The words fall, Jiang Biehe moved towards Liu Ziming cup one fist in the other hand and said: “Elder Liu, you want treasure, you have one right now.”

“Oh. , Where is treasure?” Liu Ziming narrowed his eyes and scanned the people present.

“Elder Liu doesn’t need to look for it anymore, treasure is on that kid.” Jiang Biehe pointed to Wang Hailin’s side Tong An.

hearing this, Liu Ziming and Wang Hailin were stunned, and they looked towards Tong An together.

“Elder Wang, you should keep this thing.” Tong An brow beaded with sweat, immediately took out a dark red jade box from his arms and handed it to Wang Hailin.

This jade box cannot be included in the storage ring. Without a certain cultivation base and strength, anyone holding it is a hot potato.

“Well, this thing will be kept by the old man for the time being.” Wang Hailin was nodded, and he reached out and grabbed it to the jade box.


Suddenly, a silhouette flashed out of thin air, snatching away the jade box.


The people present startled, and no one didn’t expect to hide a person secretly, so those with no difficulty took the jade box away.

Needless to say, the instigator was Yang Xuan. He used the cloak of shadow to escape his figure. Unless it is the Supreme, no one knows that he has been hiding in the dark waiting for an opportunity.

“Enclose him, don’t let him escape!” Liu Ziming first came back to his senses and waved his hand. A group of dozens of Celestial Realm martial artists from Sword Sect flickered, and Yang Xuan surrounded them round and round.

“Little beast, it’s you!” Wang Hailin also came back to his senses, opening his mouth with a scream like a mad lion.

“Hey, Wang Laoer, do you recognize him!?” Liu Ziming was astonished. He could see Wang Hailin’s hatred for Yang Xuan at a glance. He didn’t know that Yang Xuan was mediocre, and the only cultivation base was Vientiane Realm 6 Heavenly. How did Layer’s kid offend Wang Hailin.

“Of course, I recognize him even if he turns into ashes.” Wang Hailin gnashing one’s teeth said, wishing to smash Yang Xuan.

This kid is really hateful. He killed them in front of him most of the time ago. Azure Clouds Sect, the three talented Inner Disciple out of the ordinary. Not to mention, he is still watching him. Taking away the jade box from underneath, it was tantamount to drawing his face from Fiercely, he only felt hot on his face.

Chapter 253 You can’t kill you

“A lot of old people, it’s better to be less angry, otherwise they will definitely not live long.” Yang Xuan said ruthless sarcastically. .

“Hehe, funny!” Liu Ziming raised his mouth and couldn’t help laughing, while the others were dumbfounded. Yang Xuan is a young kid, but he is so bold when he speaks. Face provocation against Wang Hailin, without any scruples.

“Don’t worry, the old man will live for a thousand and 800 years, and you are destined to be buried here today.” After all, Wang Hailin’s murderous aura surged, and he was ready to do it. To kill Yang Xuan to vent his anger, the second is to take back the jade box.

“I stopped Wang Hailin, you will win the treasure.” However, before Wang Hailin could take a shot, Liu Ziming stepped out and stopped in front of him.

“Liu Ziming, you are courting death.” Wang Hailin blushed and his neck was thick.

“Courting death, that’s not necessarily true. Didn’t you find that half a year has passed, my cultivation base has surpassed you?”

“It’s just the 6 Heavenly Layer that’s All, you think I can’t kill you?”

“Oh, then you try it.”

The two are vying for each other, and each other is faintly dreaded, and no one first Shot.

Here, more than a dozen Celestial Realm martial artists from Sword Sect sneered towards Yang Xuan.

“A dozen Celestial Realm experts bullied me, Vientiane Realm martial artist, don’t you think it’s shameless?” Yang Xuan said indifferently.

“Boy, we don’t want to embarrass you either, but you have to hand over the jade box. That thing is too precious, it’s not something you can own.” A thin old man from Celestial Realm Peak man said solemnly.

“It’s really sorry, I’ve never given away the baby I got.” Yang Xuan shrugged and said slowly.

“refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit.” A group of more than a dozen people complexion ashen, moved towards Yang Xuan from several directions, and everyone has murderous intention revealed, obviously Yang Xuan just now The words have completely angered them.

“You think you can kill me, sorry, Young Master won’t play with you anymore.” Yang Xuan shook his head, spurred his blood wings, and rushed to the sky at an astonishing speed towards the lava mountain range Flying in the depths.

“Zhu Zi stay away!” Wang Hailin was both shocked and angry. He shot out in the air, and a thunder and lightning flew out to suppress and kill Yang Xuan. Who knew that Yang Xuan had been prepared for a long time, with both wings With a shake, he dodges and avoids.

With a bang, the thunder and lightning palm blasted on a lava wall in the distance, and it collapsed on the spot on the mountain wall of the hundred zhang high, the chaos pierced through the sky, and the huge boulders were flying, and the scene was shocking.


However, the people present didn’t care about the formidable power of Palm Jin, but stared at Yang Xuan like a wooden chicken, this kid too Terrifying, it can actually avoid Wang Hailin’s palm strength. Although there are restrictions and suppressions in the Monster Emperor’s grave, Wang Hailin is the powerhouse of the 5 Heavenly Layer in the homeland after all. This powerhouse is enough to kill Celestial Realm powerhouse in seconds, but his containment With an angry blow, Yang Xuan didn’t hurt half of Yang Xuan’s hair.

“old thief, today’s vengeance, will be reported in the next day. When Young Master enters the realm of return, he must visit your Cyan Cloud Sect and take your head.” coldly shouted , Yang Xuan urges blood and wings to escape with all his strength. This time he can be described as seizing food from the tiger’s mouth. He must escape as soon as possible, or he will be caught up by Wang Hailin, Liu Ziming and the others, absolutely bode ill rather than well.

“The old man is angry.” One missed a hit, and he heard Yang Xuan’s wild words, Wang Hailin’s face flushed, and he was angry in his heart, chasing Yang Xuan crazy. .

“Let’s chase it too.” Liu Ziming was coldly snorted, with a gloomy face carrying more than a dozen Celestial Realm martial artists from Sword Sect, following Wang Hailin’s flight away.

“How is this possible!?”

“You can escape this way, who is that kid!?”

Jiang Biehe and other famous people Celestial Realm Elder in Lanshan Villa was surprised, didn’t expect Yang Xuan to escape alive with the help of the powerful.


Going all the way through the air, Yang Xuan was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood. This jade box is too damn good to be included in the storage ring. Not to mention, even the shadow cloak It cannot be obscured.

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