The endless spirit vein was destroyed, and countless large lakes were sunk. All the lake water evaporated and turned into huge dry pits. During this period, many creatures With the cultivator, they escaped early and tried their best to stay away from the battlefield.

Otherwise, in this hundreds thousand li area, the people are plunged into an abyss of misery, and there are countless casualties.

Even so, many creatures and cultivators suffered terribly, mainly because they escaped too slowly. They were all killed in this shocking battle. They turned into dust, and even the corpses could not be kept. Coming down, it was like being erased by invisible power in an instant.

Even in this battle, the legendary barren forbidden land was crushed and turned into a flat ground, completely exposed to the eyes of the world, but at this moment, no one dared to look closely and just wanted to escape Far away.

This battle is too terrifying, and the scope is so large that countless people feel fear from the bottom of their hearts, and if this battle continues, it will definitely become a catastrophe for them. People can escape.

hong long long!

The war was fierce. Both the Netherworld Raiders and the Dark Avatar were wounded, and they continued to fall into the sky with blood and water, but they did not care about them. There was no frowned, they were all doing their magic and fighting.

“A few, let’s do it together to kill this dog!”

Yang Xuan has watched the battle for a long time, and immediately decided to take action, but before doing it, he still gave Ji Yuechan away Only in a place of absolute safety did he inspire the Demon God body, an incarnation giant, to kill the dark Avatar on the distant void.

“Let’s do it too!”

Ku Dao Ren, Emperor Jun Monster Ancestor glanced at each other, and accompanied Yang Xuan to kill the Dark Avatar, and finally, Monk Jing De, neither Watching from the wall, the chanting Buddha attacked the Dark Avatar.

“A group of ants also wanted to come and kill me. It was just courting death.” The dark Avatar roared, the howling turned into sound waves, with a strong mental impact, rushing towards the incoming Yang Xuan, withered. Taoist and the others.

Chapter 1842 Refining the Mirror


Yang Xuan sneered, saying: “As a ghost, the predecessor is also a human. Have you heard that too many ants can kill elephants?”

“Ignorant humans, you will soon be conceited and pay the price for you.”

Dark Avatar said .

“Stop talking nonsense, take my punch first.” Yang Xuan took the lead, shuttling through the void, and punched with all his strength. With his current cultivation base, coupled with Great Success Realm’s Ming The Demon God body, with a punch, is also enough to destroy a vast mountain of several tens of thousands of li.

However, his momentum is big, power is deep, and a punch that is as fast as lightning, but was easily avoided by the Dark Avatar. The opponent seems to have the powerful perception of an unknown prophet, and he has already clearly understood this The fist’s line of attack, his figure swayed slightly, and he went elsewhere, really like a ghost.

“Did it?”

Yang Xuan vision freezes, he said this fist is a sneak attack, but didn’t expect missed it and failed to hit the target .

“The ants are ants, and they want to hurt me too. It’s sad and ridiculous.” The dark Avatar is like a god and a devil, standing in the sky, emitting a coldly snorted from his nose, as the ghost of Ruler Level, even the deity. He didn’t make it in person, his Avatar was also strong enough.

This kind of power is not only the fleshy body, but also the spirit strength. He only needs to let go of the spirit strength to avoid all attacks from the outside world in advance. Of course, there are limits to this kind of avoidance, such as Silence Thunder He could not completely chop off the attack of the spirit.

There is no way, the strength of Nirvana Railing is too strong, and when the strength reaches a certain level, it is as powerful as he is impossible to ignore.

“Buddha light illuminating everything!”

“Life and death!”

“Twelve monster-shaped fists!”

As the ghostly Avatar spoke, the attacks of the three monk Jingde, the dead man, and the Emperor Monster Ancestor also came instantaneously. Among them, the monk Jingde ascended all over the Buddha’s radiance, like the reincarnation of a holy Buddha, able to save all evil in the world.

And withered Dao Ren and Emperor Jun Monster Ancestor, in order to achieve one strike certain kill, they did not keep their hands, but because of this, they still failed to hurt the dark Avatar.

The Dark Avatar didn’t even dodge, only relying on the virtual reality of the fleshy body to dodge the attack of the three.

“Use Spirit Attack!”

Yang Xuan slightly hesitated, quickly made a decision, and as his words fell, a huge and mysterious formation diagram appeared out of thin air On top of the gloomy Avatar’s head, the rotating room was like a grinding wheel, and the whole body shone with dazzling brilliance.

“What!?” Feeling his spirit strength, he was rushing towards the formation diagram above his head uncontrollably, and a look of shock could not help showing on the dark Avatar’s face.

“This is my formation diagram, are you strong in spirit strength? Now just lend me some.” Yang Xuan body moved, jumped onto the formation diagram, and sat cross-legged on it Down.

He has been cultivating Divine Refining Technique all the year round, and the formation diagram has already reached its extreme. Once the whole real diagram is unfolded, it can swallow the spirit strength of the outside world.

“Damn kid, you are courting death!” The dark Avatar is extremely angry. He never thought that one day he would be plundered by a human cultivator for his spirit strength.

It is true that this kind of plundering speed is not fast, but as time goes by, he will also lose a lot of spirit strength for this, and fall into weakness, and once this happens, it will also give The Nirvana Thunder Spirit not far away can take this opportunity.

He can ignore the attack of Yang Xuan and the others, but he does not dare to underestimate the attack of Nirvana Lei Ling.

“You did good.”

Netherworld Lei Ling was slightly nodded, and immediately launched a fierce attack on the Dark Avatar, so that the Dark Avatar had no time to pay attention to Yang Xuan, and during this time, the dead man , Dijun Monster Ancestor and Monk Jingde were not idle either, and the three of them displayed the spiritual secret technique one after another, besieging the dark Avatar.

After all, the spirit strength of the old Saint, the three of them is far inferior to the dark Avatar, but compared to the ordinary Saint, it is also very tyrannical, let alone the three of them using the spiritual secret technique at this moment, the Spirit Attack is even more terrifying it.

Strong as the Dark Avatar, it was also made extremely embarrassed and issued a series of sky-shaking roars.

“Damn it, you deserve to die if you wait.”

The anger is so extreme that the Dark Avatar can’t care about that many anymore, and directly rely on the Avatar to go from the distant ghost world deity. Mobilize the power of the deity.

That is a terrifying force that transcends Saint. This force is transmitted through the black cracks in the distance, instantly causing the dark Avatar to burst out with a breath of destroying heaven extinguishing earth.

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