“Why haven’t you mentioned these things to me?” Qin Lan’e frowned. She knew that Yang Xuan had found a lot of good things in an ancient tomb, but she didn’t know that Yang Xuan was almost Died in the ancient tomb.

“Uh, I’m afraid you are worried, so I didn’t tell you.” Yang Xuan explained.

Chapter 162 Spirit Transformation Light

The main peak, a glazed tile roof, carved beams and painted ridges, the gold and jade in glorious splendor hall stands on the ground, imposing manner majestic, that It is the Temple of the Master of Education, and in front of this temple is a huge square.

The square is paved with blue bricks, the white jade is a fence, and the clouds are steaming. Everyone walking on it, they all have a faint feeling of being in Immortal Realm.

“Wow, is that the Temple of Sovereignty? It’s more magnificent than the Imperial Palace in our Sky Martial Country!” Shi Yu was very excited, pointing to the Temple of Sovereignty in the distance.

“What is the name of the ghost? Didn’t you see that other people didn’t speak?” Shen Yuexin kicked him.

“Great aunt, light it up, it hurts!” Shi Yu contorts one’s face in agony for a while, but his voice was lowered a lot.

Yang Xuan did not speak, his gaze withdrew from the Temple of the Master of Education and landed on the square.

At this time, there was already a vast crowd in the square. Many Seven Mysteries Sect Inner Disciple heard the bells early. Although there were many people, no one dared to make a loud noise in front of the Temple of Master Teacher. Waiting for Yan Changkong to show up.

The bell of the imperial decree may not ring once in a few years, but every time the bell rings, it indicates that a major event will be announced.

I didn’t let everyone wait for a long time. In a red robe, the refreshed Yan Changkong quickly appeared, standing on the stone steps in front of the square head teacher’s hall, his eyes opened and closed, and the light flashed, Make people afraid to look at him.

shua~ shua~ shua~!

At the same time, a group of dozens of Sect Elders walked out of the Temple of Headmaster and stood in a row behind Yan Changkong, with a solemn expression.

“So many inner Sect Elder!”

Yang Xuan raised his brows slightly. He didn’t understand Inner Sect. He saw that there were so many Inner Sect Elders. He was a little surprised, but he was relieved immediately. After all, it was one of the Three Great Sects on Stars Island. It would be a joke if there were only a few people in Sect Elder.

There are males and females in these Sect Elders. The cultivation base ranges from high to low, and the lowest reaches the Vientiane Realm 5 Heavenly Layer. Looking around, there are many people who look like their thirties, some of them The plump woman looks pretty good, and Yang Xuan glanced more involuntarily.

“Boy, keep your eyes on the rules, but that is Sect Elder, the status is respected, how can you blaspheme?” Shen Yuexin stood beside Yang Xuan, clearly discovering his fascinating eyes .

“The little girl is ignorant, I am pure appreciation, appreciation, don’t you understand?” Yang Xuan reached out and knocked on Shen Yuexin’s forehead.

“Damn it, do you dare to hit me?” Shen Yuexin’s baring fangs and brandishing claws, a pair of smart eyes breathing fire, glaring at Yang Xuan, in a posture to fight him desperately.

“It’s kind of polite to hit you, you Little Lass, if you have anything to do in the future, you can sing me against it, and see if I don’t give you some strong medicine.” Yang Xuan said with a straight face, pretending to be vicious.

“che, don’t scare people, great aunt don’t believe you dare to mess with me in front of Qin Senior Sister Lan?” The corner of Shen Yuexin’s mouth was slightly upward, with a trace of teasing and provocation.

“Beauty, do we have enemies in our previous lives? Why do we always like to pick my thorns.”

Yang Xuan is so angry and funny, he is really not good in Qin Lan’s face Hu Lai, but Shen Yuexin, the little girl, is indeed a little itchy, and he is ready to find a chance to have a lesson.

As for how to teach, he hasn’t thought about it for the time being. Well, maybe it’s good to take off his pants and hit the ass.

Thinking about this, he bowed his head slightly, his eyes wandering freely on Shen Yuexin’s two small arc-shaped buttocks.

“Pervert, where do you look?” Shen Yuexin was ashamed and angrily, a delicate blush appeared on her jade cheeks, Yang Xuan’s eyes were too hot, as if she turned into an invisible big hand. Is stroking her buttocks.

“hehe, I thought your Little Hot Pepper is really fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth.” Yang Xuan smiled evilly and suddenly moved his head in front of her.

A strong masculine breath assaults the senses, Shen Yuexin is like a frightened deer, she jumps to Qin Lan’s side and complains: “Senior Sister, Yang Xuan this bastard bullies me, you help me teach him.”

“What a lesson, I can’t beat him again.” Qin Lan couldn’t help.

“hehe, Little Hot Pepper, if you want something done well, do it yourself, you should teach me personally.” Yang Xuan said with a smile.

“Pervert, be careful at night.” Shen Yue gnash the teeth with hatred.

“Night, okay, I happen to be short of a bed-warming concubine. I can’t ask for you to come and warm me up.”

tone barely fell, Yang Xuan felt that I felt a pain in my waist, like being stung by a mosquito. I quickly turned my head and looked towards Qin Lan, slapped haha ​​and said, “Well, Lan’er, I’m just kidding. It’s enough if you warm my bed. How could I find anything else? Woman.”

“What nonsense are you talking about?” Qin Lan said in embarrassment. The pretty face was red. This guy is really speechless and dare to say anything.

“Hey, it’s weird, it’s no wonder you two slept before?” Shen Yuexin’s eyes widened.

Shi Yu, Li Yunfei, and Mu Qingyu were taken aback, looking back and forth between Yang Xuan and Qin Lan.

“Everyone, what do you guys look at? I haven’t gotten married with Qin Lan yet, of course they are pure.” Yang Xuan had a bright smile on his face, and Qin Lan was so embarrassed that he couldn’t find a gap to get in.

“Pure you big-headed ghost, you are a despicable, shameless pervert!” Shen Yuexin yelled, attracting a lot of people’s attention. I don’t know who Little Demoness is cursing, and he is so heaven- shaking, earth-shattering.


At this moment, Yan Changkong lightly shouted, and then shouted: “This seat is calling you to come today for nothing else, that is to say Many of you may have known about the secret realm, but the knowledge is limited. I will explain it in detail here. The secret secret realm is the dojo opened by the ancient powerhouse. The inheritance is long, every thousand years. Open it once, but for so many years, no one has obtained the inheritance of the ancient gods. Do you know why this is?”

“Go back to the sect master, because the secret territory of the ancient gods is very dangerous.” Inner Disciple replied loudly. Tao.

“Yes, but you are a bit wrong. It is not dangerous, but very dangerous. Only two or three can survive when ten people enter the secret realm of ancient gods. The death rate is so high that it is prohibitive. “Yan Changkong said.

hearing this, many Inner Disciple complexion greatly changed. Some people were still gearing up to enter the ancient gods secret territory to make a break, looking for opportunities, but after listening to Yan Changkong’s words, they discovered that ancient The terrifying of the secret realm.

Yan Changkong said again: “Well, this seat is not nonsense. This time, there will be ten Sect Elders from Vientiane Realm in the Ancient God Secret Realm. The discipline to go to must be registered at Elder Palace. To test your strength, you can only get a place if you pass the Elder test. In addition, due to the limited number of places, those whose cultivation base is lower than 7 Heavenly Layer of Ningyuan Realm should not sign up.”

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