Gradually, the temperature of the lava mountain range caused Yang Xuan’s skin to feel a little burning pain. This is of course the reason why he did not activate True Origin Body Protection, but with his toughness My fleshy body is faintly unbearable, which shows how high the temperature here is.

Big half a day later, Yang Xuan is still in the lava mountain range. During this half of the day, he did not stop to rest. With the support of the powerful fleshy body, he hardly needs to consume true yuan, so he naturally uses it Don’t stop to adjust your interest rate.

During the period, he also encountered a large number of martial artists. The lowest cultivation base is Vientiane Realm 3 Heavenly Layer. Of course, he did not see the corpse of the martial artist, some of which were all gnawed away. Obviously, he was killed by Demonic beast, and his death was terrible.

Walking, a valley suddenly appeared in front of him.

The valleys in the lava mountain range are not safe. They are often a kind of Demonic beast or a resting place for some ancient relics.

Just as Yang Xuan was about to take a detour, he heard the roar of beasts and pēng pēng pēng fighting from the valley, which was extremely intense.

“Many people are fighting with a certain demonic beast.” Yang Xuan raised his eyebrows. Although he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he was a human for two lives, and he can also tell from his voice. What happened to the valley.


“Elder, let’s run away, there are too many Fire Essence beasts here, we can’t kill them!”

“Yes , Elder, if we continue to fight, we will be in danger.”

“Shut up, this within the valley has good things, but we have to clean up these animals first.”

hong long long!

Mountain within the valley, the voice is full of people, a group of thirty people are fighting with hundreds of Fire Essence beasts, these people are all dressed in silver robe, they are from the tyrant Sword Sect, The leader is an ugly aquiline nose old man, the cultivation base of Guiyijing 2 Heavenly Layer, is a Sect Elder of Sword Sect, named Sikong Nian.

The rest are young men. The lowest cultivation base is Vientiane Realm 4 Heavenly Layer. They are all Core Disciples that dominate Sword Sect. They are the reserve army for Sect development. Although Fire Essence is numerous. , But they can still barely fight.

“Elder, what is the treasure of this mountain within the valley?” At this time, a handsome young man asked while waving a sword to kill the Fire Essence beast.

“I saw the cave deep in the valley. There is an ancient formation in it, which can absorb the fire of the earth lungs and transform it into some kind of magical mist. A large tempering martial artist’s fleshy body After that, Sikong Nian’s imposing manner increased sharply, the Spirit Sword in his hand swept away, terrifying sword energy broke out, and the crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood wiped out dozens of Fire Essence beasts in front of him.

“Really!?” The handsome young man was surprised and delighted. Although the others did not speak, everyone was excited.

“ancient formation, tempering fleshy body!” After a piece of lava rock, Yang Xuan eyes shined, I really want to try the effect of the so-called ancient formation. Although his fleshy body is now tyrannical, he doesn’t mind. Let the fleshy body become stronger.

“The cave always feels a little weird, so now it’s better not to act blindly without thinking.” Yang Xuan used the Xiantian Qi Viewing Technique and looked at the cave under the distant rock wall. There seemed to be a pair of scarlet eyes staring outside, which made him feel a little awe-inspiring, knowing that there might be great danger hidden in the cave.

“haha, Senior Brother Junior Brother, these beasts are not many, let’s try our best to kill.” At this moment, a loud laugh came and it was the handsome young man.

This young man, surprisingly, is Duan Muyan who had a grudge with Yang Xuan on the 1st floor of the Monster Emperor tomb. Yang Xuan squinted his eyes and glanced at Duan Muyan, ready to find a chance to solve this guy. .

boom~ boom~ ……

The violent sound is endless, ear-splitting, Duan Muyan’s words just fell off, all the Sword Sect disciples are beginning to exert their strength, one Regardless of the consumption of true essence, the long sword burst out of sword energy in the sky, and the Fire Essence beast in the mountain within the valley was immediately emptied.

“Elder, the Fire Essence beast has been killed. Let’s go to ancient formation, shall we?” a young man impatient from Vientiane Realm Peak said to Sikong.

Chapter 259 unaware of the oriole behind

“You guys stand back.” Sikongnian frowned and shouted. He had been to the ancient formation in the cave a few days ago and never encountered What’s dangerous, but just now, he seemed to be aware of something, and the expression became a little dignified.

“Elder, what happened?” A group of Sword Sect disciples felt unfathomable mystery. Their cultivation base was too low, so naturally they didn’t notice something wrong in the cave.

“There is a big guy in the cave, you guys quickly step back.” Sikong Nian said angrily.

“roar!” At this moment, a terrifying beast roar came out of the cave, and it clearly passed into everyone’s ears within the valley, and with this roar, the entire valley They all shook slightly.

“Retreat, quickly retreat!” A group of Sword Sect disciples couldn’t help but their faces changed wildly, and they retreated to both sides, looking for a hidden place, restraining aura, and hid.

“Beast, get out of me and die.” Si Kongnian did not hide, but loudly shouted. The shout contained a powerful imposing manner, and rushed into the cave like a tornado.


The existence in the cave was obviously irritated, but faintly reluctant to come out.

“Why, I haven’t come out yet, do you want the old man to enter and kill your beast himself.” Sikongnian was coldly snorted, a top grade Spirit Sword made from ten thousand years of cold iron in his hand. With a slash, a huge sword energy flew out and rushed into the cave with a bang, causing an explosion inside, the rock wall outside the cave cracked, and the hua hua gravel fell.

I have to say that this sword is very strong. If it falls on Yang Xuan, he will not die or be disabled.

“This old bastard cultivation base may not be as good as Wang Hailin, but the strength is not inferior to Wang Hailin at all. I need to be careful.” Yang Xuan’s thoughts turned, turning the Black Tortoise to its limit, the whole person It seemed to be a lifeless stone, and there was no aura that escaped from the whole body. It was as strong as Sikong Nian and the powerful existence in the cave without noticing his existence.

roar! roar! roar!

In the cave, the roar is loud, and the monster with bright red hair and scarlet eyes rushes out, swiftly toward Sikong Nian Cull the past.

This is a three-meter tall, burly, and fierce fire ape. Despite its small size, it is a solid ancient relic. It is full of monster qi and has a level of Fifth Level. High-level, its speed is too fast, the sudden attack and killing is extremely fast, so that Sikong Nian can’t react, and can’t perform any secret skills, because it is too fast.

“peng!” Sikong Nian flew out, vomiting blood madly in the air. This is because he has an Origin Force body, otherwise this fierce collision will break him to pieces.

“gu lu!” A group of hidden tyrants, Sword Sect disciple, swallowed wildly, with a panic in their hearts. This is too terrifying, as strong as Sikong Nian, it can’t stop the fire ape. Knock and fly out.

“roar!” The fire ape seemed to hate Sikong Nian, and was about to kill him. Two light beams rushed out from the eyes of the hideous ape head, dragging a splendid flame in the void. moved towards Sikong Nian shot.

Sikong Nian was shocked. Before he landed, he tried to move several feet to one side, avoiding these two flame beams dangerously and dangerously.

bang! bang!

The formidable power of the two flame beams is huge, and they penetrate the rock wall in the distance, and the black paint can hardly see how deep it is.

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