This is to blend the sword intent into the sound to make the sound extremely sharp.

Many people with a low cultivation base only feel the pain of tearing eardrums, and some women are so scared to cover their ears, looking towards Yang Xuan with horror.

Yang Xuan is too strong, a word can make people’s ears pierce, if he shoots with all his strength, it must be earth shattering.

“Yang Xuan, you have humiliated the old man again and again, do you think the old man can’t kill you?” The azure clothed old man has all his hair and beard, and the pupil light is like electricity. It is an anger in his heart.

“Kill me, just come and try.” Yang Xuan sneered, his face without fear.

To be honest, he doesn鈥檛 know how strong he is now, because after the cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds, the formidable power of the dark Martial Spirit has also been greatly improved. As for how much improved, Before using the Dark Martial Spirit, he didn’t know it himself.

Hearing Yang Xuan’s words, the azure clothed old man was full of anger, with blue veins on his forehead violently, but in the end he did not dare to make another move. One was afraid of Yan Changkong, and the other was afraid of Pei Yuntian behind Yang Xuan. .

When he thought about it, if he killed Yang Xuan in front of the people of the world today, he would die after leaving the secret realm of ancient gods.

Although he didn’t make a move, he vented his angry flame hair on an old man: “Fu Hongyun, did you Seven Mysteries Sect teach Direct Disciple in this way, even with respect to inferiority? “

Fu Hongyun the name speaks for itself, red-haired red robe, even his eyebrows and beard are red as fire, and his face looks wrinkled, very old, but a pair of eyes are brilliant, exactly Seven Mysteries Sect has the highest cultivation base and the oldest among the five Vientiane Realm Elders.

“Yang Xuan, even if he committed the great mistake, it was my Seven Mysteries Sect disciple. I should be punished by my Seven Mysteries Sect. It鈥檚 not your turn to make a move without a boat. Just forget it. Next time, don’t blame me and turn your face ruthlessly.”

Fu Hongyun didn’t show the azure clothed old man Zuo Wuzhou had a good face, his mouth was coldly snorted, and then he turned his head and looked towards the distant place. Yang Xuan asked: “Yang Xuan, why did you kill Nangong Tian and Hong Wuque?”

There must be a reason for what happened. Fu Hongyun is an old man and doesn鈥檛 think Yang Xuan is a reckless person. , It must be Nangong Tian and Hong Wuque and so on that the place has offended him, and he will go to war.

“reporting to Elder, Nangongtian and Hong Wuque, in order to snatch a treasure from Qin Lan’s body, actually joined hands and seriously injured her. If the discipline hadn’t found her in time, and treated her with Spiritual Pill, she would have died in a It’s inside the cold cave.” Yang Xuan’s voice was not high, but it shook the world of Yunhaiwai.

The crowd finally understood why Yang Xuan wanted to kill Hong Wuque and Nangongtian.

Yang Xuan didn鈥檛 mean to stop. He looked around the audience with a sonorous voice: 鈥淨in Lan is my Yang Xuan鈥檚 woman. Everyone in the world knows this. I dare to ask Fu Elder, a discipline woman. I was almost killed. Shouldn’t the discipline avenge her own woman now?”

“Qin Lan, Yang Xuan is this true?” Fu Hongyun looked towards Qin Lan behind Yang Xuan, although her voice was calm, but Many Seven Mysteries Sect disciple can feel his rolling anger within the body.

“Yes!” Qin Lan nodded and said.

Get a positive reply, Fu Hongyun turned his head and stared at Nangongtian, his chest undulating, vaguely in a state of rampage, and he shouted: “Nangongtian, my Seven Mysteries Sect sect rules third article said. “

“Direct Disciple prohibits cannibalism. If you violate this regulation, you will abolish the cultivation base, drive out the door wall, and kill without mercy.” Nangongtian said.

“Asshole thing, since you know that you still dare to mutilate the same sect Junior Sister?” Fu Hongyun was furious, blowing his beard and staring, and his body was shaking. If it weren’t for Nangongtian, it was Seven Mysteries Sect Inner Sect First Senior. Brother, also under the Inner Sect Great Elder Shen Guyun, he will slap him to death, and will never let this scourge survive in the world.

Chapter 195 Peak Battle

“One-sided words, how can you believe it all?” Nangongtian said that face doesn’t change.

“What do you mean, Qin Lan still wronged you?” Fu Hongyun fly into a rage out of humiliation, he still knows Qin Lan, knowing she is not a person who can tell lies.

“Yes, Elder did wrong the discipline.”

“hmph, then you can explain, what is going on?”

“Most of the time A few days ago, I, Hong Wuque, and Qin Lan found a divine medicine plant in a mountain within the valley deep in the misty mountain range, and there was a natural scramble. In the end, I accidentally injured Qin Lan.”

“Nangongtian, you bastard still want to have no shame. I took advantage of my Senior Sister Qin’s fight with Hong Wuque and secretly shot a sneak attack. I wanted to snatch the divine medicine from her. It was extremely shameless.” Shen Yue yelled with anger. , The big smart eyes breathed fire, if it weren’t for Qin Lan to pull her, this violent girl would definitely rush to shoot Nangong Tian.

“hehe, the villain is really a villain, and he can talk nonsense with his eyes open, don鈥檛 you feel blushing?” Yang Xuan is extremely angry, he laughed back, he was originally a person of Nangong Tian, 鈥嬧€媌ut now It seems that this guy is definitely a hypocrite. In order to keep his ridiculous face, the black one must be called white.

At this time, the people of Yunhaiwai were very surprised. They didn’t expect what happened like this. At a time, many people looked towards Nangongtian. The expressions all were different, with strong contempt. The color.

“Yang Xuan, you don鈥檛 want to talk nonsense, don鈥檛 think I don鈥檛 know, you keep throwing dirty water on me, you just want to fight me, well, I will fulfill you, and you In World War I, life and death matter. “Nangong Tian shouted loudly, his face was hard to see the extreme.

“Come to fight.” Yang Xuan waved his hand, and his killing intent climbed.

“Enough, you two will stop the old man.” Fu Hongyun shouted.

“Fu Elder, discipline stand by one’s word, today I will kill the despicable Nangongtian.” Yang Xuan didn’t mean to give up at all.

“Yang Xuan, you all hold your own opinions. Before the matter is investigated, I hope you can calm down. As for Nangongtian, when you leave the ancient god secret realm, the sect master will naturally investigate and deal with it yourself. If he really makes a sneak attack on Qin Lan in order to snatch divine medicine, the master will punish him severely.”

“I鈥檓 afraid this won鈥檛 work. Nangong Tian, 鈥嬧€媋s the Inner Sect First Senior Brother, is inside the door. Backed by the Great Elder, the wind and the wind and the rain and the rain, even if he is found to have harmed the same sect, the owner may not do anything to him.”

“You really want this?”

“Yes, today, Disciple is going to replace the sect master, and Seven Mysteries Sect to clean up the sect for me.”

Yang Xuan resolutely speaks and speaks amazingly, so that everyone present is just a daze. No one didn鈥檛 expect Yang Xuan to actually threaten to replace Yan Changkong for Seven Mysteries Sect to clean up the sect.

At this moment, even Fu Hongyun is startled. Just about to say something, Yang Xuan said again: “Fu Elder, the disciple doesn’t hide it from you. Before leaving, the sect master summoned me privately.”

“Oh, why did the master call you privately?” Fu Hongyun asked.

“The sect master wanted to make me the heir of the sect leader, and I readily agreed.” Yang Xuan said with a calm face, he didn’t tell lies, before leaving Seven Mysteries Sect, Yan Changkong I did find him and plan to appoint him as the heir of the sect leader, but there is a prerequisite, that is, he must get the ancient god inheritance.

To be honest, Yang Xuan did not take seriously the head of Seven Mysteries Sect. He yearned for a free and unconstrained life, but he didn鈥檛 want to work hard to develop the sect. , And speaking of this now, he just wanted to slay Nangongtian plainly.

“Nonsense, Fu Elder, don’t believe his nonsense.” Nan Gongtian said angrily.

“Really!?” Fu Hongyun looked at Yang Xuan, completely ignoring Nangongtian’s meaning.

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