“Hurry up, this child hides his strength. If he can kill Wang Xuande, he will definitely kill me. Even if we join hands, I am afraid that we will be defeated one by one, and die tragically on this wild peak. Come on.”

At this time, a group of elder Immortal Emperors retreated without any explanation. Among them, Zhou Huang was the one who ran the fastest, almost immediately rushing to the deserted peak.

“The one who committed me died, don’t even want to leave.”

Yang Xuan strode down, since these people dare to attack him, don’t even think of leaving alive. .


He speeds to the pinnacle, catches up with someone in a moment, and shoots it into a ball of blood mist when he raises his hand, and then combines Primordial Spirit and Life -Source Magical Treasure, swallow all the heaven-swallowing cauldron to strengthen the source of the heaven-swallowing cauldron.

Chapter 1777 Retreat

“What the hell is this child, his strength is so terrifying, it is incredible!”

An old Immortal Emperor, was Yang Xuan was killed with bare hands, even being swallowed by Primordial Spirit and even magic weapon fragments. How terrifying and shocking this picture is.

At this moment, even Zhou Huang, who hates Yang Xuan deeply, feels cold all over his body and his scalp is numb.

Counting the person who died just now, Yang Xuan has already killed three cultivators in the imperial realm. This also includes powerhouses like Heavenly Thunder Sect Elder Ding Hepeng and the head teacher Wang Xuande.

You must know that whether it is Ding Hepeng or Wang Xuande, both of them are well-known figures in the Central Region. Everyone has cultivated endless years and is of the same level of strength. It can be said that the Holy Realm is not powerful, just No one can kill them.

An Immortal Emperor, or the existence of the cream of the crop in the Immortal Emperor, especially so easy to kill?

But at this moment, Yang Xuan happened to do it. It seems to be effortless. Zhou Huang and the others would never believe this unless he saw it with his own eyes.

“Skipping grades to kill Immortal Emperor is like slaughtering a dog. Even the Peak Immortal Emperor can’t stop its blow. Unless the Holy Realm comes, who can fight it?”

“Damn, I knew this kid was so perverted, I shouldn’t provoke him.”

“This is the end of the matter. What’s the use of this now? Let’s leave now, this Although the child’s battle strength is against the sky and the methods are amazing, it is also impossible to keep all of us behind.”

Even though the elder Immortal Emperor was afraid, they turned into one after another, and escaped. As fast as possible, during this period, some people grabbed Li Zhanteng, Long Chen and the others on the Huangtian Peak, and quickly swept under the Huangtian Peak.

Li Zhanteng, Long Chen and the others are all outstanding disciplines of their various families and sects. There must be no mistakes. If you can take it away, you have to take it away as much as possible.

“Want to go?”

Yang Xuan is coldly snorted, with five fingers between his fingers, like five peerless soldiers, with the breath of deprivation of years, toward the five emperors The cultivator shoots straight away, and even five of them have the Life-Source Magical Treasure protection, and it doesn’t work at all.

I only saw pieces of Life-Source Magical Treasure, which were bombarded by the force of the accusation, and the light of the whole body was dim, and the bodies of the next five people were also immediately bombarded into ashes by the force of the accusation.

This is the real flying ash annihilation. Even the Primordial Spirit is not spared. Even the midfield Heaven’s Chosen around them also points to the surplus of energy, and all of them disappeared.

“Dead, with a quick finger, kill five Great Emperor Realm experts and a few Heaven’s Chosen!”

“Too terrifying, this guy is really just an Immortal King Realm Is it?”

“It’s over, Old Ancestor is dead. They will definitely not let us go. Let’s go quickly. One can escape.”

Under the deserted peak, all People are like frightened birds, madly fleeing far away. They are all stunned by Yang Xuan’s very ruthless and tyrannical. They only want to escape from this place as soon as possible. Where can they dare to covet the Great Wilderness?

No matter how good the baby is, he has to have his life, let alone, they don’t think they can successfully climb the deserted peak, otherwise they will not retreat from the mountain before.

“the monk can run away, but the temple won’t run with him, do you think that if you go down the mountain, you can escape my chase?”

Yang Xuan sneered, ignoring the others at all. He fixed his eyes on Zhou Huang and the others, launching the big Void Technique all the way to pursue him.

Since you have offended him, you have to pay for it. Yang Xuan is not worried at the moment. Someone will take advantage of his absence and force him to win the inheritance of the Great Wilderness Art.

“Junior, if one can let people off, then spare them, anyway, behind me waiting, they all represent the great Super Influences of Zhongyu, you really want to kill us, when the time comes, no matter how big the entire ancient wilderness world is, there will be no place for you.”

A group of dozens of elder Immortal Emperors, by this time there are still a few people left, and one of the Emperor Peak’s expert, while running away.

If there is a chance, he would rather turn hostility into friendship with Yang Xuan than with Yang Xuan as an enemy.

“That’s right, we must know that we don’t represent individuals, but the strengths of several immortal daos. Behind various families and sects, there is at least one Holy Realm power in charge.”

Someone spoke again, although they tried to keep their tone as low as possible, but there was a hint of threat.

“The Holy Realm might dare to trouble me. If you kill me, why are you afraid of it?”

Where would Yang Xuan take these words seriously, in an instant People just caught up with Zhou Huang. Among so many people, Zhou Huang was the one who had to die. As for the others, Yang Xuan didn’t care whether he died or escaped.

“Go, send the news of the old man’s death back to the sect.”

Zhou Huang was shocked, knowing that he had no way out, so he could only fight to the death with Yang Xuan. However, before the fight, he threw Long Chen into the distance. Long Chen is the first True Disciple of their Divine Astral gate and must not die here.

“Elder Zhou!”

Long Chen yelled and wanted to come and help, but thinking of Yang Xuan’s greatness, he forcibly stopped this idea.

It is true that his strength is very strong, but no matter how strong he is, it is somewhat not up to par compared to Zhou Huang, and even Zhou Huang and other elders, Imperial Capital, are not Yang Xuan opponents, and were killed by Yang Xuan. Fleeing in embarrassment, even if he rushed forward, it was useless, but he would take his life in vain.

“It seems that I’m ready to die, but I’m just as you wish.”

Seeing Zhou Huang stopped, Yang Xuan slightly nodded, he took out Purgatory Sword. , The whole body is killing intent like tide.

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