“Interesting, it seems that I have to show some strength, otherwise I really won’t take you.” Duan Hui said with an ugly expression.

“Are you done talking nonsense?” Yang Xuan’s tone was still indifferent as he spoke, but Duan Hui on the other side was taken aback.

He dignified Great Xia Dynasty Third Prince, how honorable his identity is. In the huge Divine City, in addition to Xiao Buye and Jiang Yichen, the other Outer Disciple who met him are not welcome. gas.

But now, the guy on the other side dared to be so rude to him, especially Yang Xuan’s indifferent expression, it made him feel shameless.

For a while, his face was gloomy and his voice became colder: “Boy, don’t think that the trash that defeated Zuo Ming is so great. I will teach you a lesson today. You hillbilly know what there is always someone who is better than us.”

Chapter 227 turned out to be born

“To deal with eyes high above the top like you, I only need one sword!” Yang Xuan’s voice is not loud, but he reveals an incomparable dominance. As this voice passed through the array, many people in the stands were shocked, no one didn’t expect Yang Xuan was so frivolous that he threatened to defeat Duan Hui with a single sword.

In their view, this is absolutely impossible, no one believes it.

“This little beast is really arrogant, but he has offended Duan Hui, and Duan Hui will definitely not spare him, and maybe I won’t need me to act.” On the east stand, Zhuge Yun was full of anger. , I sneered in my heart, wishing Duan Hui missed Yang Xuan to relieve his hatred.

“Okay, very good, today I want to show you some color, my Duan Hui’s name is written upside down.” Duan Hui came back to his senses, a very handsome face Become extremely distorted, extremely hideous.

“You have a lot of nonsense, or that sentence, defeat you with one sword.” Yang Xuan said contemptuously. This is to carry the arrogance to the end. This is what he deliberately wants With Duan Hui killing the chicken to warn the monkey, otherwise in Divine City in the future, cultivation and life will inevitably come to him.

“damned bastard, I will not abolish you today and swear not to be a man.” Duan Hui was furious, drew out the high grade Spirit Sword saber, and slashed towards Yang Xuan.

This is obviously a powerful sword skill. I saw a icy sword energy burst out of the air, with a powerful sword force, it cut off to Yang Xuan.

“This is the dragon-slashing blow of the Great Xia Imperial Family, that kid will definitely lose.” Someone blurted out, as if recognizing Duan Hui’s sword skills.

However, in the face of Duan Hui’s dragon-cutting blow, Yang Xuan face doesn’t change. He just turned sideways slightly, avoiding the oncoming sword energy.

The sword energy brushed his body and didn’t fly far. It slashed on a colorless and transparent light curtain.

This is the Defensive Great Array of Doujiantai, and the usual Celestial Realm powerhouse full strength attack can’t be broken, let alone Duan Hui’s dragon-slashing blow.

“Avoid it!”

Many spectators were taken aback. No one didn’t expect Yang Xuan to understand that the cultivation base is not high, but the combat experience is so powerful. It’s not like a 17-18 years old boy at all, but like an expert of Martial Dao for years.

At this moment, even Jiang Yichen has a surprised look on his face, nodded and said: “It’s pretty good, this child is probably a dark horse in this sword fight.”

“Senior Brother Jiang, he is really as strong as you said!?”

“Of course, his fleshy body is strong and he has rich combat experience. If you are against him, you must go all out. Otherwise, he will definitely lose.”

With a missed hit, Duan Hui’s face became more ugly. He didn’t stop for a while, and directly used the strongest body technique secret technique, rushing to Yang Xuan like a bolt of lightning. Before, Yijian cut over.

It’s just that Yang Xuan didn’t pay much attention to his mortal sword, just like when he dealt with Zuo Ming, he used shadow escape and turned into countless phantoms.


With a single sword, Duan Hui’s black hair stood upside down, and said angrily: “Boy, these phantoms are useless to me, let’s see where you go.”

while speaking, his eyes bloomed with strange light, locked on Yang Xuan’s real body, and then unfolded his body, fast as lightning to kill him.

“Who said I was going to escape? It’s ridiculous.”

coldly snorted, like a thunderbolt that shook the world, resounded throughout the world.

Yang Xuan not even think, urged the sword intent, and in an instant, a sword dao will come to kill Duan Hui.

Duan Hui trembled wildly, stopped in his footsteps, and cried out in a frantic manner: “Impossible, you actually comprehended sword intent!”

When this remark came out, it caused an uproar. The whole scene became no longer peaceful, and countless people looked towards Yang Xuan with the eyes of monsters.

It’s just a 17-18 years old boy who actually comprehended sword intent. What does this mean? It means that Yang Xuan’s talent on sword dao is even higher than that of the palace lord of their Sword God Palace. This is something that everyone can’t imagine. It’s better than Inner Sect True Disciple. No one can be 17-18 years old. Comprehend sword intent.

“Don’t be surprised, this is the difference between mediocrity and genius.” With a sneer, Yang Xuan was as quiet as a virgin, moving like a rabbit, lightning appeared in front of Duan Hui, and there was also a silver in his hand. long sword.

This is also the high grade Spirit Sword. As he used the sword technique, the silver long sword suddenly turned into a dazzling sword light, carrying the sharp whistle of Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! , Cut to Duan Hui’s throat fiercely.


At the critical moment, Duan Hui’s eyes were about to split, his mouth uttered a hoarse roar, and the high grade Spirit Sword waved in his hand, which was dangerous and dangerous. A sword faster than lightning.

However, Yang Xuan not only used the sword technique, but also urged the sword intent, so that the formidable power of this sword was increased by many times.

Ka-cha, Duan Hui’s high grade Spirit Sword broke in two on the spot, and his chest was torn apart by that sword light, and his whole body was splashed and flew out directly. Smashed under the sword fighting platform, the Defensive Great Array on the fighting sword platform can only withstand energy attacks, but people can move in and out freely.

“We won!”

“One sword, really defeated Duan Hui.”

There was an uproar in the square stands. Not long ago, many people If you are not optimistic about Yang Xuan, everyone thinks that he will definitely lose.

But now, this 17-18 years old teenager has proved his tyranny with facts. Even in the face of Duan Hui, who is ranked 7th on the Shanhe Ranking, he can easily defeat him.

“Senior Brother, he really comprehended sword intent!?”

“Well, how else can I defeat Duan Hui?”

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