In the following time, the entire group didn’t stay here anymore, but moved towards the Desolate Forbidden Land with a companion.

During this period, Yang Xuan also took the time to find the Nirvana Lei Ling, as well as the dialogue with the Taoist Eternal Silence, and the upcoming catastrophe, all informed the Ku Taoist, the Emperor Monster Ancestor.

Learning what happened, Kudaoren and Emperor Monster Ancestor couldn’t help being a bit dignified between their eyebrows. They lived for too long, and they had faintly heard of the ghost world, and even knew those ghosts in the ghost world. Powerful.

That kind of power is not impossible to deal with, but difficult to kill. Ghosts almost have Undying Body, and simply cannot be killed. Once there are too many ghosts in this world, even they are difficult to kill. contend.

“There are so many people and great power, coupled with this big destruction talisman in the hands of the kid, it should be enough to deal with this catastrophe, the two Seniors don’t need to be so worried.”

Yang Xuan As he walked, he was going to a place called Jixi Leihai, which was also the place where Jixi Lei Ling existed, and Jixi Lei Hai was also a dangerous place in the depths of the Forbidden Land.

Heavenly Dao, who is in charge of the Land of Eternal Silence by Nirvana Lei Ling, is naturally not a place that ordinary people can set foot in. If nothing else, the infinite nirvana thunder and lightning in the nirvana thunder sea, Can easily kill the ordinary Saint.


Just as Yang Xuan and the others rushed to the sea of ​​nirvana, at the same time, a dark and dead area in the depths of the forbidden land of the wasteland also ushered in A group of uninvited guests.

A group of people, all of them exude a tyrannical aura, the head of the people, between their gestures, makes the void even more distorted.

“Dare to ask Mingzu, where are we going?” At this time, someone stepped forward to ask the leader, and this leader is also the Netherworld Ancestor. Old Demon didn’t know. What kind of magical powers were displayed, I don’t know when Spirit Transformation has been for an evil monster boy who looks only seven or eight years old and wears a magic robe.

Netherworld Ancestor squinted his eyes, looking at the dark and silent void in front of him, with a hint of intriguing rays of light flashing in his eyes, and said: “All of you will do your best to break the void in front of me. “

“Break the void? What is the Nether Ancestor doing?” Someone asked in a low voice, a group of people are all Demon Gods from the Netherworld, but they don’t know what Nether Nether Ancestor intends to come here. for.

“Where is that many nonsense, I will let you wait until you do it.” Nether Dark Ancestor stood on the armrest in midair, coldly shouted, and heard his words, all the Demon Gods Not daring to neglect, they used various methods to attack the void ahead.

hong long long! ! !

With a deafening sound, the void in front of it collapsed and shattered continuously, revealing wisps of cold and evil light, and the entanglement of those lights formed a huge light curtain.

“This is Jiebi!” When someone saw the light curtain, they immediately exclaimed.

“Yes, this is a boundary wall. To be precise, it should be a boundary wall that has been sealed.”

Netherworld Ancestor Dao.

“Dare to ask Mingzu, where is this Jiebi Queen?”

“jié jié, you really want to know, then quickly click to open the Jiebi.” Nether Dark Ming Zu Yin sadly said with a smile, but did not rush to make a move, but prepared to let the people under his hands consume part of the sealing power on the border.

The seal has always been sealed against the Seal World Bi, almost unshakable, but with the passage of time, the Jie Bi seal is far less powerful than it was in the past, and the Dark Nether Ancestor is completely sure to break it in half a day.

Chapter 1830 Preparing for Transcending Tribulation

In the depths of the barren forbidden area, there is an endless black sea. When the sea is tumbling, you can see lightning and thunder, rumbling, and great momentum.

This piece of black sea, which is not known exactly how big it is, is the legendary nirvana thunder sea. In it, there is a powerful nirvana thunder spirit, and nirvana thunder spirit also completely controls the entire eternal The rules and order of the Land of Silence, Heavenly Dao, who calls it the Land of Eternal Silence, is no exaggeration.

“What a terrifying Thunder Sea, this place is worthy of being a forbidden area in the Land of Eternal Silence. If I don’t get the approval of the Nying Thunder Spirit, I will wait for the simply impossible to pass.”

All the way to Jixi Lei Abroad, it is better than Emperor Jun Monster Ancestor, and I can’t help being a little confused, and beside the Emperor Jun Monster Ancestor, the two monks Jingde and Kudaoren also showed a look of shock.

This endless sea of ​​thunder and lightning contains the terrifying and terrifying thunder and lightning. Once a creature dares to set foot in it, it will be wiped out by these thunder and lightning.

Destruction Divine Thunder represents destruction. It is the real Destruction Divine Thunder, and Saint can hardly resist.

“Yang Xuan, how shall we go now?” Ji Yuechan asked, standing beside Yang Xuan.

“You can’t break into this place, you can only let the nirvana Railing open the way for me.”

Yang Xuan while speaking, step forward and shout out to the distance:” Junior Yang Xuan, come here to see Senior, and invite Senior to show up.”

On other people’s territory, no matter how conceited he is, he does not dare to impudent. Besides, he also has a cherished view of Nirvana Thunder Spirit. has several points of awe and gratitude. In fact, he has received a source of nirvana from the other party. His strength can be advanced by leaps and bounds in a short time.

“Come in, my lord has already explained to me not long ago, you can ask me anything you want later.”

A voice like thunder sounded, Then the whole piece of Nirvana Leihai separated from the middle to the two sides, revealing a void bridge leading to the distance in the middle.

“Let’s go over.”

Yang Xuan didn’t hesitate to see this scene. He immediately took Ji Yuechan and stepped onto this void bridge, moving towards Walk across the bridge.

And Emperor Jun Monster Ancestor, the dead man, and the monk Jingde came back to his senses, and followed along the bridge of the void.


The bridge of the void is very long. Yang Xuan and the others walked for about 5 minutes before crossing the past and came to an unknown mysterious space.

Obviously, this is a Small World. You can’t feel any time passing here, everything seems to be still.

Only at the end of the space, you can see a huge and boundless giant with a dazzling lightning surging all over, sitting cross-legged there, you can hear it like a mountain cry out and The sound like sea howl.

“Yang Xuan has seen Senior.”

Yang Xuan cup one fist in the other hand salutes, facing this thunder and lightning giant, his face still has a little awe The color, in terms of strength, no one on the scene can be the opponent of the opponent, even if everyone joins hands, they will never be able to match the opponent.

As the master of the Eternal Silence Land, the strength of Nirvana Lei Ling is undoubtedly strong. If not, it would be impossible to be guarded by the Eternal Silence Daoist in the past.

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