It is night, the moon is sparse , and the breeze is breezy. The glazed treasure ship dropping from the sky came to a lake to rest.

The next morning, Ditian did not rush to leave, and gave Yang Xuan a few middle grade Spiritual Artifact flying swords. Fei Xuan was responsible for teaching Yang Xuan how to fly with the sword.

“Junior Brother Junior Sister, don’t worry, the flying sword is a steady word trick.”

“Shi Yu, you hold on, no, this steady word trick is to let Relax your body and mind. It’s not about making you squeeze your body, yes, that’s it, absorb the sword with your vitality.”

“Tiefeng, don’t look at your feet, look towards the front.”

“Ziyao Junior Sister, your true yuan operation is wrong, it consumes too much, don’t do this, come, I will teach you how to operate true yuan.”

“Yuexin Junior Sister, you are slow Point, knowing haste brings no success.”

On the clearing by the lake, Feixuan began to teach Yang Xuan and other persons controlling the sword. This is not a secret technique, but the most basic sword technique. that’s all, including rushing, retreating, jumping, turning, spinning, falling, floating, floating, flashing, etc.

Two hours have passed, under the tireless teaching of Feixuan, Su Ziyao and the others are barely able to fly with the sword, one by one, they first run the vitality and vitality to protect the body, and then rise with the sword one after another , Fly into the air.

This is their first time flying with swords, a kind of aloof and remote, overlooking the world, one by one is excited, and Shen Yuexin’s Little Demoness is yelling, not playing Also happy.

As for Yang Xuan, after listening to Feixuan’s words, he completely mastered the key to flying swords.

Seeing Su Ziyao and the others having fun at the moment, he was also interested, rising with the sword, rushing to the sky, flying back and forth, floating like an immortal, relaxed and comfortable, it is not like the first time a sword Flying, from time to time in the high altitude, doing many difficult maneuvers such as hanging upside down golden hook, golden rooster independent, etc., made Su Ziyao and the others stunned.

“Ah!” Suddenly, there was a cry of exclamation, Yang Xuan swooped down and brought a violent wind to the side of Shen Yuexin’s blow, almost falling off the flying sword.

“Pervert, bastard, you dare to scare me, great aunt will never finish with you today.” Shen Yue was angry, and finally stabilized her lovable body, she was ready to chase Yang Xuan, but Yang Xuan was too fast. The smoke flew away, and she was swearing again when she was angry.

“Well, don’t play anymore, we should set off now, and strive to arrive at the Sword God Palace tomorrow.” Di Tian shouted.

shua~ shua~ shua~!

Everyone landed one after another.

Soon, the glazed treasure ship took off and flew all the way towards Northwest.

At noon on the 2nd day, the treasure ship flew into a rolling hills.

This mountain range is called Dazhou mountain range, and it is one of the richest mountain ranges in Zhong Prefecture Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth.

The entire Dazhou mountain range stretches several ten thousand li horizontally and several tens of thousands of li vertically. The Sect stand in great numbers is all attached to the Sword God Palace deep in the mountain range of Dazhou. .

Under the control of Ditian, the glazed treasure ship went deep into this vast mountain range, and Yang Xuan overlooked it. From time to time, he could see many palaces and groups of Sect blessed land.

In addition, there are Demonic beasts from time to time in the mountains and valleys. Some flying Demonic beasts even rushed up to attack the glazed treasure ship. Fortunately, the emperor was there to kill the ferocious birds and beasts in the way.

An hour later, I saw mountains rising from the ground everywhere in the mountains in the distance, hundreds of peaks, pine tree roots, branches and leaves, countless thousands zhang waterfalls, Pouring down from the mountain peaks, like a Milky Way rolling backwards, the weather is majestic.

In the deepest part of the mountain range, surrounded by clouds and mist, seven giant peaks are faintly visible. Each giant peak is astonishingly large, ten thousand zhang high. There are many palaces above, and pavilions stand in great numbers. The layout is reasonable and scattered. The most incredible thing is that the seven giant peaks are suspended in the air, just like seven ungrounded air-floating fairy mountains.

Except for Yang Xuan’s calm demeanor, Su Ziyao and the others were all dumbfounded. A shock from the heart came out spontaneously.

“Senior Brother, is that the Sect residence of our Sword God Palace?” Shi Yu asked in surprise, this is too magnificent, it is simply Human World Immortal Realm, magnificent.


“What’s the matter with those seven peaks?”

“Our Sword God Palace is divided into outer sect and inner sect The seven peaks of Inner Sect are Tianshu Peak, Heavenly Jade Peak, Tianji Peak, Tianquan Peak, Yuheng Peak, Kaiyang Peak, and Shaoguang Peak. Each peak has a Peak Master. There are many Elders and disciplines. My Master is the Peak Master of Tianshu Peak, who is called the God of Tianshu, the powerhouse of Divine Force Peak.” Ditian said.

“Where is the palace lord?” Yang Xuan asked.

“The Lord of the Palace retreats all year round, Sees The Head Of The Divine Dragon But Not The Tail. In the past 200 years, he has rarely intervened in Sect affairs. No one knows where his Senior is closed-door. Cultivation, I am not afraid of your jokes. I have been in the Sword God Palace for seven years, and I have met the palace lord three times in total. This last time was before going to Stars Island.”

“so that’s how it is.”


while speaking, several sharp eagle whistles came, resounding through the world.

Yang Xuan and the others looked forward, and saw dozens of blue dots flying in the distant mountains. At first they were only the size of sesame seeds. After a few seconds passed, they suddenly became a single body. The azure giant eagle is five meters long and has seven or eight meters wide wings.

This is a blue feather eagle. Yang Xuan once killed one in Fengyun Gorge, but the level of that blue feather eagle is too low to reach the dozen or so.

These dozen blue feather eagles are full of monster qi, absolutely cultivated for more than a few hundred years, and they are all in Level 2 intermediate level, but now, a dozen blue feather eagles carry more than a dozen of them. Yuanjing martial artist flies up.

Yang Xuan didn’t feel surprised either. In his opinion, these blue feather eagles must have been domesticated by Sword God Palace and will not harm the Sword God Palace disciple.

“Ah, the Emperor Senior Brother Heavens, are you back?” A surprised voice came, and a dozen blue feather eagles all stopped, and a dozen young people on it turned towards the boat on the glazed treasure ship. Di Tian bowed and saluted, and his attitude was not respectful, as if his courtiers did not dare to be disrespectful when facing the king.

This is also normal. They are all Sword God Palace outer sect mountain patrol disciplines. Their status and status cannot be compared with Ditian. For them, Ditian is an insurmountable mountain. Looking up.

“Well, I’m back, you Junior Brother have worked hard.” Ditian smiled nodded, and said nothing immediately, controlling the glazed treasure ship to fly between the peaks. Not long after, the glazed treasure ship Passing through a wave-shaped light curtain, I saw a huge plain among the peaks not far away.

On this plain, there stands a majestic city.

In the city, one building after another rises from the ground to form one piece.

This mountain plain is definitely not natural, but a peerless powerhouse uses Great Divine Ability to destroy many peaks in the mountains, creating a vast plain and building on the plain city, this city is called Divine City, it is the Sword God Palace outer sect resident, there are more than a dozen Myriad Swords Divine Palace Outer Disciple living, although some distance away, but Yang Xuan and the others can also hear the noise from the city The sound is very lively.

“Senior Brother, shall we cultivation in that city from now on?” Shi Yu asked.

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