“sorry, Sword-Heart Illumination, I have already comprehended.” Yang Xuan twitched his lips, sending out a sword gesture at will.

“Oh, actually comprehended Sword-Heart Illumination, it seems that you brat is also a genius, then, I hope you can break through to Vientiane Realm in half a month.” Zhuge Yun squinted.

“Okay, see you at the Sword Fighting Conference. Now, you can go away.”

“Little beast, let’s fight to death in the Sword Fighting Conference.” Zhuge Yun with a flick of sleeve, and left the dining hall with a bunch of henchman.

“Ai, Junior Brother, you are too impulsive. Just like you said, Zhuge Yun looks like a human, but in private is a mad dog. You provoke him today and in the future No matter how difficult it is to calm down and cultivate, if one is not so good, he will design a set and be expelled.” Gao Yi sighed.

Su Ziyao and the others hearing this all changed their expressions, Yang Xuan asked nonchalantly: “Then Zhuge Yun is so domineering, what is the background in our Sword God Palace?”

“His big brother Zhuge Feng entered the Inner Sect Tianji Peak two years ago. It is said that he has won the appreciation of Tianjifeng Peak Master, and he intends to accept him as a final disciple.”

“That’s it. , I thought that guy is an illegal child of a Peak Master.”

“Hush, Junior Brother is silent, if you say this, it will be a big crime. The cultivation base will be abolished and expelled. Then kill without mercy.”

“Is it so serious?”

“Of course, Inner Sect Seven Peaks Peak Master, all of them are aloof and remote gods, so you can’t be blasphemy. “

“My deity, is it amazing? I was still a demon in his previous life.” Yang Xuan muttered in his heart, without saying much, and asked: “Brother Gao knows that there will be some How many people participate?”

“Each sword fight conference will not be less than 10,000 people, and this time it will be no exception.”

“What, so many people, how can it be It’s not that we have 10,000 Vientiane Realm experts of comprehended Sword-Heart Illumination in Divine City!?” Shi Yu slapped his tongue.

“Yes, just more and less.” Gao Yi nodded.

“hehe, it seems that this sword fighting conference is very lively!” Yang Xuan smiled.

“Although Junior Brother has reached the Peak of True Gang Realm, it is not easy to reach Vientiane Realm. Can you be sure to break through in half a month?”

“half a month Time is enough.”


After one hour, Yang Xuan and the others checked out the dining hall, and they just left, many Outer Disciple Also hurried out of the dining hall.

It didn’t take long for Yang Xuan to humiliate Zhuge Yun in the dining hall. It immediately caused quite a stir. Many Sword God Palace Outer Disciple could not imagine that someone would dare to be in Divine City. Humiliating Zhuge Yun, for a while, many people began to investigate the origin of Yang Xuan.

Not to mention, there are quite a few people with abilities. In a short time, some people have found out the origin of Yang Xuan.


Xingchen Courtyard, the practice room, Yang Xuan sits on the ground, with a solemn expression, ready to hit Vientiane Realm.

Vientiane Realm means all-inclusive. To put it bluntly, it means to make one’s own true essence spiritual, which can be yin or yang, strong and soft, and can change any form at will.

With previous life experience, Yang Xuan didn’t take much effort. It took a short half a day to successfully break through the real gangland. After stepping into the Vientiane Realm, within the body, the real yuan came out. Change into swords, guns and sticks, birds, beasts, insects and fish, etc.

“Vientiane Realm is really amazing!”

With a whisper, Yang Xuan spreads out the right hand, a bunch of true yuan gushes out, and it suddenly becomes a long sword, but then, long The sword turned into a soft long whip like ice and snow melted.

This is what Vientiane Realm calls the combination of rigidity and flexibility, which can make the true essence no stronghold one cannot overcome, and it can also make the true essence soft as water.

There was no hurry to go out, Yang Xuan was familiar with the use of Zhenyuan in the practice room.

In about half a day, he has completely mastered the use of true essence, reaching the level of brought to the point of perfection. With the movement of his mind, true essence can change into various forms in an instant form.

This level of mastery speed is terrifying. If he is seen by other Vientiane Realm martial artists, he will definitely be regarded as a monster, because the ordinary Vientiane Realm martial artist can’t do this level at all, and at most it is mastery. It can be said that it takes at least half a year to practice in order to reach his level.

At this time, Yang Xuan released his true essences, which gathered in front of him, and then suddenly turned into birds and fishes, all of them vivid and lifelike.

After a meeting, he even condensed the true essence into a painting with mountains, waters and pavilions on it, very vivid.

“Little thief, what are you!?” Su Ziyao just opened the door and entered, seeing the magical scene in front of Yang Xuan, her small mouth suddenly opened wide.

“Hehe, don’t be surprised, this is Vientiane Realm martial artist’s magical use of true essence.” Yang Xuan dispersed the true essence and stood up from the ground.

“You have a breakthrough to Vientiane Realm!?” Su Ziyao was surprised and ran over quickly.

“Of course, you don’t even see if your husband is who.” Yang Xuan laughed heartily, his expression extremely triumphant.

“Smelly beautiful!” Su Ziyao rolled the eyes, still feeling extremely happy in her heart, after all, it is her own man’s cultivation progress.


After successfully breaking through to Vientiane Realm, Yang Xuan was in a good mood. At noon that day, he summoned everyone out of the Xingchen Courtyard and found a dining hall to celebrate.

In the dining hall, the appearance of Yang Xuan also attracted a lot of people’s attention, because someone has investigated his identity, knowing that he is called Yang Xuan, from a small place called Stars Island, but it is such a People, dare to humiliate Zhuge Yun in Divine City, this is undoubtedly shocking, and they all look forward to the encounter between the two in the sword fight.

Of course, what everyone wants to see is Yang Xuan’s fate, but no one thinks he can deal with Zhuge Yun.

Yang Xuan also noticed the eyes of the crowd, and understood that his origins might have been spread.

He didn’t realize this, and was not affected at all.

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