Glanced around, Yang Xuan found that the lowest cultivation base in the crowd was also Vientiane Realm 5 Heavenly Layer, and the highest cultivation base even reached the Peak.

“Is Little Brother alone?” At this moment, a man from Vientiane Realm Peak came to Yang Xuan.

“en. ”Yang Xuan nodded.

“Tsk, Little Brother is really amazing, but this lava lake is huge, and the road is probably not too peaceful, how about you if you don’t join my team?”

“No need I’m used to being alone, and I don’t like teaming up with people.”

After all, Yang Xuan, regardless of the unhappy man, came to a clearing alone to meditate and adjust his breath. .

All the way to here, he also consumed a lot of true yuan, and had to restore the true yuan to a full state.

“Everyone, without further ado, let’s go now.”


At the same time as Yang Xuan was adjusting his breath, many martial Artists rose into the sky in groups and flew towards the depths of Lava Lake.

In half a quarter of an hour, there were only a few hundred people left on the shore of Lava Lake. These all are cultivation bases are relatively low, and I hesitate to go deeper.

“Who is that kid who dares to fly over this lava lake alone, isn’t he afraid of dying on the road?” Suddenly, someone cry out in surprise.

“Damn it, the brave one, starved to death the timid, the kid trifling Vientiane Realm 6 Heavenly Layer dares to pass, and I have no reason to back down.” A big guy from Vientiane Realm Peak shouted. With a sound, driving Spiritual Artifact into the air.


Lava Lake hundred zhang high, Yang Xuan flying with swords, black hair dancing, flying forward with the crowd of martial artists, there is no encounter on the road Any danger.

This is not surprising, this world is full of a force field of terror, such as the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, which is overwhelming. Everyone, no matter how high or low the cultivation base is, enter this rock lake They were all sweating profusely, feeling very uncomfortable, and almost turned around to flee from suffocation.

This force field is clearly emitted from the corpse of the Monster Emperor.

This is a powerful supreme realm. Even though the Monster Emperor is dead, I don’t know how many years, but this supreme realm has not disappeared, and it has not even been weakened by half, which can be called immortal.

Yang Xuan’s face turned pale, brow beaded with sweat, and flew forward slowly, and the deeper it went, the Fire Yuan Qi between Heaven and Earth became more and more dense, emitting fiery heat.

In 5 minutes, he finally flew over Lava Lake and came to the opposite shore.

Here, the mountains are towering, endless, and the deepest place, the fire is soaring to the sky, illuminating this world, the brilliance is dazzling, like a red sun, pointing the direction to many martial artists, everyone is on the shore After adjusting the breath, they all flew towards the fire. Yang Xuan was no exception, flying over with a middle grade flying sword.

Purgatory Sword is Divine Item. Although it looks unsurprising, there are so many capable people and strangers in the world. If it is seen that he is carrying Divine Item, then he is in danger.


I flew a dozen or more li all the way, and a muffled sound came, like a heart beating, strong and powerful.

dong dong, dong dong, dong dong!! !

In the beginning, the muffled sound was still very weak, but as it continued to move forward, the muffled sound was like a war drum, heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, extraordinary horror, Yang Xuan urged True Origin Body Protection also felt extremely uncomfortable.


Every half a minute, the muffled noise is loud and loud.

Soon, there was another muffled sound, Yang Xuan body trembled, Divine Soul seemed to be hit hard, almost to collapse.

“Damn, what sound is this, how can it be so scary!?”

“No, we can’t move forward, otherwise this sound will definitely suppress and kill!”


“Everyone, do you think this sound is a bit like a heartbeat sound?”

“It’s very similar, difficult, is it possible that the Monster Emperor is not dead yet!?”

“What, you don’t crack a joke, how could the Monster Emperor not die!?”

Above high in the sky, many martial artists exclaimed, all of them stopped. , I never dared to cross the thunder pool for half a step. Many people were suspicious and worried that the Monster Emperor was not dead.

A generation of ancient Monster Emperor, if it is really not dead, it is definitely a terrifying event.

“Is the Monster Emperor really not dead!?”

Yang Xuan expression grave, he also felt that the sound was a heartbeat, so he hurried up with his sword and fell on one. Qianzhang high on the top of the mountain.

There is no vegetation on it, and it is very open. Hundreds of martial artists have also come here one after another, looking towards the distance together.

For a time, everyone opened their mouths wide, and their eyes were filled with expressions of surprise, as if they could not believe it.

Only two thousand zhangs away, nine giant peaks with thousands of zhang highs are located on the same place, forming a circle, and the stars are clustered around the suspended ancient palace in the center.

The ancient palace is incomparably majestic, suspended in the sky above two thousand zhangs, it is tens of thousands of square meters, the whole body is red, and it emits ten thousand zhang radiance, shining everywhere.

dong! dong dong! 咚dong dong!! !

The muffled sound like a heartbeat and a war drum came from the ancient palace, every half a minute, uninterrupted and thrilling.

“Hanging ancient palace, is that the tomb of the Monster Emperor!?”

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