This body possession and anti-body possession are the most dangerous catastrophes Yang Xuan has encountered in his life. From the Remnant Soul of Xuan Old Ghost Yin into his Sea of ​​Consciousness to the present, It was only two seconds before and after, but Yang Xuan felt that he had made a turn outside the gates of hell, and the movement was consigned to eternal damnation.

“I don’t know if Spirit Transformation light can heal Divine Soul?”

Suddenly, Yang Xuan muttered, and his eyes fell on the colorful beam of light that burst out at that time.

“So beautiful!”

Yang Xuan spit out two words, compliments from the heart, and gradually, he slowly got up from the ground, his body involuntarily facing the colorful Walking towards the stone platform where the beam of light was located, it was like a demon.

Study of Spirit Transformation light baptism, a martial artist cultivation base of 7 Heavenly Layer of Ning Yuan Realm can at least break through to the real Gang Realm, and can also clean up Divine Soul and turn waste materials into geniuses. Called Guards.

Yang Xuan dragged his tired body, slowly walked to the stone platform, his eyes fiery looking at the colorful beam of light gushing endlessly on the stone platform, and feeling the aura of good fortune emitted by the beam of light, he without the Slightest hesitation, jumped onto the stone platform and entered the colorful beam of light.

Chapter 186 advanced by leaps and bounds

“It’s so cool!”

Yang Xuan sits on the ground, letting the colorful beams of light wash his body, I feel uncomfortable and intoxicated.

At the same time, he also divided a few thoughts and looked at his body carefully, and found that the dots of colorful brilliance penetrated his pores, penetrated into his body, and then divided into two strands, one rushing to the Sea of Consciousness, refining the Divine Soul, sinking into the sea of ​​energy, blending into your own vitality.

There is no need to refining the Great Burning Heaven at all. Yang Xuan found that the vitality in his Qi Sea was growing at a rate visible to naked eye.

“haha, I will definitely be able to break through to the real gang this time!”

Yang Xuan was so excited, he did not deliberately absorb the light of Spirit Transformation, because there was no Necessary, the spirit of creating Spirit Transformation is infinite, and it is pouring into his body all the time, purifying his Divine Soul and strengthening his vitality.

Yang Xuan enjoys this process very much, with a pleasant smile at the corner of his mouth, his eyes are closed and closed, accepting the baptism that creates the light of Spirit Transformation.

This is great good fortune, much better than the supreme blood.

It’s no exaggeration to say that the Supreme will lose his mind and go crazy when seeing Spirit Transformation just this thing, but now it’s cheaper than Yang Xuan.

Time is passing slowly, one hour has passed, and the colorful beam of light has also changed. The thickness of the colorful beam of light of the original bucket has been reduced by nearly twice, but Yang Xuan has fallen asleep long ago, and has nothing to do with the outside world. know.

Unconsciously, another hour passed, Yang Xuan still hadn’t woken up, and the colorful beam of light had disappeared.

No, it can’t be said to have disappeared, but turned into a dazzling colorful bead the size of a goose egg. This pearl is suspended above Yang Xuan’s head, in the whirlpool, sometimes a little bit The colorful brilliance fell down and submerged into Yang Xuan’s body.

Time flies, one hour later, the colorful beads are only the size of a fingernail.


At this moment, the colorful beads suddenly flashed and then burst open, turning into an extremely pure colorful light beam, poured into Yang Xuan’s body.

hong long!

A loud thunder-like noise came from Yang Xuan within the body, and Yang Xuan suddenly burst into an extremely tyrannical imposing manner. This is Origin Qi fluctuation. It swept away like a mountain torrent, and it was still climbing.

The imposing manner is rising very quickly. With the sound of crash-bang from Yang Xuan within the body, the vitality in Yang Xuan’s Qihai has undergone a qualitative change.

Originally, Yang Xuan’s vitality in the sea of ​​qi was gaseous, but in just a few breaths, all the vitality of his qi sea turned into liquid, drop by drop of scarlet gold liquid swirled, and finally fuse together , Full of palm-size, exudes powerful energy fluctuations.

“It’s a real gangway!”

Yang Xuan raised his eyelids lightly, and then slowly opened his eyes.

However, this is not over yet. Yang Xuan found that the Origin Qi fluctuation exuded from his body is still increasing, but the rate of improvement is very slow.

In 5 minutes of effort, Origin Qi fluctuation disappeared, Yang Xuan also jumped from the ground, the unstoppable madness said with a smile: “The name of Spirit Transformation is not in vain. It made me break through to Heavenly Layer 2 Heavenly Layer in one fell swoop!”

Compared with the Ning Yuan realm, the real real realm is an all new realm. Yang Xuan can clearly feel the true essence in the Qi sea. It contains terrifying destructive power.


He lightly shouted in his mouth, raised his hand to make a palm, and saw a red golden rays of light scratching shatter void, and then the distant rock wall suddenly There was a big explosion, and after the smoke and dust dissipated, a large pit with a radius of several meters and a depth of seven or eight meters appeared on the rock wall.

“haha, the destructive power of the really strong, even if I don’t use the sword technique, blood wing, flame explosion, battle puppet, dark Martial Spirit, a single blow is enough to kill the Eight Nine in the realm The expert of Layers Heaven!”

Yang Xuan laughed loudly and was so excited that he couldn’t help himself.

For a long time, the smile on his face narrowed, looking inwardly at Sea of ​​Consciousness, and he realized that his Divine Soul had also undergone amazing changes.

Before Spirit Transformation light baptism was created, his Divine Soul was white foggy, but now, the volume of Divine Soul has grown a lot, and the surface is even stained with a hazy colorful mist.

“This is the Qi of Good Fortune!”

Yang Xuan’s spirit was lifted, his eyes bloomed with divine light, and he understood that the colorful mist is the Qi of good fortune, and this Qi guards Divine Soul, Even if you encounter body possession in the future, others will never want to occupy your own body.

Took a deep breath, forcibly suppressing the turbulent emotions in his heart, Yang Xuan released his perception, and found that his perception had not unexpectedly increased a lot, and he was able to detect movement within a radius of 500 zhang.

A martial artist of 2 Heavenly Layer, his perception is between two hundred zhang and three hundred zhang, but Yang Xuan’s perception has reached a radius of 500 zhang. This aspect is Yang Xuan cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds, on the other hand is to create the role of Spirit Transformation light.

Creating Spirit Transformation is nothing but a great fortune. It is by no means as simple as Yan Changkong said. It possesses all sorts of wonders. Yang Xuan knows that there is an increasing cultivation base, to refine the Divine Soul, enhance perception, and heal Divine. Soul is injured.

As for whether there is any other magic, Yang Xuan needs to figure it out by himself in the future.


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