
A bloody rays of light rushed up and completely submerged him. He also entered a blood-red killing world without any accident, but with the lessons learned, he broke free in an instant and looked down into the jade box.

At this moment, the blood-colored rays of light disappeared, and he clearly saw the contents of the box.

This is a scarlet spar, which is fist sized, carved from blood-colored amber. It is crystal clear and near-transparent. The spar is spherical and extremely rounded. The surface is dotted with many strange patterns. The wisps of blood light circulates inside, like a snake, wandering around, exuding an overflowing heaven murderous aura, which makes one’s heart be frightening.

“This is the Wu Soul Crystal core!?” Yang Xuan sucked in cold air. The murderous aura released by the blood light was too terrifying. He was like a god of murder, who wanted to slaughter the common people.

“No, I have to quickly refining, otherwise this murderous aura will spread, and it will definitely cause trouble.” Yang Xuan shook his head, immediately bit the tip of his tongue, and dripped a drop of blood essence to Wu Soul Crystal. .

Absorbed blood essence, Wu Soul Crystal nucleus ka-cha cracked, the blood light inside flew up, shot into Yang Xuan’s sea of ​​Consciousness, and penetrated into his Divine Within Soul.

hong long!

Divine Soul vibrated violently, and there was a sharp pain like tearing, which made Yang Xuan look hideous and almost fainted.

Fortunately, he is strong-willed, gritted his teeth and survived.

The pain comes and goes quickly. In a short moment, all the pain disappears like ice and snow melt. Yang Xuan feels that there is a little blood light in the depths of his Divine Soul, so It was like a seed that had taken root in the depths of his Divine Soul. He only needed to move his thoughts to activate this thing.

“This can be regarded as a successful refining.” Yang Xuan knew that he had one more Martial Spirit, but he didn’t know what Martial Spirit was.

It’s also easy. He moved his mind and tried to motivate it, but something strange happened. As soon as he motivated this Martial Spirit, a mutation occurred in the Dark Martial Spirit. A terrifying suction, almost any resistance from that blood light, swish, was sucked into the dark Martial Spirit.

The dark Martial Spirit is also located in the depths of Divine Soul. It is a little black light. The black light absorbs the blood light and immediately vibrates and blooms with brilliant light, just like pouring cold water into a hot oil pan. The fluctuations are extremely severe.


Yang Xuan screamed, his whole body curled to the ground, his head almost bursting, the pain level was thousands of times that of the previous refining Wu Soul Crystal core.

This kind of pain is too strong, and even if your will is strong, you can’t resist it. Yang Xuan soon became unconscious and fell into a coma.


The dark sky and the white night are inseparable in the Monster Emperor tomb. For some time, when Yang Xuan woke up, he discovered that the dark Martial Spirit in the depths of Divine Soul had happened. Great changes.

If the Dark Martial Spirit used to be a little black light, now, the Dark Martial Spirit has become a black bead, which is large enough to have a fingernail, and the whole body is round, as clear as a black gem, black Profound, as if it can swallow the world’s creatures and obliterate its Divine Soul.

The mind sank into the Divine Soul, Yang Xuan looked at the black bead in surprise, only to see a faint flicker of blood light in the bead, which was obviously the Martial Spirit sealed in the Wu Soul Crystal core.

“Is this a successful fusion?”

“No, this may not be a fusion, but a swallow. The Martial Spirit of the Soul Crystal core was swallowed by the dark Martial Spirit.”

Yang Xuan was a little dazed. I don’t know what the situation is, but the aura of the dark Martial Spirit has indeed become stronger.

Set his mind, Yang Xuan really wants to try the formidable power of the dark Martial Spirit, but the side effects of the dark Martial Spirit are already abnormal enough. Now they have swallowed the “blood light” Martial Spirit, and the formidable power is absolutely Better than before, he thought over and over again and finally chose to give up.

It is not that he is timid, but that he has a hunch, knowing that with his current cultivation base, he will definitely not be able to withstand the side effects of the dark Martial Spirit.

In his opinion, in the future, unless it is a desperate situation of life and death, you should never move the dark Martial Spirit arbitrarily, otherwise it will be unimaginable.

This feeling is not very strong, so he has to be cautious.


Suddenly, Yang Xuan noticed something and got up and quietly walked out of the cave.

This cave is located halfway up the mountain. Outside the cave is a protruding rock platform. The rock platform is rugged. Yang Xuan hides in a patch of rocks of varying heights and looks into the distant sky. There was a fascinating color in his eyes, and I saw a woman floating on a mountain peak outside several hundred zhang.

This woman is 20 years old in her early 20s. She has bright eyes, white teeth, and a delicate neck. She is surpassingly beautiful and beautiful.

She wears a fiery red dress. She is tall, with snow-skinned skin and beautiful curves. She looks like a fairy who shouldn’t exist in Human World. She is beautiful and intoxicating.

“There are such beauties in the world!”

Yang Xuan was shocked as a god.

“Wait, there seems to be something wrong with this woman.”

Suddenly, Yang Xuan frowned, he cultivated innate Qi Viewing Technique, and saw that the woman seemed to emit a faint monster qi.

“This is a Monster Race woman!”

Yang Xuan inwardly startled in one’s heart, knowing that the woman must come from Monster Race, and the cultivation base has 4 Heavenly Layer.

Just as Yang Xuan was looking at it quietly, the woman frowned slightly, as if feeling a little, turned her head to Yang Xuan’s side, and her mouth suddenly burst into an intriguing smile. It seems to see some interesting toy.

“Very powerful perception!?”

Yang Xuan heart shivered with cold, but he has a cloak of shadow, and he can walk away quietly at any time, without fear in his heart. Just prepare to go out and say hello to each other.

“Demonic girl, you can’t escape today with your wings.”

Suddenly, an angry shout came from afar, and a group of more than a dozen people killed in the air and surrounded the girls. The leader is an old man with a rickety figure and a blue robe. The cultivation base is 7 Heavenly Layer and the rest are Celestial Realm experts.

“You are too slow.” The woman said indifferently, her voice was pleasant.

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