“The girl is so beautiful, just like the stars on that day, dazzling and dazzling, and she won’t be able to see enough in her life.” Yang Xuan said seriously.

“Interesting, you should know that I am a Monster Race, so you are not afraid of me at all?”

“There are good and bad creatures in the world. I believe a girl is a good demon. It shouldn’t be strength to bully the weak, kill innocent people randomly.”

“Hehe, you are different from other humans, I like it very much.”

“Girl, I am married, so , You should go find another man.” Yang Xuan smiled, very brilliant, a mouthful of white teeth shimmering like jade.

“Boy, take off the human skin mask on your face, let me see clearly.” Yan Ruyue said suddenly.

“This, I am too handsome, what if the girl falls in love with me?” Yang Xuan scratched his head.

“It’s okay, my concentration is very strong, and ordinary men can’t enter the eyes of my Dharma.”

hearing this, Yang Xuan was speechless for a while, after all, he still put the human skin mask on his face Take it down.

He understood that the beautiful bubbling demonic girl in front of him had seen something, and wearing a human skin mask was similar to not wearing it.

“The long ones are fine, but they are too young and a little tender.” Yan Ruyue said nodded.

“Cough cough, what the elder sister wants, just say it straight.” Yang Xuan straight to the point said, secretly ready to escape at any time.

“Submit to me, save your life.” Yan Ruyue’s lips curled slightly, revealing a faint smile, beautiful and peerless, a smile is enough to charm the world.

Under that fascinating smile, the Buddhist monk had to rehabilitate for it and become a normal man, fearing that she would have been fascinated by her long ago, and willingly bowed under her pomegranate skirt , Saddled her up and down.

However, Yang Xuan is not an ordinary man. He is not old, but his ambition is higher than the sky. He came back to his senses after a moment of loss, and asked: “If I don’t agree, the elder sister is really ready to kill Have you lost me?”

“Boy, you are courageous and talented enough. If you were born in my Monster Race, you will be able to raise my clan’s prestige in the future, but unfortunately, you are a human , Or a human genius, do you think I will let you go?” Yan Ruyue’s red lips slightly opened, and her voice was like a pearl falling on a jade plate. It was quite pleasant, but Yang Xuan could feel the murderous intention contained in this voice. .

This woman will really kill herself!

Yang Xuan heart shivered with cold, there is a kind of impulse to immediately spur the shadow cloak and blood wings to escape with all his strength.

“You have no choice now, the only way out is to submit to me and work for me.” Before speaking, Yan Ruyue reached out and gently lifted the strands of blue silk on the front of her forehead. Beautiful, stupefied and lost.

“There are so many handsome men in the world, why does the elder sister want me to acknowledge allegiance? Is it because I have taken a fancy to my talent?” Yang Xuan asked.

“I have accepted eight human men as slaves, and you are the ninth, but you are the highest among the nine, even though the cultivation base is still poor. Some, but that’s because you are still young.” Yan Ruyue said as if nothing had happened.

“Eight human servants!?” Yang Xuan was stunned, wondering whether the girl in front of him likes to be a queen or abuses human men, otherwise, what would he do with so many human men as servants?

“Little Brat, you have to understand that my patience is limited, so you’d better stop procrastinating. Even if you try your best, don’t try to escape from my eyes.” Yan Ruyue The calm voice was full of incomparable strength, and the young man Yang Xuan was completely ignored.

“If you take me as a slave today, are you afraid that I will rebel in the future?” Yang Xuan asked back.

“Of course I have a way to control you, okay, now you relax, let me plant a brand in your Divine Soul, from now on, you will be my person, life and death are up to me Take control.” After that, Yan Ruyue’s brows glowed, apparently to forcibly plant a brand in Yang Xuan’s Divine Soul.

“Blood wings!” Yang Xuan couldn’t dare to stand stupidly, urging the blood wings to go, and flew out a few ten zhang, fast as lightning in an instant.

“Hehe, your pair of wings is very out of the ordinary, but your cultivation base is too low, you can’t escape it.” Suddenly, a playful chuckle came, and Yang Xuan tilted his head. Looking around, I saw Yan Ruyue’s dress fluttering, appearing beside her out of thin air.

“Sister, you are very compassionate, just let me go. I don’t take a bath for two weeks. I am so stinky and not suitable to stay by your side and wait for you.” Yang Xuan The figure paused, a little bit eager to cry but no tears, wishing to slap himself in the face.

It’s a miscalculation. When Yan Ruyue went to war with blue robed old man and the others, he should have slipped away, but he was not afraid, because he still had the cloak of shadow and hadn’t used it yet. If you lose your figure, you have a chance to escape.

“Let you go, no, I am bound to take you as a slave today. If you don’t follow it, you have to follow it.” Yan Ruyue shook her head and was about to forcefully recover Yang Xuan.

In the distance, one silhouette appeared, accompanied by a pleasant laugh: “Junior Sister, it turns out that you are here, but it really makes me look for it.”

“You ask me to do it Huh?”

“It’s nothing, after the Elders let me find you, they rushed to the tomb of the Monster Emperor to meet them.”

while speaking, a young man flew It’s about 25~26 years old, with a pale face and bright eyes like stars.

He is tall and well-cut in bright golden robe. He has a strong physique. His gestures are full of explosive power. The most peculiar thing is his hair, which is bright golden, as gorgeous as the sun. Beautiful and evil monster.

This is obviously also a Monster Race, and the cultivation base is 6 Heavenly Layer.

Yang Xuan knows that this young man is very out of the ordinary, and his talent is inferior to that of Ditian. As for who is strong and who is weak, he only knows after he fought, but Yang Xuan is more optimistic about Ditian. On the one hand, Ditian is his Senior Brother, and on the other hand, because of Ditian cultivated Sword God Palace’s star sword array, even if the cultivation base is not as good as the young man in front of him, his strength may not be as good as the opponent.

“Are our Divine Demon Temple Elders already here?” Yan Ruyue asked calmly with expression.

“Well, all the Elder of the temple has arrived.” The young man was nodded, but kept his eyes on Yang Xuan, blurting out: “Humans!”

His words were cold and ruthless, and contained The powerful murderous intention seems to kill Yang Xuan at any time.

“Yes, I am a human.” Yang Xuan shrugged, feeling a little moved in his heart. This Divine Demon Temple is one of the top ten super Sects in Zhong Prefecture, but it has always been very mysterious. Seeing what he heard, he couldn’t believe that this Divine Demon Temple was actually a powerful force composed of a group of Monster Races.

The young man’s eyes flashed, looking at Yang Xuan, and said indifferently: “You can be so calm in front of me, I have to say that you are very courageous.”

As soon as this statement came out, a substantive murderous aura permeated his body.

“Well, Jin Ming, this kid is my new servant, don’t touch him.” Yan Ruyue coldly said.

“Junior Sister, what are you doing to take so many human men as slaves?” Jin Ming frowns saying.

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