“Let’s go quickly . According to Great Elder’s analysis, the legendary Desolate Temple will open in at most two days.”

According to legend, there are many hidden treasures in the Desolate Temple. , As long as we can get one or two kinds of treasures from it, it is worthwhile to go.”

“No matter how good the treasures in the Deserted Temple, it can’t be compared to the Great Wilderness Art. Our main goal this time is the Great Wilderness. Ancestor’s Great Wilderness Art.”

In a barren forest, a group of people walked here, constantly avoiding the whistling past storm of silence.


At this moment, there was a sound of breaking through the sky, and then everyone saw one silhouette, passing through a storm of silence, extremely Fly to the distance at a fast speed.

“What about the heavens, who is that person? How dare you go through the storm of nirvana alone!”

“How is this possible, the barren mountain forbidden land is a restricted area of ​​life, and the storm of nirvana is extremely dangerous , The entrant must die. Someone can ignore the Silent Storm, as if the Silent Storm is like a small hurricane in his eyes.”

“Is it a certain holy realm boss, but this It’s not right. Most of the Holy Realm’s mighty powers are hidden from the world, and they dare not use their power at will, let alone fight for opportunities in the Desolate Temple. I remember that cultivators below the Holy Realm were prohibited from entering the Desolate Temple in ancient times!”

As the silhouette went away, many people boiled, and all of them looked surprised.

This is a group of young cultivators. Most of the cultivation base is located in Immortal King Realm, with only one old man at the head, who is an emperor expert. The cultivation base even reaches Immortal Emperor Realm Peak, Half Step Saint Boundary .

“Great Elder, do you recognize that person is who are you?” At this moment someone looked towards the old man and asked him.

The old man didn’t speak either, just raised his head in the direction where the silhouette disappeared, and opened the mouth and said a moment later: “Weird, didn’t expect this person is so young, and the cultivation base is only Immortal King Realm Peak, where is this child from the young evildoer, and even the storm of Nirvana can’t hurt him.”

“What, Great Elder means that he is a young man, and his cultivation base is just Immortal King Realm Peak!”

Someone immediately exclaimed when they heard the words of the old man. This is incredible. A young man from Immortal King Realm Peak could see the dying storm as nothing. The methods are too bad.

“Could that person cultivated some kind of extraordinary wild art, able to fear the extinguishing storm!”

Someone speculated again, this is the only reasonable explanation, if not, then How can people do this step?

“This person is very face-to-face, probably not our cultivator in Zhongyu, but it is strange, since he is not from Zhongyu, where does he come from?”

The old man muttered After a sound, he waved his hand and said: “I have never lacked geniuses in the ancient wilderness, and this person may be a genius taught by a certain holy realm. Okay, don’t think about it. Let’s speed up here and try to reach Desolate God Mountain as soon as possible.”

Desolate God Mountain is located in the extreme depths of the barren mountain. Every time the Desolate Temple opens, there will be a Space Teleportation door that descends on Desolate God Mountain. Everyone except immortal dao Great Saint can enter the deserted temple through the Space Teleportation gate.

It is worth mentioning that the deserted temple is very mysterious until now, and no one knows where the deserted temple is located.

The only thing I know is that Desolate God Mountain is the nearest place to the Desolate Temple, and only by boarding the Desolate God Mountain can you enter the Deserted Temple through the Space Teleportation door.

“Is that the Desolate God Mountain?”

Far away, Yang Xuan saw a mountain peak at the end of an undulating mountain range. There are ten thousand zhangs. high, shaped like a giant blade straight up, steep and difficult to climb.

Divine Thunder, a very terrifying dying, is no wonder that Desolate God has been a forbidden place in the forbidden land since ancient times. “

Yang Xuan quickly raised his eyebrows again, his eyesight was amazing, and he could see the entire Desolate God mountain in the sky at a glance, flashing faintly with wisps of gray and black lightning.

That is Divine Thunder, known as the avenue Divine Thunder that even the Immortal Emperor and even the immortal dao Great Saint can easily kill in seconds.

Chapter 1762 The Wild Temple appears

“Ancestor, are you sure that the Desolate Temple will really open? “

“Hurry up, what kind of identity do you dare to speak out to question the ancestor?” The ancestor is the Immortal Emperor of aloof and remote. Since it is said that the Desolate Temple will be opened within two days, it is absolutely impossible to go wrong. “

“Okay, let the old man pipe down. The old man had the honor to enter the deserted temple once in the past, so I took the time to talk about the specific situation in the deserted temple. “

“My ancestors, please tell me. ”

In the mountain range outside the Desolate God mountain, countless people have already gathered.

These people, there are males and females, old and young, and the overwhelming majority come from experts. The Immortal King Realm has the lowest cultivation base, and the Immortal King Realm has the highest cultivation base.

In the land of eternal silence, Heavenly Dao Union obliterated the power of the Holy Realm, so on the surface , Imperial Realm Peak, is already the end of cultivation, and a character of Imperial Realm Peak, no matter where they are, is almost invincible.

At this moment, I only listen to one Imperial Realm Peak’s The white robed old man said: “Remember, the Desolate Temple is a forbidden place in the forbidden land, and the degree of danger is much stronger than that of the barren mountains. In the Desolate Temple, besides confinement of mana, there are countless desolate puppets and Formation. Be very careful after entering inside. “

The Desolate Palace is the palace of the Great Desolate Ancestor, and the Great Desolate Ancestor, as the number one expert in the ancient wilderness, can anyone enter the palace?

It is true that after the disappearance of the Great Desolate Ancestor, there are countless treasures and inheritance left in the Desolate Palace, and every thousands of over 10,000 years, the Desolate Palace will reappear in the world, and everyone can take this opportunity Enter the Desolate Temple to compete for its inheritance.

However, over the years, the Desolate Temple has been opened many times, but it has never been heard that anyone can reach the deepest part of the Desolate Temple and get the supreme inheritance of the Great Desolate Ancestor. The trick, at most, is to get some treasures that’s all from it.

“What, the mana will be imprisoned in the Desolate Temple, doesn’t it mean that we can only rely on fleshly body strength? “

“Oh my god, how could this happen? Few of us deliberately temper the fleshy body. Without mana, it means that the strength is greatly reduced. How can we compete for opportunities in the Desolate Palace? “

“What are all noisy, the ancestor only said that mana would be confined in the Desolate Temple, and he didn’t say that mana could not be used. Even if we lose mana, it is not only the Fleshy body that is available. “

Amid a tumult, the white robed old man nodded, said: “Yes, you can use waste power in the Desolate Temple. Not only that, but the Desolate Temple is also very suitable for cultivation. “

“Does the ancestor mean a deserted temple or a cultivation treasure land?” ! “Someone eyes shined.

“Of course, the Desolate Temple is full of powerful dying power. For me and other cultivated desolate people, it is an excellent cultivation place, old man The Great Accomplishment of Huangshu was also possible thanks to having entered the Huangtian Temple once before. ”

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