Everyone wants to see if Yang Xuan can escape this tribulation and survive the siege of so many imperial powerhouses.

“Let me use the Life-Source Magical Treasure manually in Dianlian, you will have no regrets when you die.”

At this time, Divine Astral Sect Elder Zhou Huang has approached Yang Xuan, and he has not seen him. No matter what action, a strange umbrella appeared out of thin air above his head.

Obviously, this is Zhou Huang’s Life-Source Magical Treasure, which seems to be palm-size only, but the whole body reveals immense divine light, like a chakra sun hanging in the air, divine might be amazing.

At the same time, on the heads of the other Immortal Emperors, their Life-Source Magical Treasures appeared one after another, such as a cold whip, and ancient seals like mountains, pagodas, giant cauldrons. and many more.

All of them are brilliant and dazzling.

Although they can’t use magic power in the Desolate Temple, they all have a cultivation technique. Within the body condense, they have a strong wild power, and using wild power to stimulate the magic weapon can also exert part of the magic weapon’s power.

This kind of power may not be the strongest, but together, they are confident that they can kill Yang Xuan.

There are more than a dozen elder Immortal Emperors. Among them, there are a total of five people in the Emperor Realm Peak. If this is the case, there is no way Yang Xuan, then what face do they have to live in this world?

I have to say that this is a group of terrifying cultivators. Once a group is attacked, even the ordinary sacred realm power can be killed by more steps, it is difficult to resist!

However, Yang Xuan didn’t pay attention to it. He stared at Zhou Huang and the others with his cold eyes, faintly opened the mouth and said: “you think you can kill me, just rely on You can’t talk about it, you just take it.”

“Kill me sect disciple, the old man wants you a debt of blood must be paid in blood.”

Because Direct Disciple Zhou Huang hated Yang Xuan for Jiang Shaobai’s tragic death. Without much thought, he took out the treasure umbrella above his head.


in an instant, the originally small umbrella, instantly transformed into a hundred zhang size, covering Yang Xuan’s whole person underneath, Yang Xuan looked up , It can be seen that inside the treasure umbrella, it seems that there is a world conceived, from which divine light is constantly falling, like raindrops, whizzing towards him.

Yang Xuan was indifferent to this, and a rays of light burst out from his body, which directly inspired the overlord body inscription engraved on his body, and raised the fleshy body strength to a terrifying point.

Bang peng~ peng~!!!

The divine light of one after another fell on him, a loud noise erupted, sparks splashed everywhere, countless divine lights with the power of pierce gold and split stone, enough to easily kill the ordinary Immortal Emperor, but he can’t hurt him at all, even his skin can’t be broken.

Only on the body surface, leaving a shallow trace of one after another, speechless that is shocking.

This powerful physique is unheard-of and incredible. The crowd originally saw Yang Xuan’s talent and tyrannical fleshy body, but no one knew how strong his fleshy body was.

But now, it seems that Yang Xuan’s fleshy body is not only strong, but it is strong against the sky, which can be shaken by extraordinary external forces.

“You think you can kill me, it’s not possible with this umbrella.”

Yang Xuan shook the head, letting thousands of divine lights attack, the body always stood still.


“This child is too evil monster, everyone must do everything possible.”

The rest of the elder Immortal Emperor saw this scene, all involuntarily He was shocked, and at the same time he had a heart to kill Yang Xuan. In any case, they chose to do it, which means that Yang Xuan is already irreconcilable.

This situation cannot be changed at all. Even if they retreat, Yang Xuan will probably not give up.

Thinking of this, everyone sacrificed Life-Source Magical Treasure and blasted towards Yang Xuan. They must be wiped out with absolute power.

“You should have waited so long ago.”

Yang Xuan’s mouth burst into a sneer. Faced with various magic weapons, he could not help but unfold the big Void Technique. To be precise, it should be used to motivate the big Void Technique with wild force.

whiz whiz whiz! ! !

For a while, his body turned into an afterimage. No magic weapon could lock his position. A group of people controlled the magic weapon to attack and kill the room. On the contrary, they were a little restrained and difficult to cooperate.

“Damn, his speed is so fast, he can still isolate me from waiting for the magic weapon, if we continue, let us not say killing him, even if we want to attack him, it is impossible.”|

Some people have ugly faces, didn’t expect Yang Xuan to be so cunning, there is no meaning to confront them head-on.

“Trap him, no matter how fast he is, there is not much room to dodge, as long as you trap him in a certain area, you can suppress and kill him in one fell swoop!”

Zhou Huang yelled violently, and Yushi’s umbrella gave out endless divine light, covering the void of a hundred li radius, preventing Yang Xuan from having a chance to escape.

“Boy, the old man gives you a chance, now kneel down to kowtow and admit your mistake, and then cut your own cultivation base. The old man can promise to plead with Zhou Huang for you and let him spare you not to die.”

Someone took action again and sealed a side world with the power of Grand Dao of the ancient pagoda, instead of blindly attacking Yang Xuan with magic weapons like before, like a headless fly.

By doing this, you can cut off Yang Xuan’s retreat, and save your own consumption.

“One wants to suppress and kill me, and the other wants to spare my life. Do you want me to die or to live?”

Yang Xuan Being amused, the voice was full of mockery.

Chapter 1776 Whoever committed the crime will die

The treasure is touching!

Not to mention, this is the inheritance of the great desolate ancestors. The legend contains the secret to eternal life, and its preciousness is unimaginable. It is impossible for ordinary people to say it, but it is impossible at a glance.

It can be said that this is the secret technique that may come by with luck, but not by searching for it. The value is immeasurable, and even the power of the Holy Land will be crazy about it.

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