next moment!

The ancient mirror bounced all the power of Yang Xuan’s this fist. No, to be precise, it should have doubled the power of Yang Xuan’s fist.

“Hey, this thing is really good!”

Yang Xuan’s pupils contracted immediately, and he knew how powerful his punch was, let alone, The ancient mirror has also doubled his power, and this power is enough to pose a certain threat to him.

Yang Xuan did not dare to be a little slow, and immediately activated the inscription on the overlord body. The strength of the whole body was greatly increased in an instant. This is the overlord inscription. Although Yang Xuan until now is rarely used, no Every time it is used, it will have an incredible effect.

Especially, as his fleshy body gets stronger and stronger, the strength of the domineering inscription increases and becomes stronger. It can be said that at this moment his fleshy body has reached a certain limit. Unless he casts the Demon God body, otherwise this is his strongest body.

However, even with the domineering inscription and the blessing of fleshy body strength, he still felt a terrifying power. The strong strikes on his body made him a little unable to resist, and he was fiercely shocked. Get out.

“This is impossible, why didn’t you die or even got hurt!”

Ding Hepeng cried out in disbelief, this ancient mirror is the trump card’s trump card, although he is until Now has never been refining, but it also uses part of the power of the ancient mirror.

For example, if the enemy’s attack is reflected, the enemy will die under his own attack.

“I want this ancient mirror.”

Yang Xuan said, his eyes flashed with hot colors, he has a lot of secret treasures, and seldom tries to win foreign objects. Heart, but Ding Hepeng’s ancient mirror made him unable to see through and wanted to seize it.

“Space Imprisonment.”

When Ding Hepeng heard Yang Xuan’s words, his face became extremely embarrassed, and in an instant he displayed another magical power of ancient mirror, and he was almost talking In between, the ancient mirror on the front shoots a rays of light from it, covering the several feet space of Yang Xuan.

In this space, it seems that no time has passed, and the space has become extremely solid. Yang Xuan seems to be trapped in a quagmire, and his actions have become extremely difficult.

“Space Imprisonment Divine Ability, this ancient mirror is really powerful beyond my imagination.”

Yang Xuan took out the Purgatory Sword, swept it out with a sword, and only heard pu’ The sound was crisp, the space in front of him was shattered like a mirror, and Yang Xuan also broke free from the imprisoned space.

“This…what kind of sword trick is this? Even Space Imprisonment can be broken!”

Ding Hepeng was shocked, and at the same time terrified, this is what he can do The strongest method used, but still can’t help Yang Xuan.

“Space Imprisonment that’s all, although very powerful, it also depends on the realm of the caster. It can only be said that you are too weak, and Sora has a cultivation base, but has not mastered space and time. Grand Dao Law.”

Yang Xuan shook the head, saying: “As for this sword, it is my own sword technique. You can call it the sword of years.”

Speaking, Yang Xuan slashed out again with a sword, and saw a sword light fleeting, wiped off Ding Hepeng’s neck, and strangely, there was no wound on Ding Hepeng’s neck.

But in the eyes of outsiders, Ding Hepeng seems to have received a fatal attack. The whole person is a little bit old, decayed, and imaginary, but in just a few breaths, he disappears in this world , As if it had never appeared before.

Chapter 1767 Entering the Deserted Temple

“gu lu!”

The crowd swallowed saliva and said, all was shocked.

These sword moves, they are simply unheard-of and unprecedented.

It’s just a sword, and it’s not so gorgeous, but it’s so unremarkable, as if a sword cut out at random, it forcibly wiped Ding Hepeng from this world.

Know that it is Ding Hepeng. It is one of the few Peak Elders in Heavenly Thunder Sect. It has a very high status in the entire Heavenly Thunder Sect, but it is this kind of aloof and remote The characters, but tragically died in front of them, were beheaded by a sword.

This picture is really too horrible, it is hard to suffocate, and the heart can’t be calm for a long time. At this moment, some of the elder Immortal Emperors who were present only shuddered.

Compared with Ding Hepeng, their strength is almost on par. Now even Ding Hepeng can’t catch Yang Xuan’s sword, and it will only be the same result in exchange for them.

“Ancestor, what is the profound mystery of that sword? Is there such an overbearing sword technique in this world?”

There are young juniors who took a deep breath and couldn’t help but look around. Immortal Emperor asked.

“It is Time Law, the power of years can easily erase people in an instant.”

“More than that, if the old man reads it right, this child is also on the sword dao Good attainments, absolutely comprehended the extremely strong sword dao law, otherwise the sword is absolutely impossible with this power!”

“Combining the sword dao law with the Time Law, it bursts out Exterminating All Living Things The power of this child is the real evildoer. The holy realm is not powerful enough. He may be able to defeat any powerhouse in the imperial realm with one person one sword.”

An older Immortal Emperor spoke, and The words of these people also caused countless people all around to tremble.

The years are ruthless, as powerful as the holy realm, but they can’t escape the erosion of the years, and they will age a little bit.

This kind of power has surpassed all power and is called the strength of Taboo, but now, some people have mastered this kind of murderous strength of Taboo, and also Power is incorporated into sword skills.

“Terrifying, didn’t expect this child. In addition to the powerful and unparalleled Fleshy body, it also mastered the Time Law and the sword dao law. We are one-to-one, no one will be its opponent.”

“Hey, I can only say that Lei Ao is too unlucky, and Lei Family and Heavenly Thunder Sect behind him got such a terrifying enemy.”

“Strong and acting very ruthless. , We can only try not to offend such people.”

Li Zhanteng, Long Chen and other Middle Domain Heaven’s Chosen were shocked at this moment. When talking with each other, the eyes looking towards Yang Xuan were also full Deeply jealous.

Yes, they are very jealous of Yang Xuan. Yang Xuan may be inferior to them in terms of cultivation base, but in terms of battle strength, Yang Xuan is stronger than them.

There is one more thing I have to mention, until now, Yang Xuan didn’t use mana. Once he really uses mana, his battle strength is definitely stronger.

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