After saying that, Liu Gui took Yang Xuan and the others into the palace, turning around and turning all the way to a solemn lobby.

The lobby is about hundreds of square meters, and there is an old man of 2 Heavenly Layer sitting in the same place.

This person, surname Feng, is an outer sect manager who specializes in managing the entry issues of new disciplines.

Everything is very simple. The manager took a look at Yang Xuan and he immediately came to a stone tablet with a few zhang high in the depths of the lobby and said: “This is a list of stone tablets. Come and take your own Write your name on this stone tablet.”

Yang Xuan did what he said, and was the first to walk over and write his name on the list stone tablet by hand.

In an instant, the list stone tablet shines, and the image of Yang Xuan is reflected in the sky, completely imprinting his unruly image, which is lifelike.

Soon, the image disappeared, and a line of white light appeared.

“Yang Xuan: Bone age 17, cultivation base: True Gang environment Peak, potential assessment: Earth Grade high grade.”

“Come on again?” Yang Xuan was speechless He had experienced potential assessment in the Zuwu Tower. At that time, his cultivation base was only 5 Heavenly Layer in the real gang, and his potential assessment was only Earth Grade middle grade.

“Little Brat’s potential is not bad, remember to cultivation in the future, strive to enter the Inner Sect Seven Peaks within three years, and acquire the Supreme sword array.” The manager is slightly nodded, and seems to have potential for Yang Xuan. Still quite satisfied.

“Many thanks, I will work hard on cultivation in the future.” People say good things, Yang Xuan can’t put on airs, and with his current cultivation base, he can’t stand in front of a powerhouse. put on airs.

The wind manager didn’t say much. He raised his hand to the list stone tablet, and immediately saw a palm-sized dark green jade token flying out of the list stone tablet. Yang Xuan reached out and took a look. I saw my name engraved on the jade token, which should be the identity token of Sword God Palace.

“Yang Xuan, this jade token is your identity token. You must keep it safe from now on. If you lose it, you need to come to me immediately to register. If not, follow the sect rules.” Feng The steward said.

Yang Xuan nodded expresses understanding.

“Don’t froze, you guys, hurry up and write your names.” Feng Guanshi beckons with the hand to Su Ziyao.

Su Ziyao and the others did not delay, walked over quickly, wrote down his name, and then received the identity token.

After completing the receipt of the identity token, the manager said: “from now on, you are my Sword God Palace Outer Disciple, and now I will tell you about the benefits and sect rules.”

“Let’s talk about the benefits first, all the daily necessities can be picked up at the Sundries Hall of Divine City, and the hundreds of dining halls in Divine City are open around the clock and serve a variety of wines and dishes, which are different from those outside. They are all specially brewed and cultivated by our Sword God Palace with the vitality array, which is helpful for your cultivation. Each person can enjoy ten low grade yuan stones for free every day, but more than ten low grade yuan stones are needed. There are a lot of residences in Divine City. You can choose an uninhabited place.”

“Next, let’s talk about the monthly salary. In our Divine City, Ning Yuan In the Outer Disciple, each person can go to the Welfare Hall to receive 1,000 low grade yuan stones and 100 Essence Condensation Pills per month, and in the True Gang Realm Outer Disciple, each person can receive 5,000 low grade yuan stones and 500 Essence Condensation Pills per month. Pill, Vientiane Realm martial artist……”

Listening to Feng Guanshi, except for Yang Xuan face doesn’t change, Su Ziyao Shi Yu and the others are all stuck as a wooden chicken.

This is simply heaven. Compared with this, Seven Mysteries Sect is completely above heaven under earth, which is incomparable.

In Seven Mysteries Sect, the monthly salary of an Inner Disciple is only 100 low grade yuanshi, but in Sword God Palace, the monthly salary of an Outer Disciple is equivalent to a Seven Mysteries Sect Inner Disciple for one year Monthly salary.

This is still the Outer Disciple of the Ning Yuan Realm. If the cultivation base reaches the True Gang Realm, the monthly payment for one month is equal to the five-year monthly payment for Seven Mysteries Sect Inner Disciple.

If this news is sent back to Seven Mysteries Sect, I don’t know how many people will startled to fall the chin.

“Okay, finally I will tell you about the sect rules of my Sword God Palace. First, Direct Disciple prohibits fighting. Violators abolish the cultivation base and drive out the door wall. If there are really conflicts that cannot be resolved, You can go to the Life and Death Stage, where life and death matter, of course, I don’t mind if you go to the Life and Death Stage, because it’s not easy for each of you to come to our Sword God Palace. Second…”

For a long time, Feng Guan said: “You have an array in your identity token. You can see it by sinking your mind into it. There is an introduction to welfare and sect rules, and the map projection of Divine City. In short, it has many functions. , You go down to study and get acquainted with Divine City as soon as possible, which will benefit your future cultivation.”

After that, to Liu Gui who is waiting not far away: “Little Liuzi, how do you compare to Divine City? Familiar, take them to find a place to live.”

“Okay.” Liu Gui nodded, and left with Yang Xuan.


The streets in Divine City are spread in all directions and spotlessly clean. From time to time, you can see someone driving a flying sword into the sky, and from time to time you can see a person controlling the sword falling.

Ten thousand years have passed, flying Spiritual Artifact has been popularized in Zhong Prefecture, and Sword God Palace is a sword repair Sect, so Direct Disciple uses Spiritual Artifact flying swords. Of course, Spiritual Artifact is very precious, even if it is A most common low grade Spiritual Artifact flying sword is also worth a few hundred thousand low grade yuanshi, but the welfare benefits of Sword God Palace are excellent. New students can go to the welfare hall to receive a low grade Spiritual Artifact flying sword.

In addition, new disciplines can also go to the library to choose two cultivation techniques below Earth Grade for free. If you need other cultivation techniques, you need to pay extra for the Sect contribution point.

Chapter 221 have a lot of good fortune in love affairs

There is a Mission Palace in Divine City. Various Sect missions are refreshed around the clock. Many Outer Disciples go there to receive and complete missions. , You can get the corresponding Sect contribution point.

For example, Liu Gui, this guy is doing Sect missions when Yang Xuan and their guide are doing Sect missions. After completing the missions, they can go to Mission Palace to take over missions and receive Sect contribution points, just like the previous ones. More than a dozen outer sect mountain patrol disciplines, they are also doing Sect tasks, in order to earn some Sect contribution points.

Miriad, the Sect mission of Mission Palace, is diverse, such as patrolling the mountains, leading the way for new disciplines, taking care of the Sect Medicine Garden, sending letters for the XX in Divine City, and killing XX Demonic beast. Something on his body, or digging for the sword temple, etc.

By the way, you don’t want to be sneaky, because you have to turn on the camera function of the identity token when you do the task, so that you can successfully hand over the task in the Mission Palace and receive the contribution point.

In addition, if you don’t want to do the task, you can also get Sect contribution points by donating, like cultivation techniques, priceless and unique rare treasure, these can be exchanged for a lot of Sect contribution points, Of course, unless you are in a hurry to use the Sect contribution point, no one wants to donate your baby.


Although he was doing a task, Liu Gui was also dedicated to his responsibilities. First, he took Yang Xuan to the Sundries Hall to receive Sect clothing and other daily necessities, and then He took a few people non-stop to the Welfare Hall and Book Collection Hall, and received a low grade Spiritual Artifact flying sword and two sect merit law sword skill cheats respectively.

Cultivation technique Sword skills cheats are not to be mentioned, these Spiritual Artifact flying swords are all refined by the Divine City Swordsmanship Hall, and the cost price is hundreds thousand low grade yuanshi, or even lower.

In Liu Gui’s words, the material of this flying sword is inferior. There is only a flying array in it, which can only be used for flying and cannot be used for fighting with people.

Walking all the way to Nancheng, Liu Gui’s eyes never left Su Ziyao and Shen Yuexin, and he introduced them to the two women like a river.

“Two Junior Sisters, did you see those round palaces? That is the dining hall. There are 128 places. You can find a dining hall near your residence for dinner later.”


“Also, the palace in the center of the city is the Martial Palace, which is our favorite place for Outer Disciple. Inside, there are altogether nine layers. There are many martial arts rooms on each floor. Every martial arts room has us. The sword shadow images left by Sword God Palace powerhouse, we can watch these images to improve our perception of sword dao.”

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