Seeing this, the man frowned, who was about to say something, saw Yang Xuan and several people here, coldly beckoning: “You guys come over and kill the Stoneman puppet with me. “

Chapter 175 Wanted to Scrape

“Hehe, why?”

“For whatever reason, Laozi’s fist is bigger than you.”

“Do you have a big fist, I don’t believe it.”

“Haha, kid, I have to say that you are courageous, but you think you can rely on your skinny body Can you deal with me?”

“Nonsense, come to fight, and kill you with one punch.”

As soon as this statement came out, the crowds in the square were shocked, all staring dumbfounded. Yang Xuan, Yang Xuan, what is the origin of this child? The next year is not very big, and the tone is not small. He actually uttered wild words to punched the big man.

In this weird hall, the sea of ​​Qi is imprisoned by mysterious power, unable to stimulate vitality. Everyone understands the importance of the fleshy body. It can be said that the stronger the fleshy body, the stronger the strength, no one thinks Yang Xuan, a weak young man, can kill a big man, let alone punched, this is absolutely impossible.

Xia Yuwei and a few people were surprised when they heard Yang Xuan’s rhetoric, but they were relieved quickly. The reason is simple. Since Yang Xuan debuted, his famous fleshy body is powerful and punched. Dahan is not impossible.

“Boy, what are you talking about?” The big man yelled, and a pair of eyes breathed fire. He was so angry that he had already decided to kill Yang Xuan to vent his anger.

“Are your ears bad, I said one punch will kill you.” Yang Xuan casually said, he is not afraid of anyone in the circumstance where the sea of ​​anger is imprisoned.

“Damn it, you bastard are not afraid that the wind will flash your tongue.” The big man exploded his lungs, killing intent overflowing heaven, striding towards Yang Xuan, his fleshy body is indeed powerful, one step The ground shook slightly as he rushed forward.

“The sea of ​​air is sealed, you are an ant in my eyes.” Yang Xuan yelled wildly, cold light blooming in his eyes, black hair flying, flying in the sky, killing him in a terrifying imposing manner , Hit the opponent with a punch.


Unsurprisingly, the big man died, and even Yang Xuan couldn’t catch a punch. His strong body exploded and his flesh and blood spattered.

“gu lu…” All the people in the square swallowed secretly. A burly man shaped like an Iron Pagoda was actually like this. Yang Xuan, a young man with small arms and legs, punched and exploded. It is unbelievable.

“Ai, worthy of being a young murderer, really as brutal as the rumors!” Cheng Shaofeng shook his head and smiled bitterly. His cultivation has killed many people so far, but when it comes to the degree of brutality, he is far Far less than Yang Xuan, this guy is too violent.

“What a savage kid!” Xia Yuwei muttered, also feeling that Yang Xuan was too bloody.

Zhou Hu and Lu An were silent. The two seemed to know Yang Xuan again. Astonished expressions appeared on their faces. In the eyes of the two, Yang Xuan at this moment is no longer the frivolous. , The youth of harmless to humans and animals, and is a to kill the gods, and regard human life as grass.


Liu Yueer couldn’t hold it anymore. She squatted down and vomited. The bloody picture of her exploding body was still in her mind, so Her stomach was surging, look pale.

Kang Dang!

At the same time, there was a crisp sound, and a golden short blade fell from mid-air and landed at Yang Xuan’s feet.

“Spiritual Artifact!” The people on the square stared at the golden short blade with fiery eyes, but they didn’t dare to cross the thunder pool for half a step when they thought of the big man being killed by Yang Xuan.

“Everyone, this short blade belongs to me, don’t you have any comments?” Yang Xuan bent slightly, picked up the short blade at a moderate pace, and looked up towards the crowd not far away , Asked with a smile.

The crowd is speechless. Yang Xuan is powerful and brutal. They can have any opinions, but they dare not have any opinions.

“It seems that you have no objections, then this Spiritual Artifact belongs to me.” Yang Xuan happily’s laughed, did not say any more, and included the short blade in the storage ring, which is required by the Spiritual Artifact Only by recognizing the Master can the formidable power be brought into play, and he doesn’t have much effect in his hand.

“You, you are Seven Mysteries Sect Yang Xuan!?” Suddenly, someone’s eyes widened, as if recognizing Yang Xuan, his mouth was crying out in surprise.

“What, he is Yang Xuan, the young murderer!?” The crowd was in an uproar. Among these people, the martial artists on Stars Island accounted for a minority, and the overwhelming majority were all foreign martial artists, and Yang was not immediately recognized. Xuan is not surprising to come.

“Yes, I am Yang Xuan.”

“It turned out to be Young Hero Yang. No wonder, that man died innocently.”

Someone Cup one fist in the other hand smiled. This is a local martial artist on Stars Island. He understands Yang Xuan, a young genius like the sun at high noon, very clearly. He understands that even if Yang Xuan can’t use his vitality, he only relies on fleshy body. There is also the strength of skipping grades to kill.

Yang Xuan did not answer, turned his head and said to Xia Yuwei, “I’m going to kill the Stoneman puppets, you guys do it yourself.”

After that, the singlehanded one is deep into the square. Walked to the stone platform.

“This, Senior Sister Xia, what shall we do now?” Cheng Shaofeng asked.

“What can we do, do you think we can deal with a Stoneman puppet with a few of us?”

Xia Yuwei said in a bad mood. If Qihai is not imprisoned, they will join forces. It may be possible to deal with a Stoneman puppet, but the sea of ​​Qi is imprisoned and they can only be spectators.

On the square, the crowd was whispering when they saw Yang Xuan walking towards the stone platform. Some people did not believe in evil: “We will have to attack for a long time to destroy a Stoneman puppet. Can he do it alone?”

“At first glance, you are a foreign martial artist, who is he, he is Yang Xuan, the famous Fleshy body is powerful, with his current fleshy body, skipping grades to kill, the ordinary realm Martial artist is easy.”

“It’s really as good as what you said!?”

“If you don’t believe it, go to him and learn from him.”


Yang Xuan moved forward slowly. When he approached the stone platform two zhang distance, a three-meter-high Stoneman puppet on the edge of the stone platform moved.

With a bang, the huge Stoneman puppet leapt out and rushed towards Yang Xuan.

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