While Yang Xuan spoke, a swallowing power spread from within the body, swallowing all the Seven Emotions and Six Desires powers that had invaded within the body, and As he swallowed the power of Seven Emotions and Six Desires, his spirit willpower and even Primordial Spirit also faintly strengthened by several points.

Lord of the Mortal World, if you feel it, finally moved: “Impossible, you can actually refining the power of this palace!”

People have Seven Emotions and Six Desires, Lord of the Mortal World is just right With this power in hand, any blow carried the power of Seven Emotions and Six Desires, and Yang Xuan blocked her attacks one after another, and also swallowed the power of Seven Emotions and Six Desires contained in her attacks. She just feels incredible.

To know the power of her Seven Emotions and Six Desires, but even the great power of the Holy Land dare not care about it. In the past, relying on the power of Seven Emotions and Six Desires, she could easily suppress and kill the same level Powerhouse, many sacred realms who can hear her Lord of the Mortal World’s Da Ming will often be disgraced.

But now her Seven Emotions and Six Desires powers can’t be helped by Yang Xuan. Instead, Yang Xuan was absorbed by the refining to strengthen herself.

Yang Xuan sneered, “Old monster woman miscalculated, I really thought I didn’t have any support, so I would dare to take your hand?”

“Damn it, this palace knows, You want to prove the Tao with obsession!”

Lord of the Mortal World finally saw something, her face turned ugly in a flash, she walked on the path of unfeeling, only truly unfeeling, can she override Above all sentient beings’ passion and desire.

Yang Xuan is on the contrary. Obviously, he wants to prove the Tao, so he has a deep obsession, and even his own obsession, condense the Tao.

“Affection and ruthlessness are all within my thoughts. This is much stronger than your unfeeling way. I can only say that the strength of your old monster woman is naturally restrained by me.”

Yang Xuan said, while speaking, the person is also moving. He has never been the one who suffers. He has suffered two palms from the people of the red dust. Now he wants to give out some blood from the Lord of the Mortal World.

“bang bang bang! !!!”

However, in an instant, bursts of roar erupted in the void, and Yang Xuan relied on the strength of his fleshy body to face the Lord of The Mortal World launched a fierce attack, with terrifying force in every punch and kick.

Under this huge force, Lord of the Mortal World cultivation base is higher than Yang Xuan, but it can only be passively defended for a while. Yang Xuan not only has terrifying power, but also has an amazing attack speed. Very fast.

“Come on, old monster woman, don’t you treat me like an ant, clamoring to suppress me?”

Yang Xuan shouted, the more fights the more brave is, Giving full play to the advantages of the Underworld War Body, Lord of the Mortal World retreats steadily, and his face pales.

“Damn it, if Heavenly Dao in the Land of Eternal Silence was Great Dao of Destruction, which made this palace a little constrained, this palace could suppress and kill you with one hand.”

Lord of the Mortal World is very angry. With her unfeeling temperament, she has rarely been angry after so many, but in the face of the repeated provocations of such a junior Yang Xuan, her heart is full of Angry emotions.

“Old monster woman, I think you are better off. A ruthless person who suffers even if he lives. He is destined to be alone in his life.”

“Boy you are courting death!”

The man of the red dust was completely angered by Yang Xuan’s words, the red lotus print on the center of his eyebrows rioted, and a palm fiercely blasted forward, vomiting: “Desperate desire Palm!”

Yang Xuan complexion greatly changed, the Lord of the Mortal World in rage obviously used power beyond the emperor realm, and this palm was no longer a pure energy attack.

Since the palm energy attacked, an invisible Dao intent also struck Yang Xuan’s body first, causing Yang Xuan’s unbreakable Dao heart to tremble, even the original His clear eyes also became a little muddy.

And in the center of the battle, this is a very deadly weak spot.

Especially in powerhouse duels, every move can often determine the outcome, and there will be a mortal danger if you don’t pay attention.

“It turns out that this is her real power…”

Yang Xuan felt a sense of horror in his heart, Lord of the Mortal World this move desperately desperately desires to palm, simply Can wipe out the passions and desires in a person’s heart. This is his Daoist heart is strong, and he barely maintains the clarity of his heart. Otherwise, I am afraid that the spiritual wisdom will be annihilated instantly and become an unconscious. Of the living dead.


The murderous intention in the eyes of Lord of the Mortal World is strong and did not give Yang Xuan any breathing time. A palm of the breakthrough space hits Yang Xuan’s eyebrows. , This blow was her angry outburst, she couldn’t help but wipe out Yang Xuan’s passion and desire, and even severely inflicted Yang Xuan’s Primordial Spirit in one fell swoop.

Chapter 1796 is hit hard

“It is very rare in ancient times to prove the way by obsession. Even if there is, you will not be embraced by the world, boy, don’t say you are really bold. Choose this path, but no matter how enchanting your talent, no matter how strong your battle strength is, it is absolutely impossible to succeed.”

The voice of Lord of the Mortal World is indifferent and unforgiving. Strong through the void, as if surpassing the constraints of space and time, hit Yang Xuan heavily.

Yang Xuan was unavoidable, was hit by this palm and flew out, fiercely hitting the mountain protection restriction of Shengdao Mountain.


Along with the sound of shaking the sky, the mountain guard trembles violently, and in an instant there are countless cracks, almost reaching the limit that it can bear. This shows that Lord of the Mortal World’s blow How terrible is the destructive power?

“Is this the power that can be mastered by the power of the Holy Realm, it is terrifying!”

Yang Xuan stabilized his body and looked at the Lord of standing proudly in the distant void with cold eyes The Mortal World was full of shock.

Until now, he realized that he still underestimated Lord of the Mortal World.

The strength of this woman has obviously surpassed too many holy realm powers in the world, and it is simply invincible.

This is that he used the Demon God body in advance, and the fleshy body strength has been greatly improved, otherwise he will die without a burial site with just this blow.

“The prohibition of a very powerful, the ancestor of the Holy Path who was born in the land of eternal silence, seems to have some ability. If it were not for the years that have passed, the power of the prohibition has been weakened too much. I am afraid that even the main palace is difficult to shake.”

Lord of the Mortal World glanced at the mountain protection restriction of the Holy Road Mountain, and immediately turned his gaze to the top of the mountain, accepting inheritance, and his whole body was a streak of divine The light enveloped Ji Yuechan, frowning involuntarily.

“With me here, you would never want to set foot on this mountain easily.”

Yang Xuan shouted loudly, Ji Yuechan now, obviously has reached the most critical step. Once inheritance is successful, he said Uncertainty can really escape the control of Lord of the Mortal World.

“Yuechan is the dao fruit of this palace, if you dare to stop this palace, this palace has to abolish you.”

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