“Little thief!” Shen Yuexin shouted.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.” Yang Xuan naturally understands that Su Ziyao is worried about an accident, but he has strong confidence in his own strength, and he doesn’t mean to admit defeat.

“Yang Xuan, don’t blame me for not giving you a chance. You have too much time to admit defeat, or if my star Martial Spirit comes out, you will be crippled even if you don’t die.” Shen Xingchen said coldly, with a look on his face. With a strong color of arrogance.

His star Martial Spirit is Life Source Martial Spirit. It is very powerful. When this Martial Spirit comes out, Xiao Buye and Jiang Yichen are defeated.

Chapter 232 Showdown

“This guy…”

Xiao Buye’s pupil light condenses slightly, turning his head and Jiang Yichen to look at each other. Rao is far apart, but both of them can see the surprise and solemnity in their eyes. It is obvious that Shen Xingchen’s Martial Spirit has already made them feel the pressure.

“Your star Martial Spirit is very strong. I’m afraid I can’t find a second one in the world, but if you want to deal with me, it’s a bit close. Come and fight, let me see the star Martial Spirit. The formidable power.”

Under the focal point of ten thousands, Yang Xuan pupil light is as sharp as electricity, his clothes sway with the wind, and his fighting intent is high, as if he is alone between Heaven and Earth. There is no sign of weakness on his face, but fearless in his heart.

“Very powerful self-confidence, it seems that he is really not doing his best in front of him!”

“It is possible, otherwise he would be so confident!?”

The crowd marveled, it was Martial Spirit. Formidable power is naturally terrifying, but Yang Xuan’s face doesn’t change now, which shows that his strength is not as simple as it seems.

As for how strong he is, only wait and see.

“This child is very interesting, I want to see what he has to rely on?” In the box in the north, God Lord Tianshu came and looked at the sword on the fighting platform with a smile. Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan was young and frivolous, with a flamboyant and domineering personality, quite similar to him when he was young. Seeing what Yang Xuan looks like now, the memory of his youth is also hooked up, and the smile on his face is getting bigger. Rich.

“My Little Junior Brother is a personal spirit. I never fight insecure battles. He must have a killing move.”

The corners of Ditian’s mouth are slightly raised, showing a smile. But he soon thought of something, and respectfully asked: “Master, where did Martial Spirit come from? In addition, this star Martial Spirit is rare in the world, and what Martial Spirit does it belong to!?”

“Martial Spirit is a kind of supernatural power brand. As for how the supernatural power brand comes from, no one knows, but one thing has been confirmed. The supernatural power brand exists in between Heaven and Earth. Once someone absorbs a certain supernatural power brand, you can get it This kind of Martial Spirit.”

The god of Tianshu said: “Supreme Realm powerhouse, in a situation where he knows he will die, he can strip the imprint of magic power from the Divine Soul and put it in the Divine Soul of others. Can let his own Martial Spirit inheritance.”

Speaking of this, the god of the gods of Tianshu paused, and continued: “Martial Spirit also has a detailed level division, according to the formidable power and the number of evolutions, from low to high. For: Ordinary Level, Profound Level, Earth Grade, Heaven Grade, Holy Grade, Divine Grade, such as your Silver Wing Martial Spirit, this should be a kind of Heaven Grade Martial Spirit, which can eventually evolve to Holy Grade, when the silver wing will cover the sky , Cut everything, 10,000,000 li in a flash, much stronger than your cultivation star sword array.”

“Is my Martial Spirit only Heaven Grade?” Ditian astonished.

“Heaven Grade? You brat too underestimate Heaven Grade Martial Spirit. Although there are a lot of marks between Heaven and Earth Divine Ability, the stronger the Divine Ability mark, the harder it is to be absorbed. In the world, how many people can awaken the Heaven Grade Martial Spirit?” Tianshu God Lord said with a smile.

“Master, what level is the Martial Spirit of this star!?” Ditian asked. He cultivated the Sword God Palace nine Great Sword Formation, one of the stars sword array, and understood that a Martial Spirit awakened the star The cultivation star sword array must be twice the results for half the effort.

“It should be a holy Martial Spirit.”

“What, holy Martial Spirit!”

“Well, it is indeed a holy Martial Spirit, Moreover, this is because Shen Xingchen’s cultivation base is too low. Once his cultivation progress goes up, the Martial Spirit of the stars can evolve to Divine Grade. At that time, the Martial Spirit of the stars evolved a vast and boundless Star Sea with infinite power and enough power. Crush the same level.”

“So powerful, isn’t Yang Xuan dangerous?”

“Well, it depends on whether he has any trump card.”

while speaking, the piece of Star Sea behind Shen Xingchen is like the Star River rolling upside down, covering him.

For a time, he was surrounded by thousands of starlight spots, and every starlight was shining brightly, swirling around him, making him go up like a star. The robe is extremely gorgeous.

Not only that, he exudes amazing fluctuations, a little bit of starlight wanders and converges into countless Star Rivers, blooming with a dazzling brilliance.

Especially terrifying, the stars in the sky seem to be attracted.

Although it is broad daylight, everyone looks up, and there are faintly visible stars flashing through naked eye, and wisps of starlight flew down from the nine heavens and landed on Shen Xingchen, continuing Constantly sending him the vast Power of Stars.

It can be said that Shen Xingchen’s power at this moment will never be exhausted.

“With the support of Boundless Starry Sky’s powerful Power of Stars, isn’t he invincible now!” Many people are ashamed. Although their cultivation base is not high, they see a little bit of starlight falling on Shen Xingchen. I also understand that Shen Xingchen’s current state is very terrifying.

“Yang Xuan, can you still fight now?” Shen Xingchen shouted, and a terrifying star could be released from him and swept away towards Yang Xuan.

deng deng deng!

Yang Xuan took three steps to stabilize his body.

Many people took a cold breath, and deeply realized Shen Xingchen’s tyranny, and they actually retreated Yang Xuan by imposing manner alone.

Since the battle, Shen Xingchen has been at a disadvantage, but as soon as Xingchen Martial Spirit came out, the situation was immediately reversed.

Everyone understands that if Yang Xuan doesn’t come up with some trump card tricks, he has to stop here.

“It’s so exciting, I thought Shen Xingchen was going to lose, but now it seems that Shen Xingchen has a great chance of winning!” Someone exclaimed, his eyes always looking towards Yang Xuan.

All the way through the barriers and cutting generals to the top ten in the sword fighting conference, Yang Xuan has never used the Martial Spirit, except for Su Ziyao and the others who are familiar with him, no one knows what Martial Spirit he has awakened.

“Until the Yellow River does not die, I will let you see the formidable power of my star Martial Spirit.” Shen Xingchen was coldly snorted, his waist sank, and both hands were in a posture of arching and archery. Strands of starlight flew from him and gathered on his hands.

In an instant, a piece of three feet long, with the thickness of an arm, a star bow completely condensed from starlight appeared. At the same time, a starlight arrow condensed and gently placed it on the star Above the bow, a powerful energy wave was emitted.

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