Yang Xuan stood a few meters away, and did not deliberately hide his tracks. If it weren’t for the blue clothed young man who had just escaped from the Valley of the Souls and was not here in his heart, he would have discovered Yang Xuan long ago. Exists.

“Boy, your courage is not small, you dare to come to the Valley of the Dead alone! Let’s talk, who are you, what do you want to come to the Valley of the Dead?”

There are not many blue clothed youths I thought, stepping forward with a sneer and questioning, he couldn’t see through Yang Xuan’s cultivation base, but Yang Xuan looked very young, and his cultivation base was not as high as he wanted.

Speaking of which, even if Yang Xuan cultivation base is good, he will not take it seriously. After all, he is also the Heaven’s Chosen who has long been famous in the middle domain, with the cultivation of the Emperor Realm 4th Layer Heaven. base.

In the huge Zhongyu, only Li Zhanteng, Long Chen and a few Super Influence True Disciples can really give him a high look.

“Who am I, you are not qualified to know, I just ask you, have you ever seen such a woman.”

A brief description of Yang Xuan’s words After looking at Ji Yuechan’s appearance, although he knew that the woman in the blue clothed youth’s mouth was most likely Ji Yuechan, he was still ready to ask.

“so that’s how it is, it seems that you should know that woman, and it is not shallow.”

When the blue clothed youth heard Yang Xuan’s description, his face suddenly appeared A smile, almost without the slightest hesitation, instructed the people behind him: “Go to a few people and take this kid to this Young Master. This Young Master doesn’t know the origin of the woman. Maybe you can inquire through this child. Come out something.”

“Young Master, don’t worry, I’ll wait to catch this child for you.”

“Junior, you don’t have to resist anymore, obediently surrender. , So maybe you can suffer less.”

A group of several people came over with a grin on the order of the blue clothed youth. They are all experts of Immortal King Realm, among which the cultivation base is the highest. Even reaching the Immortal King Realm Peak, dealing with Yang Xuan is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain, I don’t even think that Yang Xuan can turn the sky.

“A few clowns, do you dare to do it to me?”

Yang Xuan pupil light got cold, and he didn’t see him doing it. He just opened his mouth and uttered the word “fixed”, and then a group Man lost control of his body and was suppressed on the spot.

“What’s going on?!”

“What kind of magic is this, no, we can’t move anymore.”

At this moment, exclaimed The voices were heard everywhere, and the few people who wanted to take down Yang Xuan felt that they had one’s hair stand on end, and the blue clothed youth, and the rest of the people behind the blue clothed youth, only felt their scalp and hair, and they were all cold.

In one sentence, it made several Immortal King Realm cultivators unable to move even a little bit. This method is simply weird.

“Kid hurry up and let go, I am Wang Family Young Master, if you dare to move me, my Wang Ming will kill you.”

The blue clothed youth is a little frightened and angry. shouted.

“Release people? Of course there is no problem.”

Yang Xuan grinned and smiled brightly. He waved his hand, and the imprisoned people were immediately freed. See By this scene, the blue clothed young man who claimed to be Wang Ming originally wanted to say that he knew him.

But soon, his face changed drastically. Only the few of his men who saw him suddenly killed him brazenly. The eyes of the few people were blood-red and murderous-looking, as if they were lost. With the sane, only the desire to kill is left.

“Crazy, Wang Quan and a few people are crazy.”

“damned bastard, you eaten a bear’s heart and a leopard’s gallbladder, dare to commit the following?”

“Kill, they are all controlled by others.”

Behind Wang Ming, another group of people came back to his senses, immediately shot, only to hear the loud noise of hong long long. With a large number of people, the Wang Family cultivator, which a few people dared to do with Wang Ming, became a piece of meat all over the floor.

However, although the rage was calmed down, everyone looked towards Yang Xuan and their eyes were filled with deep fear. This kid was too terrifying. With no difficulty, he controlled a few people , Let a few people use it for him.

“Well, okay, Fellow Daoist is really good for ability. This time I count Wang Ming admit defeat, let’s go.”

Wang Ming gnashing teeth is authentic, he is also very afraid of Yang Xuan , So even if a few of his subordinates died, he was unwilling to continue to have anger with Yang Xuan.

“Want to go?”

Yang Xuan squinted, and then stepped forward, blocking Wang Ming and the others’ path.

“Be forgiving and forgiving, the juniors really want to wait irreconcilable with me?”

A rickety old man of Emperor Realm 7th Layer, suddenly stepped behind Wang Ming Out.

This person is Wang Ming’s personal guard, and is also an expert sent by the Wang Family Patriarch to protect his son. He is much stronger than Wang Ming. It is precisely because of the protection of the old man. Wang Ming dared to enter the Valley of the Dead before.

“irreconcilable, do you deserve it too?”

Yang Xuan seemed to have heard a big joke, opened the mouth and said: “Even my origin is not clear, just I dare to beat my woman’s idea and force her into the Valley of the Dead. It’s not enough for you to die a hundred times.”

“Wait, is there any misunderstanding of Fellow Daoist? The woman entered by herself Wang Ming can swear by Heavenly Dao.”

Wang Ming said with a gloomy face, he didn’t at all tell lies, in fact he saw Ji At the same time as Yue Chan, Ji Yuechan was outside the Valley of the Dead, and immediately after the two sides hadn’t said a few words, Ji Yuechan rushed into the Valley of the Dead without hesitation.

“Misunderstanding? No, there is no misunderstanding. All you need to know is that anyone who dares to contaminate my woman will become a dead person.” Yang Xuan shook the head.


Wang Ming was furious.

“Young Master retreats, this child will be dealt with by the old man, huh, it’s just a little trick that manipulates people’s hearts that’s all, the old man doesn’t believe that he can control the old man.”

The old man coldly said, strode towards Yang Xuan, and released the imposing manner as he walked, fiercely pressing towards Yang Xuan.

Chapter 1785 All Destroyed

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