“It’s too impudent, it’s supercilious.”

“Yang Xuan, you figure it out clearly, once you do it today, my god Roaming Sect will never give up.”

A group of gods, Roaming Sect Inner Disciple, shouted out one by one. They looked violent, but were obviously lacking in spirit.

The reason is very simple, Yang Xuan comprehended sword intent, can kill Yao Yifeng with one sword, and naturally can also kill them with one sword. Once a war starts, I am afraid that they will all have to fight except Jiang Fei. Stay here.

“Yang Xuan, if one can let people off, then spare them, everything will be done absolutely, and no one will end well.” Lu An also spoke, he regretted that he hadn鈥檛 waited much before. If he knew that Yang Xuan was not dead, how could he have turned to Jiang Fei?

“You are worthy of talking to me if one can let people off, then spare them. It’s ridiculous.” Yang Xuan sneered and drew his sword to Lu An.

“Ah!” Lu An screamed, his eyebrows were pierced by a sword energy, and the corpse was on the spot.

“Yang Xuan, enough, you have killed the two Inner Disciples of my god Roaming Sect. Are you really going to provoke my god Roaming Sect to fight with your Seven Mysteries Sect Sect?” Jiang Fei In a violent rage, Yang Xuan comprehended sword intent, shot extremely fast, as powerful as he was too late to stop it, and could only watch Yao Yifeng and Lu An die tragically.

“Sect battle, what are you kidding about? Even if the news of my killing you spreads, your god Roaming Sect Sect Master dare not act blindly without thinking.” Yang Xuan disdainfully said, what Sect The Great War was based on the two sects. With Yan Changkong鈥檚 cultivation base, one person was enough to smooth out the god Roaming Sect. The god Roaming Sect taught Tu Tianjue unless he was crazy, how dare he and Seven Mysteries Sect? Go to war?

“Okay, very good, it seems that today’s things cannot be good.” Jiang Fei gnashing one’s teeth said, behind him, nine bronze gates two meters wide and three meters high emerged.

“Oh, the weird Martial Spirit!” Yang Xuan squinted.


Jiang Fei didn鈥檛 say anything. With a wave of his big hand, the nine bronze gates moved and turned into nine light beams. Yang Xuan just came back to his senses , I found that nine bronze gates appeared around him, oppressing him.

“Yang Xuan, be careful!” Xia Yuwei was shocked. She also knew that Jiang Fei had awakened the strange Martial Spirit, and she was afraid that Yang Xuan could not block the nine doors.

weng weng weng!

The nine bronze gates tremble, exuding a terrifying squeezing force, some are similar to the gravity field, but much more terrifying than the gravity field, Inside the nine gates, Yang Xuan not only felt heavy, but the fleshy body seemed to be crushed by a strange force field.

“Yang Xuan, you can force me to use Life Source Martial Spirit, and I can look down upon death.”

Jiang Fei’s black hair soared to the sky, and he shouted furiously: “suppress and kill !”

As soon as the voice fell, the nine bronze gates vibrated violently, pressing against Yang Xuan instantly.

“Nine poles collapsed, break for me!”

Yang Xuan stepped out and punched on a bronze gate in front of him, making a loud bang, and the bronze gate also The one who was beaten backed up a full half a meter, but this thing was so hard that Yang Xuan was strong as an ox, and he couldn’t do any damage to it.

“haha, Yang Xuan, you are dead. Except for a few people on Stars Island, few peers can break my Senior Brother Jiang’s Life Source Martial Spirit.” A god Roaming Sect Inner Disciple laughed.

“Yang Xuan, let you be amazed, you are only a trifling martial artist of the 6 Heavenly Layer of Ning Yuan Jing, just die for me.” Jiang Fei coldly shouted, controlling the nine gates. Live in Yang Xuan, and continue to press Yang Xuan up, will suppress and kill him into scum.

“Pull the sword technique and break it to Lao Tzu!” Yang Xuan drew decisively, urging the sword intent, and slashed towards the bronze gate in front of him.

This blow was too terrifying, as if it could tear everything apart, just listening to a crisp sound of ka-cha, the bronze gate in front of Yang Xuan suddenly cracked, Jiang Fei also suffered, and his throat was sweet. A puff of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

“Ah, suppress and kill for me!” Jiang Fei was extremely angry and howled, ignoring Divine Soul’s damage, controlling the nine bronze gates with all his strength, fiercely pressing against Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan is fearless, with a straight sword, the sword energy on the sword body is compressed, and the sharpness is extreme, and the bronze gate in front of him is smashed to pieces with a bang.

“How is it possible!” A group of gods Roaming Sect Inner Disciple turn pale with fright.

“Blood wings, speed, kill!” The Yang Xuan people walked with the sword, spurred the blood wings, turned into a ghostly blood shadow, and killed Jiang Fei at an incomparable speed.

Jiang Fei’s soul went wild, and quickly dodged sideways.

Yang Xuan abandons him, the whole person is cast off, whistled past from the side of a group of more than ten gods, Roaming Sect Inner Disciple.

puff puff puff!

The fascinating blood blossoms bloomed, and all the people were killed by him, violent death.

“What a terrifying strength!” Xia Yuwei saw Yang Xuan defeat Jiang Fei’s Life Source Martial Spirit, and then beheaded a group of more than ten gods Roaming Sect Inner Disciple with extreme speed, and their hearts were lifted. Overwhelming waves.

They can’t imagine how strong Yang Xuan is.

Chapter 182 The melee

“Dead, all dead!” Jiang Fei’s face turned pale, his hands and feet were cold, this is a group of experts in the realm of the realm, so he was so caught Yang Xuan killed.

“The reason why they die is all because of you.” Yang Xuan coldly said, a pair of blood wings stretched out on the ribs, shining bright radiance, and the whole person suspended in the air, looking down condescendingly. Jiang Fei in the distance.

“Senior Sister, what is that pair of wings?” Liu Yueer asked blankly with her small red mouth open. Cheng Shaofeng and Zhou Hu were also a little stupid. They couldn’t imagine that a human being could actually Grow wings! ?

Xia Yuwei didn’t answer, she couldn’t calm down, and she doubted whether Yang Xuan was a human being.

“Suppress and kill for me!” Suddenly, a roar came, Xia Yuwei came back to his senses and saw the remaining eight bronze gates turned into eight beams of light, trapping Yang Xuan in Among them, Jiang Fei retreated without a fight, fleeing far and wide, just like a stray dog.

“A few pieces of broken copper and iron also want to trap me and break me!” Yang Xuan shouted, with the golden light sword in his hand glowing, with a peerless edge, a sharp sword energy hit the one in front of him This bronze gate.


The bronze gate burst and the sword energy whizzed out, hitting a dilapidated building in the distance, causing a big explosion, and the dust was flying.

“Kill!” Yang Xuan’s bloody wings spread out, turning into a bloody beam of light and shatter void.

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