“I’m crazy?”

Yang Xuan didn’t say anything, just reached out and touched his nose, looking towards Lei Ao, who is not far away, really want to say no I’m crazy, but you have nothing to look for.

“I’m talking to you, don’t you want to say something?”

Lei Ao gloomy face, on the cultivation base Immortal Emperor Realm 4th Layer God, he is better than Yang Xuan is only high and not low. He is a great realm in terms of strength, and he is confident that he can crush Yang Xuan with his bare hands.

In his eyes, Yang Xuan is a genius at best, but geniuses are divided into different ranks. They simply don’t have any compatibility with him. Lei Ao in the bones also despise Yang Xuan very much.

“Is there anything wrong, can you stay away from me if there is nothing?”

Yang Xuan frowns said.

“What did you say?!”

Lei Ao stared, as if he didn’t hear clearly.

“Are your ears bad? I’ll let you go away, don’t bark in front of me like a fly.”

Yang Xuan waved his hand impatiently. I don’t want to cause trouble, but sometimes, there is always someone who does not open his eyes to provoke him, and for such people, he will never be polite.

“Do you dare to call me a fly, good, good, you are very good, I am Lei Ao until now, no one has dared to talk to me like this, kid, even if you have a big background, you don鈥檛 want it today. Go down the mountain alive.”

Lei laughed arrogantly, and his eyes shot a cold murderous intention. He was really irritated by Yang Xuan’s words.

“haha, Lei Ao, Lei Ao, did you go out without reading the almanac? You were likened to a fly, so you don鈥檛 bark there. It鈥檚 funny, it鈥檚 really funny, to heaven I swear, this is the funniest joke I have ever heard Li Zhanteng’s life.”

“Ai, don’t laugh. Didn’t you see Lei Ao, your face turned dark?”

“Is there? Why didn’t I see it.”

In the distance, several young evildoers who are as famous as Lei Ao, such as Li Zhanteng, Long Chen and the others, couldn’t help but laugh out loud. Each has an amazing background, and the strength is not inferior to Lei Ao, so he is not afraid of Heavenly Thunder Sect behind Lei Ao.

Heavenly Thunder Sect is very strong, so strong that there is almost no one dares provoke in Zhongyu, but their Sect and family are also the first-class Super Influence in Zhongyu, which is not much more than Heavenly Thunder Sect Let.

Even if Heavenly Thunder Sect takes the lead this time, it is Heavenly Thunder Sect Elder Ding Hepeng, they don’t care, after all, there is also an Elder standing behind them.

“Lei Ao, take him quickly, no matter who it is, no matter who is standing behind him, my Heavenly Thunder Sect is your strongest backing.”

Heavenly Thunder Sect Elder Ding Hepeng couldn’t bear it, his mouth was angrily snorted, and Yang Xuan humiliated Lei Ao with words under the eyes of everyone. Even when he was hitting the face of Heavenly Thunder Sect in front of everyone, he, the Heavenly Thunder Sect Great Elder, was also very angry.

If he hadn’t considered his identity and disdain to take action against the junior Yang Xuan, he would have already acted to suppress and kill Yang Xuan fiercely.

“Great Elder, don鈥檛 worry, an ignorant fanatic that鈥檚 all, the discipline will immediately make him pay a heavy price for his unhindered speech.”

Lei Ao is also very angry, gritted his teeth. After finishing speaking, he stepped forward to Yang Xuan, and said as he walked: “Boy, don’t blame me Lei Ao for not giving you a chance. If you are willing to kneel down and bang your heads at me three times, I can still agree to give You have a good time.”

“Give me a good time? So you are going to kill me?”

Yang Xuan’s eyes are narrowed, and there is a cold light in the eyes. .

“Yes, you are dead. In this world, no one offends me. Lei Ao can survive.” Lei Ao roared and fisted at Yang Xuan’s door and whizzed away.


With a punch, the void was trembling, and the terrifying fist strength came to Yang Xuan in just an instant, the speed was incredible.

“With this strength, do you dare to say to kill me? It makes people laugh out loud.”

Yang Xuan shook the head, with a flicker, avoiding Lei Ao This fierce blow.

“The speed is not slow, but it is nothing more than that, and then receive my move.”

Without a hit, Lei Ao’s face not only darkened, but also in his eyes. About to burst into flames, he locked on Yang Xuan in an imposing manner, and suddenly used a killer move. The whole person turned into a lightning and killed Yang Xuan.

“It鈥檚 just an Immortal Emperor, don鈥檛 pretend to be a big-tailed wolf for me, and get off.”

Yang Xuan was not ready to hide this time, so he raised a hand directly, A slap fiercely was shot, only a loud bang was heard, and Lei Ao, who turned into a lightning, was slapped and flew out.


Lei Ao received this blow, and he spouted a mouthful of blood. During the period, his face was full of shame and anger, like didn’t expect Yang Xuan’s power is so tyrannical.

Yes, Yang Xuan鈥檚 fleshly body strength is so great that he suffered a small loss when he came up. Although the injury was not serious, it made him unacceptable. There were so many people watching, but Lei Ao was finally slapped by Yang Xuan and flew out.

Chapter 1764 Killing and Destroying Souls

“How is it possible that Lei Ao, who is known as invincible of his generation, is so defeated?!”

On the Desolate God mountain, Many people stared wide-eyed, with an expression of disbelief.

Be aware that Lei Ao has the cultivation base of the Emperor Realm 4th Layer. With his cultivation base and strength, even the ordinary old Immortal Emperor can’t compete with it, let alone the cultivation base only Immortal. Yang Xuan from King Realm Peak.

But the final result was unexpected and shocking.

Everyone absolutely didn’t expect, dignified Lei Family descendant, Heavenly Thunder Sect Inner Sect first True Disciple, Lei Ao, who is rare among the younger generation in the middle domain, was slapped and slapped. Fly out.

It鈥檚 true that this slap just caused Lei Ao to be slightly injured, and it is far from endangering his life, but for a Heaven’s Chosen like Lei Ao, it鈥檚 probably more expensive to be slapped in the face than to die. Uncomfortable.

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