“Yang Xuan, yes, can you help me back to the room, I, I am a little tired, I want to sleep well.” Qin Lan opened her mouth, her voice was inaudible, as if she was talking I feel very tired.

Yang Xuan didn’t answer, and picked up Qin Lan and returned to her fragrant boudoir.


On the bed, Qin Lan’s eyes closed slightly, and she fell asleep very quickly, her expression peaceful and quiet, her rosy lips lined with her pale pretty face, it seemed Extraordinarily dazzling.

“What the hell is going on!?”

Yang Xuan’s eyes flickered, seeing that there must be something wrong with Qin Lan’s body, and frowned deeply.

Chapter 161 imperial decree

“No, you must carefully examine.”

Yang Xuan shook his head and understood that he couldn’t let it go. Fortunately he The two generations are humans, and they have a little bit of medical knowledge. In fact, they are not medical, but only a small means to check the body.

Without delay, he put his palm on Qin Lan’s chest, at the same time, closing his eyes, a little thought sank into Qin Lan’s body.

This is a mind detection, which can find out if there is any disease in the body of another person. Of course, when the mind is impossible so easily invade the body of another person, the other party must be in an undefended state.

Qin Lan is now falling asleep, just to meet this condition.

“The body is intact, everything is normal, is there something wrong with Divine Soul!?”

After some investigation, Yang Xuan not at all found out what was wrong with Qin Lan’s body, and immediately Infiltrate Qin Lan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness cautiously.

Sea of ​​Consciousness, the place where Divine Soul is conceived.

Yang Xuan held his breath, concentrated his mind, and had to be careful and careful, because a slight difference might hurt Qin Lan’s Divine Soul.

Sea of ​​Consciousness is huge and boundless, and in the middle, a hazy white light is suspended there, that is Qin Lan’s Divine Soul.

Yang Xuan’s little thoughts are like fireflies, slowly approaching this group of white light, wanting to penetrate in, but Qin Lan’s Divine Soul is extremely strange, like a group of rapidly rotating terrifying storms, possessing terrifying The strangulation power of Yang Xuan, Yang Xuan’s thoughts pu’ sound and disappeared as soon as they approached.

“cough cough!”

Yang Xuan’s body shook, and when he opened his eyes from the entrance to Dingzhong, a trace of red blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Some of his thoughts were strangled by Qin Lan’s Divine Soul, and his own Divine Soul also suffered. Fortunately, it was just a small injury and he could recover within two days of cultivation, but Qin Lan’s Divine Soul was so weird. Yang Xuan was a little disturbed and shocked, not sure what was wrong with Qin Lan.

“Ai, forget it, let’s talk about everything when Qin Lan wakes up.” Yang Xuan sighed and didn’t think about it anymore, sitting cross-legged by the bed, meditating and adjusting her breath.

For two hours, Yang Xuan spits out one mouthful of impure air, and he feels a lot more comfortable.

Looking at Qin Lan again, her eyes closed, her breathing was even, and she never woke up.

Yang Xuan got up and moved his body, then sat in front of the bed and stared at Qin Lan. He didn’t know when the beautiful lady would wake up, but he didn’t dare to leave, just follow closely guarding the bed.

Time flies, when Qin Lan wakes up, two full days have passed.

“Lan’er, how is it, do you feel uncomfortable in any place?” Yang Xuan found Qin Lan awake, suddenly surprised and happy.

For the past two days, he hasn’t been sleeping, his eyes have not been closed, he hasn’t even gone to eat, just waiting by Qin Lan’s side, the whole person is a little sluggish, but he doesn’t care, always keep Before Qin Lan’s bed, he never left for half a step.

“Are you?” Qin Lan rubbed her forehead, her eyes blurred, looking at Yang Xuan with some surprise and doubt, as if she didn’t recognize him.

“Lan’er, what are you talking about, you don’t recognize me anymore!?” Yang Xuan complexion greatly changed, and he felt that the world was spinning, and his head was a little dizzy.

“You, you are Yang Xuan.” Suddenly, Qin Lan eyes shined and called out Yang Xuan’s name.

“haha, yes, I am Yang Xuan.” Yang Xuan couldn’t help but stretched out his hand and hugged Qin Lan tightly in his arms, as if to completely integrate her into his body.

“Take it lightly, it hurts.” Qin Landai frowned slightly, and then asked: “How long did I sleep?”

“Two days.”

“Fortunately, I thought I slept for a few months, but it was only two days!”

“Only two days, do you know how I spent these two days? I almost thought you I won’t be able to wake up forever.”

“Don’t worry, am I awake?” Qin Lan’s unprecedented extend the hand touched Yang Xuan’s cheek, and said with a little bit of anger “I’ve been asleep for these two days, did you villain do anything to me?”

“I’m worried that you won’t have time. How can I think about other things?”

“Hehe, too, see if you haven’t slept for two days, right?”

“I haven’t slept for two days, but now my belly is called gu gu.”

“Well, for the sake of you taking care of me, I will personally cook today and let you taste my craft.”

Qin Lan rolled the eyes and immediately ignored Yang Xuan’s blockade. Putting on a coat, he got out of bed and went to the kitchen to get busy.

Yang Xuan naturally followed, fearing that Qin Lan would have another accident.

But Yang Xuan is obviously too worried. Qin Lan’s health is very good. There is no abnormality at all. But for some reason, Yang Xuan always feels that Qin Lan has changed a little, as if he is not as indifferent as before. .


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