“Senior said that Junior is the one who broke the robbery?”

Yang Xuan hearing this, couldn’t help touching his nose.

“This is indeed the case. Nowadays, apart from the old-fashioned, only young friends have the ability to help me solve this crisis.”

“Senior are all What has been calculated?”

“I don’t know, but it must be related to the giant Demon God and the Underworld.”

“The Underworld? Is there something wrong with the gate of eternal life?! “

“No, the gate of eternal life is claimed to be able to suppress the eternity, even if the Ming clan and some people in our fairyland should be in and out, it will never be able to be shaken, at least in a short time it is impossible to succeed.”


“Junior heard that there is a dark grave outside the hometown, could it be…”

“It is very possible that the dark grave is not a tomb in a simple sense, but a terrifying one The formation, and the one who arranged the formation is a god of the underworld, and his background is even bigger than the giant Demon God. The giant Demon God is rumored to be the servant of the underworld.”

Yang Xuan After hearing this, he couldn’t help but breathe in cold air. Although he has not really seen the giant Demon God yet, he also knows that this demon at the peak period is absolutely very powerful, and a giant Demon God who can conquer, I’m afraid that compared to the legendary dark ancestor, it is not much different.

“If the powerhouse of the dark tomb is awakened, the first task is to rescue the giant Demon God. It seems that we really have to destroy the demon first!”

“This demon will not be removed. Sooner or later, it will burst out of the tower. At that time, whether it is my Taoist or the entire Celestial Immortal domain, the people are plunged into an abyss of misery.”

During the conversation, one old and one young did not delay.

The two continue to go up, and together they will kill all the Devil Subduing Tower 8th floor and 9th floor. After 5 minutes of effort, the two finally came to the deepest part of the 9th floor, a huge one. Outside the prison.

The entire prison is almost hundreds of square meters in size, and I don’t know what kind of metal it is made of. The whole body is glowing with a cold luster. At first glance, it is extremely strong and can be broken by extraordinary external force.

“Is this the Demon Suppression Prison…”

Yang Xuan secretly thought, looking through the Demon Suppression Prison, he was instantly fixed on a giant.

That giant, needless to say, is Demon God, the ancestor of the troll family.

This person is also worthy of being a god of darkness. For example, his hands and feet are entangled by many great chains, but at this moment, Yang Xuan and Wangyou Immortal Emperor are still standing upright with a rumbling.

His height is several feet, his face is terrifying and terrifying. In a pair of scarlet eyes, endless bloodthirsty intent surges, and his body reveals an explosive force all the time, like a brutal head. The demonic beast can be eaten by someone at any time.

While Yang Xuan was looking at the other party, the giant Demon God’s gaze locked him firmly, coldly snorted said: “An ant-like thing, dare to come here, kid, Li Didn’t worry-free tell you the origin of the god? Wait, you actually have demonic energy on your body. You are a Demon Race, and not an ordinary Demon Race.”

At the end of the talk, I seemed a little surprised. As if didn’t expect, Yang Xuan is actually a Demon Race cultivator, and a Demon Race came to this Devil Subduing Tower with Wuyou Li, which is obviously a little weird in the eyes of the giant Demon God.

Demon Race is the Demon Race, and the Dark Underworld clan are alien in the final analysis, but looking at Li Wuyou’s appearance, there is no meaning to eliminate demons protect the dao. Not only that, but also Yang Xuan looks quite close.

Chapter 1679 Fury

“Fleshy body reshaping not only requires a lot of energy, but also has to endure great pain during the period. I have to say, your Excellency is really amazing, it’s a pity. It’s a pity that your Primordial Spirit is weak, and this body is still in its infancy, obviously not strong enough.”

Yang Xuan stands with his hands in his hand, a white clothed daoist robe, automatic without wind, spotless, looking at the giant coldly. Demon God.

His gaze is so vicious, after a close observation, he quickly sees the situation of the giant Demon God.

know yourself and know your enemy, emerge victorious in every battle!

He never underestimated any enemy, let alone fight uncertain battles, especially the guy in front of him, the ancestor of the troll clan, a powerful Heavenspan, Primordial Spirit almost indestructible underworld Hades.

The Underworld God of the Underworld, it is a super existence at the same level as the immortal dao Great Saint, not to mention that the giant Demon God can survive under the hands of the Yuanshi Sage, which is enough to explain how terrifying it is.

It can be said that the ordinary Great Saint, in front of this demon, I am afraid that if he can’t do a few tricks, he will die.

“Boy, who are you?!”

The giant Demon God frowned and asked, aside from Yang Xuan, it is a Demon Race. Don’t say, Yang Xuan within the body is still dormant An amazing force, the giant Demon God couldn’t understand the origin of that force, but he didn’t dare to take it lightly.

“Since I came here, I am naturally the one who killed you. Don’t you all like to feed on the flesh and blood of living beings? Coincidentally, I also have this ability.”

Yang Xuan laughed, without seeing his movements, he suddenly released a black energy, which was very similar to the black energy that lingered outside of the giant Demon God, but it was slightly different.

Perhaps the amount is far less than the giant Demon God, but in terms of quality, it is better than the giant Demon God.

“Dark Mingli, you can refining the power of my race, how is this possible! How did you do it? Damn, I see, the ghosts that the gods stay in the Devil Subduing Tower Avatar, it’s been refining by you.”

Giant Demon God eyes shrank, they clansman have mastered the power of meditation, this is also their source of power, if there is no strong meditation support, he simply Unable to reshape the flesh and blood, repair the weak Primordial Spirit.

Especially, the meditative power from Yang Xuan’s cultivation is so vast and pure, with almost no impurities, which makes the giant Demon God even more incredible.

“What avatar, those little monsters, are nothing more than a stronger body. In terms of meditation, they are not even 1/10000th of yours, and only refining your flesh and blood, my meditation In order to get a significant advancement, when the time comes, you may have the power comparable to the Hades and even Hades.”

Hearing Yang Xuan’s words, the giant Demon God breathed fire in his eyes, and said in a grinning voice: “An ant-like thing, you still dare to take the idea of ​​the original god, the original god wants you to die without a burial site.”

Yang Xuan smiled at the corner of his mouth, and countless angry giant Demon God turned his head to look aside Wangyou Immortal Emperor asked: “Senior, what should we do next?”

He alone, but absolutely not the opponent of the giant Demon God, but with a Wangyou Immortal Emperor, The outcome is hard to say. Since the Immortal Emperor Wangyou brought him here, he must be prepared.

“This demon is extremely difficult to kill. You can only destroy its fleshy body first, and then try to destroy the Primordial Spirit.”

Worry Immortal Emperor thought for a while Tao.

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