“This child’s cultivation base has been upgraded, and it is also a comprehended sword intent. I don’t know if Nangong Tian can handle it!?” Hong Wuque’s expression was cold, his eyes narrowed into one Slit, paying attention to Yang Xuan and Nangongtian, I don’t know whether they are stronger and weaker.

“Yang Xuan, I admit that I underestimated you before. I was surprised by your cultivation speed and talent, but you are destined to be defeated today and die in the hands of my Nangong Tian.” At this moment, Nangongtian spoke, his voice cold and merciless, exuding a cold murderous intention.

Chapter 196 Dragon Transformation Array

“You have a lot of nonsense, take it.” Yang Xuan said as he walked, the pupil light is as sharp as a knife, and it is as sharp as a killing intent. Not weaker than Nangongtian.

“As you wish.” Nangongtian binoculars murderous intention bloomed, and a cold word was uttered in his mouth, and he took the lead. I don’t know what secret technique he used. The body moved, turning into a remnant. The shadow disappeared in the same place, came directly to Yang Xuan’s body, pointed it into a sword, and hit Yang Xuan’s forehead.

Yang Xuan’s eyebrows were pierced on the spot, but there was no blood splashed at all, and the whole person also “pop” and disappeared like bubbles.

“Remnant shadow!” Nangong Tian’s pupil light froze, secretly thought was bad, and immediately noticed a terrifying sword dao will to kill, accompanied by an extremely cold sword light Stab.

Obviously, Yang Xuan made a move. His movements were swift and fierce. The rabbit flew and fell, and a sword pierced Nangongtian’s throat, revealing his murderous intention.

“Flash!” Faced with this mortal sword that is faster than lightning, Nangongtian’s first thought is to avoid it. This sword has the right time to control, and it is for his life. .

“Wandering Step!” He acted decisively and used the Lost Step, which is one of the Seven Mysteries Sect’s Seven Mysteries.

pu chi!

The sword light flashed, and the phantom he left in place was a sword seals the throat.

The sword light penetrated his real body only a little bit, and when he swiped across his body, Nangongtian only felt the skin tingling, and he clearly felt the sharpness of this sword light, and understood Yang Xuan is determined to kill himself.

“So fast!”

The eyes of many spectators were slightly condensed. Many of them could only see two figures fighting in close quarters, and did not clearly see the moves of the two. But everyone knows the dangers hidden in it.

“Good speed, I think you can stop me with a few swords!”

Just as the crowd was surprised, Yang Xuan moved again, he made a burst of stride and rushed to In front of Nangong Tian, ​​the golden light sword in his hand pierced out.


Nangong sky broke out, a black hair soared into the sky, he did not dodge, the right hand glowed, and zoomed in extremely fast, turning into a golden sharp claw with several meters. , Grab it forward.

This is a tyrannical secret skill for close combat. The big hand turned into a true essence sharp claw that no stronghold one cannot overcome. It fell down with a bang, not only to destroy Yang Xuan’s golden light sword, but also To suppress and kill Yang Xuan is very spicy.

“hmph! ”

Yang Xuan is coldly snorted, killing intent bursts out, the golden light sword in his hand turns into a sweep, and the golden sharp claw hits hard, and the two collide The dazzling brilliance, and then the two figures flew back together, regardless of the outcome.

“really strong!”

The crowd was shocked. They knew that this battle was destined to be recorded in history, and everything they saw today would become the major of Star Sea Domain. event piece, fortunate to witness.

“Brother is good!” Manba laughed, faintly relaxed in his heart. Although he saw Nangongtian for the first time, he could see that this child was difficult to deal with, and he was afraid that Yang Xuan would be dangerous.

But at the moment, Yang Xuan’s strength is really more terrifying, relying on the sword intent is enough to leapfrog and fight Nangong Tian.

“Tear the sky!”

Suddenly, there was a sharp shout, and Nangong sky rose up and took the lead. I saw his right hand glowing, a golden light across the sky. It flew out and turned into a solid palm, which was as big as a small mountain peak, covering the sky, and tearing the air, causing Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth to riot, carrying an imposing manner tearing the sky. .

Many young geniuses are trembling, knowing that Nangongtian has activated the Xeon’s secret skills to kill Yang Xuan.

“I don’t know if Yang Xuan can stop it?” Someone whispered, with a faint excitement on his face. This kind of younger generation Peak battle is hard to see. Today, I can finally witness it with my own eyes.


At this moment, Yang Xuan moved and stepped on his feet. The earth shook and the mountain quivered, like a fierce beast, rushed up against the big palm of the attack.

“Dead!” Nangongtian roared, the speed of the big palm skyrocketed, pressing down, and blasting towards Yang Xuan.

“Pull sword technique!” Yang Xuan was fearless, spit out a domineering rant, drew out the golden light sword, and transmitted the shocking sharp edge, directly destroying the big palm with a loud boom. Let the huge palm explode and shatter.

The crowd was shocked, Yang Xuan’s cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds, his strength really became stronger, and he broke Nangongtian’s ultimate move with a single sword.

Moreover, everyone understands that this is not the entire battle strength of Yang Xuan.

Nangong Tian frowned and saw that Yang Xuan was difficult to deal with, and he was about to make another shot. Who knew Yang Xuan was faster and used the shadow to escape first. For a time, above heaven under earth was all Yang Xuan’s phantoms, each phantom cannot distinguish between true and false with naked eye, and is launching a fierce attack on Nangong Tian.

shua~ shua~ shua~!

Countless phantoms and cold sword light flashes are full of deadly murderous intentions.

“What kind of body technique is this secret skill? It’s too abnormal!”

Many young geniuses were shocked. Yang Xuan’s speed was too fast. They asked themselves if they were with Nangong at this moment. The change of identity is absolutely impossible to resist, for fear that it will be torn apart by the sword light like tide, and the dead body is on the spot.

I have to say that Nangongtian’s strength is extremely strong. Facing the tide-like phantom and sword light, he expresses indifferently, and there is no panic on his face, and he does not use any martial skills. In a fist attack, several phantoms of Yang Xuan must be exploded and shattered by a powerful force.

But there are too many phantoms and they are endless. Nangongtian’s face will become gloomy when he kills him. He understands that he can no longer fight passively like this, otherwise the true essence within the body will be exhausted sooner or later.

“Die all to me, Qiankun sword array!” With a scream, his eyes burst out with a dazzling cold light, and then, one after another golden sword energy whizzed out from him, overwhelming. Swept away like all directions.

The lethality of these golden sword energy is amazing, coming from hiding the sky and covering the earth, chirps are endless, the phantom of one after another Yang Xuan explodes like light and rain, the scene is scary.

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