“Yang Xuan, are you still not ready to use the second Martial Spirit?” Jiang Yichen asked. Behind him, a round of silver moon was rising and falling, and the rays of the silver moon were clearly visible. of light is much dim.

On the other hand, the scorching sun above Xiao Buye’s head has dimmed a lot.

“Are you going to use the second Martial Spirit!?” At this moment, everyone is looking forward to it. Even the great characters in the boxes are looking at Yang Xuan intently, wanting to see what kind of awakening this genius boy Martial Spirit.

“Di Tian, ​​don’t you know what Martial Spirit he awakened?” Tianshu God Lord asked.

“I don’t know about the discipline.”

“Hehe, this child really knows how to hide.”

“cough cough!”

Just When Tianshu Shenjun was talking with Ditian, Yang Xuan coughed violently and vomited a few more mouthfuls of blood.

However, his fighting intent has not been weakened by half, but has risen steadily.

Looking at Xiao Buye and Jiang Yichen in the two places, his pupils are like Star River, bright and shining, and he said every word: “The two are really amazing. It seems that if I don’t take With the trump card thing, the next blow will be out.”

After speaking, the mind moved, and behind him, the Martial Spirit natural phenomenon appeared.

This is a surging demon flame, the demon flame is black, it burns continuously there, but it does not emit any temperature, and in this raging demon flame, two scarlet and coquettish The pupils loomed, and the terrifying killing intent swept the audience, like a Demon God in hell awakening.

weng! weng!

Both Xiao Buye and Jiang Yichen felt a tremendous pressure, and their respective hot sun and silver moon burst into light, bringing their The body is shrouded, so I feel better.

“Be careful, both of you. My Martial Spirit will change my temperament. If I kill you by mistake, I hope you don’t blame me.”

A scream, The demon flames behind Yang Xuan dissipated, and one was two meters high, and was covered in black robes. He couldn’t see clearly, and only two humans with scarlet eyes appeared in everyone’s eyes.

“This is?”

“The humanoid Martial Spirit, isn’t this true!?”

In each box, the great characters are fierce. He stood up and gave an incredible exclamation.

“What? How is this possible!?” In the square stands, hundreds of thousands Outer Disciple also stood up.

“Master, what exactly is this Martial Spirit!?” Di Tian sucked in a cold breath, although he had long guessed that Yang Xuan must have awakened some kind of strong Martial Spirit, but he saw Yang Xuan The humanoid Martial Spirit behind him still set off a stormy sea in his heart.

The human form Martial Spirit has never appeared in Zhong Prefecture.

But now, a teenager who has awakened the humanoid Martial Spirit actually appeared in their Sword God Palace.

“It is said that 10,000 years ago in Zhong Prefecture, a person called the powerhouse of the Asura demon awakened a kind of strong Martial Spirit, which is somewhat similar to his humanoid Martial Spirit.” Tianshu Shenjun whispered. Tao.

“Asura Demon Lord!?” Di Tian said blankly.

“Well, that’s a genius, claiming to be the youngest divine force powerhouse in Zhong Prefecture.”

“This, the youngest divine force powerhouse!?”

“Yes, he reached the divine force level 3 Heavenly Layer in 28 years. He is much more talented than you. He is recognized as a demon in Zhong Prefecture. Unfortunately, this man has a perverse temperament and is a demon commiting any imaginable misdeed. Offended countless people, and finally died under the siege of a dozen divine force powerhouses.”

“Is this true?”

“Of course, that More than a dozen divine force powerhouses were completely destroyed in World War I. At that time, it shocked the entire Zhong Prefecture.”

“Master, Yang Xuan’s Martial Spirit is really the same as that of Asura Demon Lord?”

“This, as a teacher, I can’t tell. Rumor has it that the Asura Demon Lord kills every time he makes a shot. Rarely leaves his mouth alive, but most people who have seen his Martial Spirit are dead. “

The two while speaking, with countless eyes in the audience, they stared at the humanoid Martial Spirit behind Yang Xuan.

“Yang Xuan, what is your Martial Spirit?” Xiao Buye asked.

“I call it enchanted.”

In one sentence, the humanoid Martial Spirit moved, turned into a black beam, and merged into Yang Xuan’s body.

“hong long! ”

The killing thought that hung in Yang Xuan’s heart was immediately ignited, constantly impacting his mind, to let him escape into the demonic path, Kill the common people.

At the same time, his whole person has changed. A pair of scarlet eyes seems to be bleeding. Deep in the bottom of his eyes, a sea of ​​blood and a mountain of corpses appeared, and the skin of his whole body also appeared like ghost painting symbols. Like magic lines.

A palpitating killing intent was conveyed from his body, like a group of horses galloping, the entire sword fighting platform shook violently, that kind of breath and kind of fluctuations made the heart stop. After beating, Divine Soul seemed to break apart.

“It’s so scary and evil, is he still a human being?”

“His Martial Spirit is called a demon. Once activated, a person will fall into the demonic path. Now he is completely a demon!”

The whispers were endless, and many people’s faces showed shock.

Yang Xuan is no one else, at this moment, he seems to be the incarnation of sin, evil, bloodthirsty, ruthless, indifferent, all negative emotions are added to him, making him lose Seven Emotions and Six Desires, there is a kind of The urge to destroy everything.

Su Ziyao looks pale, worried, she knows that Yang Xuan’s dark Martial Spirit hurts others and herself. Once she can’t suppress the killing desire in her heart, Yang Xuan will completely become a murderous demon.

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