After that, Ditian left with Feixuan, and went to Dual Cultivation.


At the next day, Yang Xuan and the others followed Ditian and Feixuan to the Inner Sect main peak square of the ancestral wizard.

At this time, 700-800 young girls had already gathered on the huge bluestone square.

They are the group of Inner Disciples who entered the Zuwu Tower. They are not more than 20 years old. The cultivation base ranges from the first entry to the True Gang Realm to the True Gang Realm Peak. You can also see the ancestors from here. Wu Cult is more than one grade stronger than Seven Mysteries Sect.

“The cultivation base of those people is too low, so they dare to enter the Zuwu Tower!?”

“That is, the highest cultivation base is also true 5 Heavenly Layer, it’s the end to be able to reach the 4th floor.”

“hmph, the ancestral witch pagoda of our ancestral witch cult only opens once every ten years. The quota is limited. They join in and just squeeze. We lost several places, and some Junior Sisters cried for it.”

“Ai, keep your voice down, see the young man headed, he is the Sword God Palace True Disciple. Zhong Prefecture influential figure, known as the Emperor Young Master, is so powerful that the Sect Elders of our ancestors in Guiyi territory may not be opponents when they join forces.”

“Is there anything you said? Such an exaggeration?”

“No, it’s an exaggeration at all. It is said that Ditian Young Master had skipped grades to kill two months ago with a powerhouse belonging to a Realm of Nine Layers.”

“What, there is this thing!?”

“I don’t believe it, right, but many people have witnessed this matter with their own eyes. There is no falsehood.”

In the square, Yang Xuan heard many murmurs of Inner Disciple, but he didn’t take seriously.

In order to save Qin Lan, he must become strong as soon as possible, and the Ancestral Witch Pagoda of the Ancestral Witch Sect is a chance. Although it may not be able to raise the cultivation base much, he is also ready to break through the 9th floor of the Ancestral Witch Pagoda. He tried his best to increase cultivation base. In addition, he learned that Ditian had skipped grades to kill a powerhouse that was a Realm of Nine Layers two months ago. He was also taken aback. Only then did he realize that the gentleman beside him Senior Brother not simple.

Chapter 215 God’s Force

“Zu Witch Tower is opened every ten years. This is your chance, whether it is a dragon or a worm, is it soaring into the sky or attempt nothing and Accomplish nothing, it depends on how many floors you can reach.” Sect Lord Wu Ming soon appeared. After a simple but exciting opening remark, he ordered several people in Guiyi territory Sect Elder to start distributing the ancestral wizard jade talisman. .

This ancestral witch jade talisman is a blood-colored jade stone with a large palm, with many patterns like ghosts painted on it. This is the Teleportation Talisman specially refined by the ancestral witch cult with secret techniques. Used in the Witch Tower, once you encounter danger, you only need to crush this talisman to be sent out, avoiding direct disciple casualties.

However, the existence of the ancestral witch jade talisman does not mean absolute safety. According to Ditian, the higher the level of the ancestral witch tower, the greater the number of Liches and the stronger the strength. A bad person was killed by Lich before he even crushed the ancestral witch Jade Talisman.

About half a quarter of an hour later, Yang Xuan and his team also received an ancestral witch jade talisman.

“Okay, let’s all go with this seat and go to Zuwu Tower.” Wu Ming didn’t talk nonsense, waved his hand, and took the lead to walk towards a stone cave in the distance.

Many Inner Disciple of the ancestral witches did not delay, and one after another followed along.

Yang Xuan and several people, under the leadership of Ditian and Feixuan, followed all the way to the end.

In the stone cave is a tunnel excavated by hand. It is quite spacious. Everyone walked straight for about 5 minutes to an empty mountainside. In the deep part of the mountainside, an ancient Heavy bronze gate.

This bronze gate is about ten zhang high and 30 feet wide. There are many grinning ferocious beasts on the door. Each beast has blood-red eyes. Instead of looking at each other, Divine Soul looks like It’s very uncomfortable to be swallowed.

But compared to Yang Xuan, many Inner Disciple face doesn’t change and are not affected by it at all.

“Well, this seat will open the Ancestral Witch Tower. I hope that someone can cross the 9th floor this time and reproduce the glory of my Ancestral Witch Sect.” Wu Ming said, striding over. Standing on the left side of the bronze gate, there is an altar.

The altar is small, about half a meter high and triangular in shape. At the top of the altar, there is a bloody eyeball with the size of a fist.

Wu Ming murmured solemnly in front of the altar, and then danced and danced a few times, as if after praying, he extended the hand and took the bloody eyeballs and injected Origin Force into it.

The blood-colored eyeballs are like rare beasts. They have absorbed a lot of Origin Force but did not see the slightest reaction. Until Wu Ming’s face is flushed and he is sweating profusely, the blood-colored eyeballs begin to bloom. blood light.

At the same time, there was a sound of hong long long, the bronze door opened, and a 9-Layer black tower about five feet high appeared in the eyes of everyone, the bottom gate of the black tower It is arched, and the white vortex inside the door is turning counterclockwise, and it is impossible to see what is inside.

Although Yang Xuan is far away from the tower gate, he still feels a little good fortune escaping from the tower gate, and understands that there must be a great good fortune in the Zuwu Pagoda, if it can pass the 9th floor If so, the cultivation base may be greatly improved. It would be great if you could break through to Vientiane Realm before arriving at Sword God Palace.

“Senior Brother, that black tower is the Zuwu Tower?” Shi Yu looked at Di Tian and asked in a low voice.

“Yes, Zuwu Pagoda is a low grade Divine Item. You will be able to enter the world inside the tower when you pass through the gate.” Ditian nodded said.

Divine Item is also divided into grades, from low to high, namely low grade Divine Item, middle grade Divine Item, high grade Divine Item, top grade Divine Item, and above top grade Divine Item, there are Legendary builds Spirit Transformation device, then Eternal Life Palace is a Spirit Transformation device, and it is still a Spirit Transformation device left over from the previous Chaos Cycle element. As for the Spirit Transformation device, is there a stronger Divine Item? I don’t know.

After a word, Ditian warned again: “Opportunities and crises coexist. I hope that the Junior Brother Junior Sisters will fight steadily after entering the Zuwu Tower. If you encounter distress, remember to crush the Ancestral Witch jade immediately. talisman.”

hearing this, Shi Yu and the others all expressed their understanding, Yang Xuan stretched out his hand to hug Su Ziyao, and said in her ear: “Yao’er, protect yourself.”

“Don’t worry, I will be careful, and, little thief, I know you are eager to increase cultivation base to save Sister Qin Lan, but…”

“Don’t worry, I won’t be fooling around. “Yang Xuan interrupted. He was eager to increase cultivation base, but he was not a reckless and impulsive person. If he knew that he couldn’t break through the Ancestral Witch Tower, he would definitely not act forcefully.

“Well, that’s good, if you have a long and two short, I will never live alone.” Su Ziyao gritted her teeth.

“Really?” Yang Xuan laughed, blowing a warm breath in her ear gently.

“So many people are watching, you guy can’t behave?” Su Ziyao was ashamed and pushed him away.

Yang Xuan was about to say something, Wu Ming’s vigorous and powerful voice came: “Okay, the Zuwu Tower has been opened, you can go in.”

“Yes, Sect Lord “A group of ancestral sorcerers replied in unison, and immediately stepped into the tower gate in an orderly manner and disappeared according to the level of the cultivation base.

About Mozhancha’s time, seeing everyone’s Ancestral Witch teachings have all entered the Ancestral Witch Pagoda, Wu Ming smiled at Ditian and said, “Virtuous nephew, let a few Little Brats behind you enter the tower. Right.”

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