Like a tens of thousands of horses galloping , the air in front of him exploded continuously, a violent current rushed out, and the yard was suddenly violent wind erupted.

“haha, okay, my fleshly body strength has almost reached eight thousand catties!” Yang Xuan was very excited. Even if he doesn’t use his true essence now, his fleshly body strength alone can suppress and kill any real martial artist. , Can be called powerful.

Time flies, and two more days have passed. On this day, the glazed treasure ship has already leaped over the South China Sea and arrived in Qianzhou.

Qianzhou, a few ten thousand li, with a large area and sparsely populated area, so rich in cultivation resources can’t be considered. The strongest Martial Dao Sect Clean Sky Sect is placed in Zhong Prefecture, which is a Second -Rate Sect, of course, this is relative to Zhong Prefecture, which stands in great numbers. If it is placed in the Star Sea Domain, then Clean Sky Sect is undoubtedly a dominant existence.

According to what Ditian said, Clean Sky Sect Sect Master is a powerhouse.

Fate, this is the realm of life and death for martial artists, ranging from cultivation deviation to ashes.

The reason is simple. In this realm, besides absorbing massive amounts of Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth, it also needs to induce thunder and quench the pill.

The so-called Thunder Tribulation Pill is simply called Thunder Tribulation. Only after Thunder Tribulation baptism, the vitality in the inner core of the martial artist will be more refined and thus become 1 Heavenly Layer.

A martial artist cultivation in the martial state of life is trembling with fear, and he is afraid that he can’t hold the Thunder Tribulation.

The big half a day later, the glazed treasure ship flew over Qianzhou and came to Kunzhou. Kunzhou is about the same size as Qianzhou, Yang Xuan and they also saw many magnificent cities standing on the ground, even I also looked at a few martial artists driving the flying Spiritual Artifact.

10,000 years ago, someone in Zhong Prefecture developed the flying formation. By engraving this formation on the sword, the martial artist can fly with the sword.

Today, flying Formation is not limited to being carved on swords, but can also be carved on swords, guns and sticks, so that martial artists can control these spiritual artifact walking in the sky.


Zhong Prefecture, outstanding people, sect stand in great numbers, respectively Heavenly One Sect, Grand Purity Palace, Hunyuan faction, Sword God Palace, Heavenly Knowledge Hall, Unbounded Demon Sect, Blood Fiend Sect, Cloudy Ghost Sect, Harmonious Bond Sect, Divine Demon Temple.

This is the top ten super Sects in Zhong Prefecture and the strongest Ten Great Sects on Divine-Martial Continent.

In addition, there are many Heretical Sect, Aristocratic Family, Super Empire, and Dynasty in Zhong Prefecture.

Here, all kinds of ancient secrets, treasures, secret space, Death Forbidden Land are countless.

Yang Xuan and the others looked at the “Detailed Explanation of Zhong Prefecture” given to them by Ditian. They also had a clearer understanding of Zhong Prefecture and knew that this was a place full of opportunities and dangers.

At this time, Ditian appeared and said: “Junior Brother Junior Sister, your chance is here.”

“Chance?” Yang Xuan and the others both Looking at Di Tian blankly.

“Yes, by chance, I am going to take you to the Ancestral Witch Sect.”

“The Ancestral Witch Sect?”

“The forces of our Sword God Palace It has a huge scope and controls a region of 200,000 miles. It is attached to the Great Sects of my Sword God Palace, the Martial Dao Aristocratic Family, and there are countless dynasties in the world. This ancestral witch cult is one of them. The inheritance is from the ancient witch Divine Sect. It’s declining now, but the foundation still exists, and the strength should not be underestimated.”

“so that’s how it is.” Yang Xuan nodded, asked: “Senior Brother, our chance lies in the ancestral witchcraft ?”

“Well, the Ancestral Witch Sect has an Ancestral Witch Tower. This tower is opened every ten years. I just counted the time. The Ancestral Witch Tower will be opened in the last few days. If you go to break into the Ancestral Witch Tower, you should be able to raise your cultivation base before you reach the Sword God Palace.” Di Tian said.

“Senior Brother, is Zuwu Tower very difficult to deal with? Is there any danger?” Shi Yu asked.

“Of course there is danger, but don’t worry, the ancestral witch tower is the place where the ancient witch gods left to try. Everyone who enters the discipline of the ancestral witch tower will carry an ancestral witch jade talisman. , Just crush the jade talisman to be sent out.”

hearing this, Shi Yu and the others relaxed, Tiefeng asked: “Senior Brother, we are not the ancestral witch teaching discipline, the ancestral witch Can you let us enter the Ancestral Witch Pagoda?”

“Hehe, don’t worry about this. My Master has a very good relationship with the Ancestral Witch Sect Lord. If I speak, let you enter the Ancestral Witch Pagoda. It’s not difficult.” Ditian said with a smile.

“Ancestral witch tower?” Yang Xuan had also vaguely heard of an ancestral witch teaching in his previous life, but at that time the ancestral witch teaching was Zhong Prefecture Great Sect, didn’t expect ten thousand years to pass, the ancestral witch The teacher was so downhearted that he became the Subsidiary Sect of the Sword God Palace.

“Well, you continue to cultivation, we should be able to reach the Zu Wujiao in two days.” After that, Ditian and Fei Xuan left, Yang Xuan asked in private, knowing that Ditian and Feixuan cultivated a Dual Cultivation cultivation technique, Yin and Yang Dual Cultivation is much stronger than Refining Qi.


Two days passed in an instant, and on this day, the glazed treasure ship entered a mountain range.

Here, the mountains are cascading, the Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth is rich, looking down, the forest is luxuriant, the pine is tall and straight, the spring water is ding dong, and the clouds and mist are transpiring between the mountains and gully, and it is ethereal.

This place is called Dawu Mountain, and the ancestor witch sect is located in the depths of Dawu Mountain.

In half a quarter of an hour, the glazed treasure ship flew over a huge lake. I saw jasper jade like tidal waves, clear waves, flocks of birds on the lake, clouds and cranes dancing, and beautiful scenery.

Shen Yuexin’s big eyes were bright, looking at the low scenery, and praised: “What a beautiful place.”

Su Ziyao, Mu Qingyu, Shangguanlian can also see as if drunk and stupefied, I just feel that this place is simply a Human World Immortal Realm.

“This is Sunyao Lake, which is one of the many beautiful scenery of the ancestral witch religion. There is a strange volcano in the north of the lake. There are hot springs under the volcano. It can be tempering fleshy body. Bubble.” Ditian said with a smile.

Chapter 214 Ancestral Witch Sects

“Really?” Shi Yu was very excited and wanted to go to the hot springs now.

“Hehe, I never lie.” Di Tian smiled.

“Senior Brother, the ancestral witch religion is coming soon, right?” Yang Xuan asked. He knew that there was an ancestral witch religion in his previous life, but he didn’t know where it was located.

“Well, it’s coming soon.” After saying that, a huge bird came from high in the distance, casting a large shadow in the forest below, and rushing towards the glazed treasure ship in the sky. The speed is extremely fast, fierce and intimidating.

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