Lin Wanqing blushed and asked timidly .

“If I can come out alive, I have a chance to meet again.”

Leave a sentence, Yang Xuan does not delay, directly expands the Void Technique, and disappears in a blink of an eye.

“Let’s go, too, there is a great horror in the barren mountain forbidden area, which is definitely not something we can set foot on, and as Xuanyi Senior said, even the area outside the barren mountain forbidden area is not absolutely safe. .”

Fang Mingshan Road, and then six people evacuated one after another. During the period above their heads, from time to time they could see some tyrannical silhouette whistled past, almost every one had a cultivation base in the Immortal Emperor realm, occasionally There are Immortal Emperors, but the cultivation base has also reached the Immortal King Realm, and all of them look very young. At first glance, they are the Heaven’s Chosen disciple of Great Influence.

But even if it is Heaven’s Chosen disciple, there are more or less one or two imperial powerhouses taking the lead.

“It seems that Emperor Xuandi Senior is right. There really is a great opportunity in the barren mountain forbidden area, otherwise it will not attract so many experts and young Heaven’s Chosen to compete, but these people, it seems that not all of them are Our Southern Region’s expert?”

“The changes in the barren mountains have occurred for a long time. The news must have spread to the other four regions long ago. If there are no accidents, there are many experts in the Central Region. Come here to find out.”

For many of the silhouettes flying overhead, Fang Mingshan and the others are very strange, but without exception, they are really strong people, they are now. Can only look up to the existence.


The barren mountain, the Great Forbidden Land in the Southern Region, is also the land of eternal silence, one of the most mysterious forbidden places. It is said that barren mountains have existed since ancient times, and until now are all in one place. Anyone who is not near must die.

It is true that there are many cultivators in the land of eternal silence, all mastering the secret technique of cultivation desolation, but no matter how powerful the secret technique, no matter how powerful the emperor realm expert, face the terrifying desolation in the barren mountain Qi, will be gradually swallowed by the air of desolation.

After 5 minutes of effort, Yang Xuan dropping from the sky came to the outside of the barren mountain. Looking around, the entire barren mountain is an endless barren mountain.

Speaking of barrenness does not mean that there is no vegetation in the barren mountains. In fact, the entire barren mountains are full of dense jungles, but those dense jungles are all green and yellow. It is like baptism that has experienced endless years and has become withered. A little bit of life.

Chapter 1763 Tian Gan Sect

“It is a barren mountain, really terrifying!”

Yang Xuan Dao, in the barren mountain, Exterminating All Living Things Power, almost everywhere.

This kind of power can also be called wild power, which represents death, decay, decay, destruction and destruction. Whether it is living or dead, it cannot escape the erosion of this power.

“According to the blood ancestor, the Taoist Eternal Silence mastered two kinds of avenues, namely eternal life and nirvana, and the entire land of eternal silence was transformed by the avenue of dying of the Taoist Eternal Silence. Therefore, everything here will gradually become deserted.”

Yang Xuan whispered, his eyes flickering, “Eternal life and death can be regarded as a reincarnation, although I don’t know why the Taoist Master of Silence, why both The people are separated, but since the other party does this, it must have its intention.”

While thinking about it, he thought of the Great Desolate Jue. The legend of the Great Desolate Jue was created by the Celestial Emperor, but now it seems that the truth is But I’m afraid that may not be the case. Yang Xuan even has a guess that the Great Wilderness Art may be the Divine Ability handed down from the mainstream of Nirvana Dao.

This magical power points directly to the origin of the avenue of nirvana. If you can practice this magical power to the Great Accomplishment, you may master the avenue of nirvana in the future.


Suddenly, a storm of extinction broke out from the depths of the barren mountain, and then moved towards the outside of the mountain at an unparalleled speed. Where the storm passed, even the space trembled violently, as if about to collapse.

“This is probably the real barren mountain, and the terrifying force of annihilation forms a storm, even the Immortal Emperor dare not shake it hard.”

“Fortunately, I cultivated the great wilderness. Otherwise, I really dare not come here.”

Yang Xuan had jealousy in his eyes, but then he calmed down. He directly transported the Great Wilderness Art, and then he saw the coming storm of silence, which was instantly shattered. Opened, and then turned into a sky full of extinguishing power, quickly moved towards his body and gathered frantically.

Da Huang Jue, originally a secret technique of cultivation bloodline, can strip out many impurities in the bloodline. After these impurities are stripped, they will become Huang Li, which is used and controlled by Yang Xuan.

To put it simply, the Great Divine Ability is a powerful Great Divine Ability that can not only strengthen the bloodline, but also turn the impurities in the bloodline into treasure.

If it hadn’t been cultivated for the Great Wilderness Technique, Yang Xuan’s bloodline might not have reached its strength today.

In addition, apart from refining distracting thoughts from bloodline, Dahuang Jue can also ingest the Qi of Annihilation from between Heaven and Earth, but it is not in some specific places. Greatly discounted.

For example, a barren mountain, this place is an excellent place for cultivation of the Great Wilderness Art. As Yang Xuan absorbs more and more power of nirvana, the whole person seems to have fallen into nirvana, becoming There is no life.

But strangely, he didn’t feel uncomfortable at all. Instead, he felt a little like a fish back in water, only feeling very comfortable.

For a long time, he stopped cultivation, just because the power of nirvana carried by the entire nirvana storm had been absorbed thoroughly by him, a huge vacuum zone appeared. At the same time, Yang Xuan The strength of within the body has increased by nearly twice compared to before.


Yang Xuan didn’t think much, suddenly raised his hand, his palm was gushing out, and he made a strong blow.

hong long long! ! !

A lot of wild power, with the aura of nirvana, like a river rushing, rolling away from the sky, only hearing the “hong long” loud noise, a mountain peak of hundreds zhang high in the distance, immediately all split up and in pieces, turned into fly ash.

“Yes, in terms of formidable power alone, this palm is no less than my fleshly body strength full strength attack.”

Yang Xuan’s fleshly body strength, one The palm can kill the ordinary Immortal Emperor, and even some high-ranking Immortal Emperors are confident that they can severely inflict them. This shows how Huang Li can help his battle strength increase.

This is still a pure waste force, if he injects the strength of years into it, a single blow will be enough to kill the upper Immortal Emperor.

Huangli originally contains the power to deprive the years, and the power to join in is like a tiger that has grown wings.

“Hey, this person within the body is so powerful!”

“Elder Wang, do you want the discipline to take down this child? If there is no accident, this child must be cultivated. The unbelievable waste technique is by no means inferior to our Tian Gan Sect’s Xuantian Desolate Secret Art.”

“Go, remember to bow before the soldiers. If this person is alone, he dared to enter the barren mountain. There may not be no background behind him. ”

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