Blood and white brains splash.

The scene was very shocking. The people nearby were all dumbfounded. This blue clothed man, the leader of their team, the expert of the 6 Heavenly Layer in the realm of truth, was turned off by someone like this, Yang Xuan, a teenager. It’s almost like a Demon King.

“Escape!” Regardless of whether or not they could escape, the crowd clashed and scattered, fleeing desperately.

“Blood wings, speed, kill!”

Yang Xuan coldly shouted, a pair of blood-colored giant wings emerged from the ribs, and rushed out at a very fast speed. With a few puff puff sounds, several martial artists who had escaped the slowest were killed. Everyone was pierced in his throat by his golden light sword and fell into a pool of blood.

Shen Yuexin’s apricot eyes widened, and she seriously doubted whether the young man in her eyes was Yang Xuan. He was too terrifying, and it was like a murderous man, who was able to strike across a group of martial artists in the realm. Killing.

For a moment, she realized that there was Su Ziyao beside her and asked provocatively: “Hey, that kid is really Yang Xuan!?”

“That’s right.” Su Ziyao is nodded cold or hot.

“Then his cultivation base?”

“Wait for him to come back and ask him personally.”



Shen Yuexin Emei wrinkled slightly and glared at Su Ziyao without saying anything. When she looked up, she happened to see Yang Xuan walking back with his sword.

“All killed!?” Shen Yuexin asked, and then added: “You are really Yang Xuan!?”

“If I wasn’t for Yang Xuan, I would be rare Whether you live or die.”

“Your cultivation base?”

“Good luck, I met the Spirit Transformation light.”

“What did you say, Create Spirit Transformation Light!”

“Okay, don’t scream, let’s leave quickly, otherwise it will attract ancient relics and we will all die.”

Then, Yang Xuan grabbed Su Ziyao’s jade hand and left.

“Damn it, wait for me.” Shen Yuexin stomped and chased after her.

On the way, Little Demoness bounced and jumped, saliva splashed across Yang Xuan, a satyr, a gangster, a heartless man, eating from a bowl and looking at the pot, I knew I was drenched in flowers and grass outside. Yang Xuan was really impatient to hear, shouted: “Okay, shut up, don’t shut up again, don’t blame me for leaving you, let you live and die in this deep mountain and old forest.”

“To me What’s wrong, did I make a mistake?” Shen Yuexin waved her pink fist, gnash the teeth with hatred.

Yang Xuan looked like he hadn’t seen him, and whispered to Su Ziyao as he walked.

Shen Yuexin was stunned and asked: “smelly brat, Qin Senior Sister Lan, why didn’t he stay with you?”

hearing this, Yang Xuan was about to answer, just Perceived that the spirit jade in his arms had a reaction, the reaction was very weak, but he still felt it clearly. He took out the spirit jade from his arms, and then found that the thing was trembling slightly.

“What is this!?” Su Ziyao was curious.

“This is a spirit jade. Qin Lan and I have one piece on each. Within 20 li of each other, there will be a strange feeling between the two spirit jade.”

Yang Xuan explained, and immediately grabbed Su Ziyao with one hand, and Shen Yuexin with the other. One jumped high into the air, spurring blood wings, and flew towards the distant mountains with amazing speed.

“Yeah, smelly brat, what is your pair of wings?”

“Pipe down, or I will throw you down.”

Fly low all the way, Shen Yuexin exclaimed again and again, and kept reaching out to touch Yang Xuan’s blood wing, eyes opened round as a ball, Su Ziyao had seen blood wing and knew it was the Innate Divine Ability of Blood Race, so there was no look of shock on his face.

In the misty mountain range, the jungle is dense, the giant peaks stand in great numbers, the Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth is very rich, there are many waterfalls and springs, etc., and there are several spiritual medicines along the way, and Yang Xuan has no time Go to dig, push the blood wings with all your strength, to join Qin Lan.


On the side of a big mountain, the spirit jade in Yang Xuan’s hand trembled violently and became hot. Yang Xuan asked Su Ziyao and Shen Yuexin to keep up with him, looking carefully halfway up the mountain. stand up.

It didn’t take long for the three to come to a cave.

Looking intently, the strange rocks outside the cave are rugged, and the forest is lush. If you don’t look carefully, you won’t be able to find a cave here.

“Qin Senior Sister Lan is in this cave?” Shen Yuexin asked.

“It shouldn’t be wrong.” Yang Xuan nodded, got in.

Su Ziyao and Shen Yuexin also followed closely from behind and entered the cave.

This cave was unexpectedly large, it was a huge cave. As Yang Xuan continued to deepen, he smelled a faint smell of blood in his breath.

Qin Lan was injured! ?

Yang Xuan complexion greatly changed and shouted: “Lan’er, it’s me, Yang Xuan.”

While speaking, I rushed in like crazy.

Soon, he came to the cave hinterland.

Here is very spacious, a Demonic beast’s body lies on the ground, blood is flowing all over the ground, and on the ground near the Demonic beast, a beautiful woman with blood in clothes is unconscious, face deathly pale .

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