Lei Ao is crazy.


Yang Xuan’s eyes were cold, and he ignored Lei Ao’s yelling, and he slammed Lei Ao’s mana into two with one foot, even if he wanted to escape. The Primordial Spirit was also crushed by Yang Xuan in his hand.

Chapter 1765 The crushing power

“Lei Ao died, and his death was so miserable that even Primordial Spirit was not spared. This, this…”

At this time, countless people took a breath.

This scene is too horrible, let alone how strong Yang Xuan is, he is clearly irreconcilable with Heavenly Thunder Sect!

No, let’s not talk about how the Thunderbolt will be furious when Heavenly Thunder Sect learns the news. Just the old Ding Hepeng who brought Captain from Heavenly Thunder Sect cultivator on this trip, I’m afraid he will go violently on the spot first.

“Little beast, you are too cruel, the old man will not only thwart you, but also extract your Primordial Spirit alive and burn it with wildfires for thousands of years.”

Ding Hepeng’s eyebrows were erected and his eyes were red. He almost said in a roaring tone that Yang Xuan shot too fast. He didn’t have time to save Lei Ao, so he could only watch Lei Ao tragically die here.

“Dogs that bite don’t bark.”

Yang Xuan sneered, killing one is killing, killing a group is killing, since they have formed a bridge with Heavenly Thunder Sect, he too Don’t mind to solve Ding Hepeng and the others all.

“Too crazy, but you think you can kill me, let’s go together and kill him!” A group of Heavenly Thunder Sect cultivator shouted, but they didn’t dare to cross the thunder pool for half a step, as strong as Thunder They were all trampled to death by Yang Xuan, and all of them together, they are absolutely impossible to be Yang Xuan’s opponent.

“A group of guys who can only bark, you think you can kill me just by waiting, really overestimate one’s capabilities.”

Yang Xuan disdainfully said.

“The beasts are going to be rampant, old man will teach you what you can do.”

Ding Hepeng is extremely angry, killing intent overflowing heaven.


On him, there are more strands of terrifying flames, which suddenly burst out. It is a wildfire formed by wild force, which contains powerful Law Power, the crowd receded one after another, or felt the burning sting from those flames.

“Hey guys, didn’t expect Ding old ghost to actually cultivate a wildfire.”

“Heavenly Thunder Sect mostly goes with Lei Xiu, Ding old ghost But it is an exception. It is said that Ding old ghost had obtained a powerful waste technique in a mysterious Cave Mansion in the early years, which could condense the waste force of Life Source into fire. “

all directions, each of the older Immortal Emperors , At this moment, I can’t help being awe-inspiring. When Ding Hepeng’s Life Source broke out, it means that this guy is really crazy, and facing this kind of flames that can burn Exterminating All Living Things, even their older Immortal Emperors dare not. Stunned.

“The Law of Destruction, the Law of Fire, I have to say that you, Old Guy, still have some abilities. It’s a pity, a pity, with this trick of playing with fire, I can’t help it.”

Yang Xuan’s face remained unchanged, and said in a leisurely tone: “Do it, don’t you want to pull out my Primordial Spirit and burn countless years with wildfires? I am waiting for you to come.”

“Lei Xuan!”

Ding Hepeng yelled and ignored Yang Xuan’s clamor. In an instant, endless lightning appeared on him again. This is his Thunder Attribute mana. With these Thunder Attributes The mana gushing out, also completely ignited the wildfire around him.

No, this is no longer a wildfire, but a real thunder-fire. Even if its formidable power is not as good as the legendary Divine Thunder, it is definitely not much different.

“old man thunder-fire two rules Great Accomplishment, coupled with the destructiveness of Life Source wildfire, and strong mana, this flame will never be exhausted, and you are destined to be old The man burned into fly ashes with fire.”

When Ding Hepeng said at the end, a terrifying thunder-fire slammed on Yang Xuan’s body. This thunder-fire destructive power is full, even if it is A big mountain can be annihilated in an instant.

After Yang Xuan’s body was hit, bursts of green smoke and a pungent burnt smell came out from him…

“Your fleshy body is really strong. It can survive the old man’s wild thunder fire, but being burned by the wild thunder fire doesn’t feel good, right?”

Ding Hepeng coldly said, but immediately, he eyes shrank again with a face of disbelief. He saw Yang Xuan, who was about to be scorched, unexpectedly burst of strange rays of light on his body, and his body was affected by it. The trauma was instantly disappeared.

No, it’s not disappearing, but it is instantly cured by mysterious power and becomes as good as ever.

“Really strong Life Power, what kind of method is this capable of repairing all injuries in an instant!”

At this moment, not only Ding Hepeng was unbelievable, but also the others. They just felt incredible for a while, and they finally understood why Ding Hepeng hadn’t been put in their eyes. Dare to love someone with a secret technique against the sky, and simply did not fear Ding Hepeng’s wild thunder-fire.

It is true that Ding Hepeng’s thunder-fire is very strong, but if he can’t destroy Yang Xuan’s body in one blow, Yang Xuan can also heal his injuries through secret techniques.

“One thunder-fire can’t kill you, just two, three, old man doesn’t believe you can’t kill you.”

Ding Hepeng came back to his senses, also want to understand The key point, so while speaking, is to hit Yang Xuan one after another through several wild thunder-fires.

“When I hit you, I was trying your method. Old fogey really regarded me as a soft persimmon. Can I pinch it as I want?”

Yang Xuan Angrily smiled, his body flickered, and he avoided the incoming thunder-fires. At the same time, his whole person moved towards Ding Hepeng whizzing away at a very fast speed.


Ding Hepeng startled, like didn’t expect Yang Xuan. The speed is so fast and the body style is so ghostly. If you are not careful, you will be hit by Yang Xuan again. Punch.

Yang Xuan this fist, still did not use his mana, but mobilized 90% of his fleshly body strength. He hit Ding Hepeng’s chest with a punch, and then he spit out blood and flew away.

This retreat is to go to the hundred zhang, Ding Hepeng finally stabilized his body, his face has become very ugly, but this time he was injured by Yang Xuan, and he did not dare to underestimate Yang. Xuan.

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