwai Building, located in the center of Tianwai immortal island, on a cloud-filled fairy mountain.

The entire restaurant is built with countless pavilions. It is unattainable and leads directly to the sky. Although it does not look luxurious, it is antique and unique.

At this moment, there are more or less people sitting in the pavilions on each floor. Among them, there are not only Taoist cultivators, but also many foreign cultivators.

Everyone was chatting, pushing the cup and changing the cup, and from time to time, people were more interested, chanting two poems loudly, which drew applause.

“There is a vast sea of ​​people, meeting is fate, and parting is fate, now that we meet here, then we should forget our worries, now we have wine, we will be drunk today, tomorrow will be sad and tomorrow will be sad, come, brother Everyone here has a drink.”

“Brother Li said it well!”

“haha, it’s purely sentimental, laugh.”


“Hehe, is this the Tianwailou, it is as lively as you said Little Feng.”

All the way up through the clouds, climb the fairy mountain, and come outside the Tianwailou. Wu Lingyan couldn’t help but smile, and said to Xia Yufeng on the side.

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