Under the recommendation of Yang Xuan, everyone also stood up and nodded to Guo Feiyu’s polite.

“Hello everyone, it is a great blessing in life to have the honor to see you today.”

Guo Feiyu has repeatedly handed over, Wu Lingyan and Hua Yushang will not talk about it, one is Yang Xuan’s wife , One is a friend of Yang Xuan, all of them are extremely beautiful and have outstanding temperaments.

Xia Yufeng and Shen Lingxiao are even more astonishing backgrounds, but no matter who they are, they are extremely friendly to him, the Guo Family Young Master, which makes him a little flattered.

“Everyone is friends, please sit down, Brother Guo, don’t be too restrained.”

Yang Xuan made an invitation gesture.


Guo Feiyu nodded took his seat, and then everyone pushed the cups and changed their cups and talked about it.

During the period, Hua Yu Chang, in order to help the wine, also personally touched the piano, so that the entire Tianwai Pavilion was filled with fairy sounds and endless aftertaste.

For this, Yang Xuan, Xia Yufeng, and Guo Feiyu all touched their palms and praised them, and kept toasting to Shen Lingxiao, bluntly saying that he was very blessed, but Wu Lingyan drank some wine, her pretty face was slightly drunk, and she approached Hua Yushang , While whispering the daughter’s whisper to Hua Yushang, secretly begged Hua Yushang to teach her piano art.

Time, in a cheerful atmosphere, goes by bit by bit.

It wasn’t until late at night when the cloud and the moon lifted into the sky, and Shen Lingxiao and Hua Yushang were about to leave.

But before leaving, Yang Xuan asked the two to wait a while, then took out paper and pen and wrote a poem titled “Love Fu” as a gift for the two to get married tomorrow. Congratulation.

“The clouds and mists are misty and the moon is hazy, and the meeting parting is not melancholy, the fate is missed, but the only known, don’t wait for the red face to keep the dust.”

Shen Lingxiao picked up the rice paper and looked at the beauty on it. Poetry, the brighter the eyes, I can’t help but clap my hands in praise, praised: “This poem, although the rhetoric can’t be called gorgeous, but it is better than the beautiful artistic conception, and it is in my heart. I thank Brother Yang here.” /p>

“Give it to me, this poem written by Big Brother Yang, you have to keep your concubine well, and if you dare to bear me in the future, I will take out this poem and ask Big Brother Yang to take charge of me. “

Hua Yushang smiled.

“With a little heart, you two can like it.”

Yang Xuan laughed, and didn’t stay here for a long time. Together with Wu Lingyan, Xia Yufeng and Guo Feiyu, she accompanied Shen Lingxiao and Hua Yushang, all the way down the Tianwailou.


Tianwai downstairs, where people gather, you can see Yang Xuan entire group come down, everyone unconsciously retreats to the sides, many cultivators are even more sideline Ask Daobian to salute Yang Xuan and call him a young saint.

Yang Xuan smiled nodded and didn’t say much, but said to Shen Lingxiao and Hua Yushang: “The two will get married tomorrow. Let’s go back and rest soon.”

“Farewell .”

“Big Brother Yang, Xia big brother, Big Brother Guo, and Lingyan girl, tomorrow must remember to come early to join us.”

Shen Lingxiao, Hua Yushang, speak separately , And walked away in a blink of an eye.

Yang Xuan watched the two of them go away, and was about to find a place to rest for the night, when he heard a voice coming from afar, “Wangyou Guan Dao Mingzi, I have seen Shao Sheng, I wonder if Shao Sheng will next Free?”

next moment, a middle-aged Taoist wearing a shabby daoist robe, broke through the air from a distance, and landed firmly in front of Yang Xuan.

With the arrival of this person, the audience was all silent, just because the opponent was an Immortal King from Wangyouguan, and his cultivation base even reached the Immortal King Realm Peak. Step emperor realm.

“Worry forgotten view?”

Yang Xuan moved in his heart, but his face remained silent, said with a smile: “Worry for the Immortal Emperor, please, the kid has no time Take time to go to Wangyouguan.”

“The young saint is worthy of the young saint. Daoming admires it. That’s right, it was my master who ordered me to invite the young saint to visit the center for a description.”

Dao Mingzi sighed with emotion. He hasn’t said anything yet. Yang Xuan has already guessed the purpose of his coming here. Even if this kind of talent is not mentioned, he is almost like a mirror in his heart, and he can’t hide anything. other side.

“Senior gave me a thumbs-up, but I don’t know if these three people around me can go with me?”

Yang Xuan said, pointing at Wu Lingyan beside him, Xia Yufeng, and Guo Feiyu.

“Of course, I can forget that there is no one except me and my family teacher, and there are many empty houses.”

“So please Senior lead the way.”

“Young Master, please here.”

For a short conversation, Yang Xuan and several people soared up into the sky with Daomingzi and flew towards the Eastern Sea. On the Wangyou immortal island in the depths of the Eastern Sea, although the journey is long, everyone is an immortal dao cultivator and it does not take much time.

About two hours later, the entire group came to the destination, under a misty fairy mountain.

Yang Xuan looked up and saw a magnificent Taoist temple, standing on the top of the mountain, like an eternal existence, under the moonlight, giving people a solemn, yet Very mysterious feeling.

Needless to say, that is the Taoist Holy Land.

“Forget worry and worry, forget worry and worry, why in this world, worry and worry are always entangled in the heart, how can you talk about forgetting?”

Yang Xuan whispered, drew aside Daomingzi resonated and echoed: “The Young Sage is very much.”

After saying that, he bowed under the mountain again, loudly said: “Reporting back to Master, Young Sage has already brought it.”

“Bring him up, and wait for him in Wangyou Hall as a teacher.”

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