“Okay, isn’t it just death? I can die with my beloved woman, even if my body dies, there is no regret.”

Yang Xuan is overwhelmed with pride Exuding a sense of arrogance, he moved forward with Qin Lan. Not long ago, a group of Nether martial artists encountered Five Thunderbolts in this place. Yang Xuan was also very careful and walked very slowly.

However, as he and Qin Lan walked forward slowly, not at all dark clouds appeared above their heads, and no lightning fell, and even the illusion disappeared. The two went hand in hand without encountering any Danger.

Vaguely, the two could still hear something calling them.

Yang Xuan and Qin Lan looked at each other. They both saw the surprise and excitement in their eyes. They didn’t hesitate anymore, they quickly passed the god step and stepped on the god peak.

The moment the two reached the peak of the gods, the gods disappeared and turned into dots of golden light, disappearing between Heaven and Earth.

At the same time, under the abyss rumbling masterpieces, one after another cloud and mist surging up like boiling water, turning into a huge sea of ​​clouds, blocking the eyes of the crowd, everyone raised their eyes, even the gods It’s not there, it’s completely submerged by the sea of ​​clouds.

“What happened, is the trial of the ancient gods over!?”

“It also means that Yang Xuan and Qin Lan have passed the trial of the ancient gods when they ascended to the mountain , Now I’m afraid I’ve got the ancient god’s inheritance.”

“Damn, this little beast actually succeeded!”

Yunhaiwai, the crowd was in an uproar, and their faces were shocked and disappointed. Zuo Wuzhou, who looked at Moon Sect, looked ugly.

He understands that as Yang Xuan gains the inheritance of the ancient gods, they will not dare to attack Yang Xuan even if Moon Sect is expected, otherwise Yan Changkong will never give up.

“Yang Xuan and Qin Lan actually ascended the Shenfeng. Doesn’t that mean that we Seven Mysteries Sect got the ancient god inheritance!” Fu Hongyun and other five Seven Mysteries Sect Vientiane Realm Elder to be wild with joy, The body was shaking.

Su Ziyao, Shen Yuexin, and the trio of Barbarians were also uncontrollably excited, secretly happy for Yang Xuan and Qin Lan.


The summit of Shenfeng is not magnificent, but also very empty. Except for a nearly dry spring pool under the cliff in the distance, there is nothing left. There are two stone sculptures of a man and a woman in the distance.

The two stone sculptures are lifelike. Undoubtedly, with daoist, they clasp their fingers together and stare at each other. They are like a pair of unswerving lovers.

Looking at the two stone sculptures, Yang Xuan and Qin Lan have a strange feeling in their hearts.

Yang Xuan said: “If I guessed correctly, the so-called ancient god inheritance should be the inheritance of the two, and both parties must be lovers. Otherwise, even if they pass the gods, it will be difficult to get inheritance.”

“be that as it may, but don’t we get any inheritance now?”

“No hurry, inheritance should be inspired by some means, let’s get closer Look.”

Speaking, Yang Xuan and Qin Lan walked towards the two stone sculptures.

As the two approached, the two stone sculptures bloomed with hazy brilliance.

The man emits fire light all over his body, while the woman emits cold light. Two breaths of heat and cold are emitted, making Yang Xuan Qihai’s Fire Yuan Qi and Qin Lan Qihai’s Ice Yuan Qi feel strange .

The two shook their bodies, and their respective cultivation techniques worked autonomously, and the vitality in the sea of ​​Qi carried out big circulation.

ka ka ka ……

At the same time, the two stone sculptures on the opposite side suddenly cracked, and the broken stones were flying. Accompanied by the dragon roar, a mini version flew out of them. Fire Dragon and Ice Phoenix.

The Little Brat palm-size on both ends is alive and well. As soon as they fly out, they chase and play in midair. The red and blue rays of light bloom, colorful and magnificent.

Chapter 203 Dragon and Phoenix Art

“This is!?”

Yang Xuan and Qin Lan were stunned. They don’t know what Fire Dragon and Ice Phoenix are. What, is it also a natural phenomenon, but these two Little Brats are too real, they don’t seem to be illusory at all.

Shua! Shua!

Suddenly, Fire Dragon and Ice Phoenix separated, rushed into the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Yang Xuan and Qin Lan’s eyebrows respectively, and merged into the Divine Soul of the two of them. For a time, the eyebrows of the two of them appeared simultaneously. The color of pain.

On Yang Xuan’s side, when Fire Dragon merged into Divine Soul, he suddenly found that there was a cultivation technique in his mind, and it was also equipped with a beautiful picture.

I don’t know how long, Yang Xuan suddenly eyes opened and looked at Qin Lan on the side. It happened that Qin Lan also turned his head to look at him.

The eyes are facing each other, and their faces are both incredulous.

Took a deep breath, Yang Xuan smirked, “Did Lan’er see anything?”


Qin Lan shook his head, Yu The cheeks were like Xia, how could she not see anything.

The pictures that made her heart throbbing were completely imprinted in her mind. When she slightly moved her thoughts, all kinds of shameful pictures would emerge clearly, making her embarrassed and confused. .

“Didn’t you really see it?”

Yang Xuan’s mouth was slightly tilted, the smile on his face grew thicker, and a pair of eyes wandered around Qin Lan’s body scorchingly.

“You, what are you looking at, you are not allowed to look at me with this kind of eyes.”

Qin Lan’s teeth bit her secretly, her pretty face flushed, her voice getting lower and lower.

“Lan’er, this cultivation technique does not conflict with our cultivation technique. It should be an ancient Dual Cultivation cultivation technique. Should we try cultivation?”

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