“No, the teacher wants to tell you more than this. In fact, what the teacher really wants to say is that the bloodline of this child is not controlled by the eternal ancestor demons. Rong, once he goes to the immortal world in the future, he will also be ruthlessly besieged by the Ancestral Demons.”

“Why is this?”

“This is not clear, after all this matter. It’s about the secrets of the ancestral demons. Okay, that’s all. I have to leave as a teacher.”

“Where are the Masters going?”

“As a teacher I will find a quiet place here to break through Dao Realm, and I will forcefully break through the barrier here and go to the immortal world.”

“Understood, then Master, please go slowly, the discipline is here. You succeeded easily.”

Ji Yuechan watched Liu Yuehong go away until the silhouette of the other party completely disappeared from the field of vision. Then he raised his head and refocused his eyes on Yang Xuan who was in Transcending Tribulation above.

hong long long! ! !

In the terrifying sea of ​​thunder, endless black thunder and lightning burst, and the violent rages carry the breath of Exterminating All Living Things, which is the Heavenly Dao tribulation thunder that the complete Avenue of Annihilation has turned into.

Under the destruction of the Heavenly Dao tribulation thunder, the ordinary Immortal Emperor came, and it had to be instantly turned into ashes.

But Yang Xuan, with a tenacious will, and a huge mountain-like body, forcibly carried it down, but even so, the countless black spots blasted his body. Her torn skin and gaping flesh, blood and water flying all over, only suffered extremely severe trauma at first sight.

“Nothing will happen, I have to trust him.”

Ji Yuechan endured her heartache and waited patiently on the ground. In her opinion, this dying Thunder Tribulation, also Impossible lasts for too long. As long as Yang Xuan can survive this period of time, he will be able to turn the crisis into peace if he wants to.

Even, I can take this opportunity to get a great opportunity.

Be aware that this is the original tribulation thunder of Heavenly Dao. Although it contains terrifying destructive energy, the most essential part can completely allow Yang Xuan to absorb refining and use it for growth. Self.

“After suffering such a serious injury, I didn’t even die. After all, my Demon God body is strong enough. Otherwise, I will almost certainly die this time. Even a glimmer of survival is impossible. Yes…”

Yang Xuan gritted his teeth, trying to maintain a trace and soberness and calm in his head. Under the massive black thunder and lightning strikes, his body was indeed severely injured, but the same Yes, the body and soul are being constantly tempered by this kind of thunder and lightning, rapidly becoming stronger.

“Crisis and opportunity coexist. Maybe after this catastrophe, I can make great progress in the cultivation base.”

Yang Xuan’s eyes flashed with light, only he knew that he Not only the body and soul are being strengthened, but even the Life Source fairy Origin Force within the body is rapidly climbing.

Originally, his cultivation base had just reached Immortal Emperor Realm 5 Heavenly Layer not long ago, but as the dark thunder and lightning of one after another was absorbed by him, his Life Source fairy Origin Force was becoming Getting stronger.

Unconsciously, the cultivation base has also reached the 5th Heavenly Layer of the Immortal Emperor Realm, reaching the 6th Layer of the Emperor Realm. This is still the cultivation base, and his roots in the doctrine have made rapid progress.

Practice, what you pay attention to is a clinging word. Only when the heart has obsessions can you be fearless of everything. To put it bluntly, this is a kind of power that originates from the heart.

“Swallow, I want to swallow more tribulation thunder, let these thunder and lightning all become part of my strength.”

Feeling that I am getting stronger and stronger, Yang Xuan There is no fear in his heart, there is just a kind of obsession that is almost crazy and paranoid, but even so, his mind is very clear.

This is the real way to prove the way. It looks crazy on the outside, but the heart is extremely calm. Only by calming down can you perfectly control the power of the way without being backlashed. For madness.

The time is not long, only 5 minutes of effort. The thunder sea and black thunder and lightning above all disappear without a trace, revealing the blue sky, the scene is as if everything was just an illusion just now.

But Yang Xuan knows that this is not his own illusion, he really experienced a catastrophe of life and death, and he finally succeeded in Transcending Tribulation and did not die under the tribulation thunder.

Not only that, but his strength has also been improved as never before. Apart from anything else, the cultivation base alone has reached Immortal Emperor Nine Layers Heaven in one fell swoop.

From Immortal Emperor Realm 5 Heavenly Layer, I jumped directly to Nine Layers Heaven, but it only took so little time. This cultivation speed is definitely a record that has never been approached and will never be approached again.

Chapter 1813 A Fate

“I wanted to use this to prove my way to sanctification, didn’t expect it was a missed move in the end, that’s all, maybe it’s my cultivation time Too short, not enough accumulation!”

Yang Xuan muttered to himself, he was a bit hasty in this Transcending Tribulation, it can also be said that he was forced to be helpless and desperate. After all, what he is facing is Lord of the Mortal World is such a fierce person.

The other party has lived for too long, and the cultivation base is so high that it has definitely reached the peak of the holy realm. It only takes one step to step into the Dao Realm and become an Eternal Immortal.

How can he not work hard when facing such a person?

Although the final sanctification failed, but fortunately, the cultivation base was also advanced by leaps and bounds, and it climbed to Immortal Emperor Nine Layers Heaven in one fell swoop.

“With my cultivation speed, plus a little chance, I should be able to reach the impeccable emperor realm soon.”

Yang Xuan’s eyes are bright, but then he feels again. Slightly heavy, the path he walked was very different, and the more alternative the path of certification, the more difficult it would be to become a saint and even aspire to Dao Realm.

“By practicing the way, you are acting against the sky. After all, I thought this path was too simple.”

Yang Xuan shook the head, He can faintly see that his path is being shrouded in an invisible and intangible mist, and no one can show him the way during this period, and no one can really help him.

But what about it, he is still fearless and dauntless.

Even if the road ahead is difficult, even if there are all kinds of horrors waiting for him on the road ahead, he will have to walk to the end, and he will be benevolent if he fails.

“Yang Xuan, are you okay?”

On the ground, Ji Yuechan asked with concern.

“It’s okay, Yuechan, wait for me below, I found something interesting.”

Up in the sky, Yang Xuan stood on the sky, with a faintly faintly at the corner of his mouth Discernable smile.

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