“Yes, you are the one who should be robbed. If this seat is expected to be good, you should be cultivated Taoism, right?”

Chapter 1828 and Eternal Silence Taoist Dialogue

PS: The virus is coming. Please pay attention to it. Recently, the child was hospitalized for infusion. Thirteen could not be updated in time. Sorry!

“Yes, Junior really cultivated Taoism. More precisely, Junior only comprehends a small part of Taoism’s Profound Truth that’s all.”

Yang Xuan Gong Sheng replied, there is nothing to hide about this, and he can also feel that the one in the dark is not malicious to him.

“There are two Scriptures of Taoism, and the one you are comprehending is the upper part.”

The voice in the dark.

“There are two upper and lower Taoist scriptures?”

Yang Xuan has a surprised look. He originally thought that he had obtained the complete Taoist scriptures, so he just had to keep trying to figure out the enlightenment In the future, it is possible to thoroughly master this ancient scripture.

But now it seems that his thoughts are grossly wrong. From start to finish, the Taoist scriptures he got are missing the lower half.

“The upper half of the Taoist Sutra, also known as the Taoist Sutra, is the one who can comprehend this Sutra, that is, the inquirer.” Mingmingzhong continued.

“Ask the Taoist scriptures and those who ask the Tao?”

Yang Xuan hearing this can’t help but be stunned, muttering to himself: “Junior once heard that the one who asked the Tao comes, the gate of eternal life Open, I don’t know what is the relationship between the two?”

“Since ancient times, the gate of immortality has suppressed the ghost world, and the questioner has mastered the method of opening the gate of immortality. In the depths of the gate of eternal life, there are still many ancient sages’ traditions and inheritance. All of them have boundless magical powers, and they are guarding the sealed passage in the depths of the gate of eternal life.”

Said in the voice.

“It turned out to be like this.”

Yang Xuan was suddenly nodded, and at the same time he understood the mission he was about to shoulder, and there was a faint heavy color between his eyebrows.

“You are an inquirer and an answerer. This is an indisputable fact. Even if you don’t want to admit it, you will not be able to stay alone in the future. In short, work hard on cultivation and read the Taoist scriptures as soon as possible. Half, only by truly penetrating the upper half of the Taoist Sutra can you open the door to immortality earlier and obtain the tradition and inheritance of the sages of the past.”

“Senior said that the sages of the past are who ?”

“My name is Eternal Silence, you just call me old. As for the sages of the past, whether they are the cultivation base or the attainments on the road, they are far beyond what I can compare today. They also once stood on the top of the pyramid, and they were invincible in ancient Chaos Realm.”

“Ancient Chaos Realm is?”

“Ancient Chaos Realm is another It is called Chaos Realm, which is Tao and law, rules and rules, the origin of all life. Unfortunately, the ancient Chaos Realm has experienced an unimaginable catastrophe, which caused it to collapse and the rules were lost. Even the entire world was destroyed. Hit all split up and in pieces.”

“What is terrifying so terrifying?”

“Your cultivation base is too low, and you know too much about some things, which may not be necessary for you It’s a good thing, so you don’t need to ask more. You only need to know that the Immortal World you are in, the immortal world at the end of Immortal World, and some ancient Small Worlds were once part of Chaos Realm.”

“Well, then Junior won’t ask more.”

“Well, the lower part of the Taoist scriptures has long been lost. You have to look for it in the future. What is it for you? For our world, they all have an effect that cannot be underestimated.”

“I don’t know what the second half of the classics is called?”

“The second half of the classics is also called The Creation Sutra, once you have comprehended the Creation Sutra, you can use it to teach all souls and create a Perfect World.”

“Understood, Junior will work hard to find it. “

“The upper and lower parts of the Taoist scriptures were originally a whole, and since you have comprehended the upper part of the Taoist scriptures, only you in this world can find the lower part and save me Chaos. Realm is in distress.”

“Senior, you must have learned about the situation in the Eternal Silence now. Can you help this tribulation survive this tribulation?”

” My real body is sleeping, The true spirit will not be able to descend on this tribulation for a while, so the next catastrophe in the Land of Eternal Silence can only rely on you and the Nirvana Thunder Spirit to deal with it. “

“Exterminate the Thunder Spirit? “

“It is the Spirit of Heavenly Dao of this world. This spirit was originally a thunderbolt giant of Chaos Realm, which was later attached to me and left in this world by me. “

“so that’s how it is. “

“Okay, the explanation is almost complete, I won’t say anything more, but because your cultivation base is too low, I still bestow you a treasure. Remember, this Treasure has great power, so remember not to use it until it is a last resort. “

The voice was still there, and Yang Xuan found that in his hand, there was an old talisman out of thin air. The palm-size talisman was brown and yellow, with many mysterious lines on it. Just looking at naked eye gives people an unfathomable power.

“This is a big talisman, a talisman took out, but Annihilating Everything, should be able to help you turn the situation around at a critical moment. “

“Many thanks Senior. “

“Don’t thank me, you and I are in the same way, and I look forward to the day when I can discuss the Tao with you in the realm of eternal life. “

“It is the blessing of Junior to cultivate in several generations to be able to talk with Senior. Junior can’t ask for it and look forward to that day. “

“Go, go to the Netherworld Daoling, it will explain the whole situation to you. “

Looking at the divine fragrance slowly burning out, Yang Xuan slowly stepped back from the five-color altar and came to stand beside Ji Yuechan.

“How is it? Didn’t get in touch with Taoist Eternal Silence? Will the opponent’s true spirit come again? ”

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