“Yes, if it breaks, it will be broken, and there is nothing to be a pity.” Zhou Yalan said.

“Anyway, this ancient Nayuan formation was the first to be discovered by you, I naturally can’t treat you badly.” After all, Yang Xuan took out seven middle grade Spiritual Artifacts from the storage ring and handed them to Murong Chong. .

“Brother Yang what does this mean?” Murong Chong frowned.

“Mu big brother, this is a little bit of my little brother, you can accept it on behalf of the senior brother and senior sister.” I stuffed the seven pieces into Murong Chong’s arms, and Yang Xuan didn’t Stay, a few vertical leaps, and go away quickly.

Looking at the seven Spiritual Artifacts in his hand, Murong Chong was stunned. He understood that Yang Xuan didn’t want to owe them favor.


Going all the way, on the road corpses everywhere across the field, Yang Xuan didn’t feel relieved, but as he kept moving forward, he saw more and more corpses , And these corpses were obviously killed by people, his expression became a little dignified, thinking: “Did there be a murderous madman in the tomb of the Monster Emperor?”

Thinking like this, Yang Xuan became more careful. Although his cultivation base breakthrough reached Vientiane Realm 6 Heavenly Layer, he did not dare to run rampant in the tomb of the Monster Emperor. Not to mention the unknown killing event, just the ancients in the tomb of the Monster Emperor. The remaining seeds are enough for him to drink a pot.

After the little one hour, there was a sudden fierce fighting in front of him, Yang Xuan not even think, the invisibility array that inspired the cloak of shadows quietly leaned over.

This is a dilapidated jungle. When Yang Xuan arrived here, bloody corpses were everywhere.

In addition, in the open space more than ten meters away, more than a dozen martial artist expressions ranging from Zhengang to Vientiane Realm were surrounded by martial artist expressions, and around them, five burly figures , Shirtless upper body, the big man wearing animal leather shorts holding a sword, baleful qi awe-inspiring.

“Everyone, we don’t know each other, why are you chasing us?” At this moment, the person with the highest cultivation base among more than a dozen martial artists asked, not knowing what’s going on, they are in one The unfathomable mystery was chased and killed by five big men before the hour.

Originally, they were a team of dozens of people. They were going to shop for some treasures in the Monster Emperor’s tomb, but they had already been killed by five people all the way here.

“hmph, this is the mausoleum of my Monster Race Red Dragon Emperor, you humans dare to come in, how can we let you leave alive?” A cultivation base reached Vientiane with his arms covered with black scales. The man from Realm Peak coldly snorted and said.

“What, you are Monster Race!?” The more than a dozen human martial artists changed their colors in amazement.

“Monster Race!” Yang Xuan, who was hiding in the dark, was also taken aback.

In the ancient times, Myriad Clans Struggle for Hegemony had been fighting all the year round. The Monster Race had long been extinct in a series of battles. Unexpectedly, there were several Monster Races in the tomb of the Monster Emperor.

What is the difference between Monster Race and human beings not at all? If there is any difference, it is that Monster Race within the body flows both the human bloodline and the Demonic beast bloodline. It can be said that Monster Race is the offspring of humans and Demonic beasts.

Demonic beast cultivation to level seven, you will experience the transformation Thunder Tribulation.

Once you have gone through Thunder Tribulation, you will be able to transform yourself into a human, and naturally you will be able to mate with a human woman, and the offspring of the two will be the Monster Race.

This is a race that is extremely hostile to humans. Of course, humans also discriminate against Monster Race, so if the two meet, it is irreconcilable.

“Surprised, isn’t it, but you heard that right, we are Monster Race.” The big man with his arms covered with black scales coldly said.

“Damn it, your Monster Race massacred us humans, aren’t you afraid that our humans will destroy you?” someone flustered and exasperated shouted loudly, apparently news of the birth of Monster Race Disclosure, and hope that someone nearby can come and help.

However, what surprised Yang Xuan was that the five Monster Race guys had expressions of indifference, fearlessness, and no intention to stop them. They all looked at the dozen or so human martial artists with contempt.

“Come here, Monster Race is born, we are going to kill all of us humans.” Someone shouted.

“haha, scream, just yell, just to announce the news of the birth of our Monster Race.” The big man with his arms covered with black scales laughed loudly.

“Everyone, let’s escape separately.” With a shout, a dozen human martial artists ran away.

“Want to go, how can it be so easy?”


Five Monster Race big guys shot together, just like humans, Monster Race The same cultivating energy, but human beings are far behind them, that is fleshy body.

Because there are a lot of Demonic beast bloodlines flowing within the body, Monster Race’s fleshy body is very powerful, so the five Monster Race big guys alone are enough to suppress and kill the ordinary Vientiane Realm. martial artist.

hong long long!

In a burst of The earth shook and the mountain quivered, five Monster Race big guys imposing manner are fierce, with very ruthless moves, and slaughter a dozen human martial artists.

Boom! boom! boom!

The man with his arms covered with a few black scales was the most ferocious. With a pair of fists, he slammed on several human martial artists swiftly, making a deafening explosion, the bodies of those human martial artists Protection True Origin couldn’t stop it at all, the body shattered one after another, and the flesh and blood residue was gorgeous like fireworks.

“roar!” a loud roar, there are several blood-colored scales on the other chest. The Monster Race man is also very ruthless. He opened his mouth and spouted a blood-colored beam. This blood-colored beam is no stronghold one like Divine Weapon. cannot overcome, several human martial artists were stopped by the beam of light before they could escape very far.

At the same time, the remaining three Monster Race heroes are also frantically attacking, killing the escaped human martial artists one by one.

This is a one-sided slaughter. More than a dozen human martial artists are not the opponents of the five Monster Race big guys at all, and they are quickly wiped out.

“Terrifying race!” Yang Xuan shook in his heart and took a cold breath in his mouth. He knew that Monster Race was powerful, but he had never seen it with his own eyes. When I saw it today, I realized that the name is not in vain. This is a powerful race born for killing, one fleshy body is tyrannical, blood is like a dragon.

“Big brother, shall we continue to kill?”

“No, we can’t kill so many human beings, so hurry up and meet the Elders.”


While speaking, five Monster Race guys turned around and left.

After they disappeared into the distance, Yang Xuan emerged from the void, whispering: “Monster Race is born, this time is lively, I don’t know how many people will die in the tomb of the Monster Emperor this time. “

Yang Xuan does not discriminate against Monster Race. In his opinion, all intelligent creatures in the world should have their own living space.

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