” Men and women love, such is human nature, what’s so funny.”

Yang Xuan shook his head and said in a playful manner : “Brother Chu, beautiful women are in my arms, this It is indeed a beautiful thing, but you have to be more restrained. I don’t want to see you next time, you are already in a wheelchair.”

“cough cough, I understand.” Chu Heavenly Peng Embarrassing.

“What nonsense is Young Master Yang talking about, when your servant is a vixen who eats people and does not spit skin?”

Yunyan Saintess rolled the eyes and said: “Don’t worry, I Although Harmonious Bond Sect is good at harvesting Yang to supplement Yin, it also has an orthodox dual cultivation technique, which is of great benefit to the cultivation of both men and women.”

“haha, this is good, the two will enjoy It’s lingering.” Yang Xuan laughed.

“Big brother is really bad!” Yinger’s pretty face blushed.

Half a year has passed, and the little girl has grown up. Besides, after spending so long in Harmonious Bond Sect, she naturally understands men and women.

“Men are not bad, women don’t love, Ying’er, you are still young and don’t understand.”

Yang Xuan laughed authentically.

“Young Master Yang is not very old, and he knows women. I don’t know how many soulmates are there now?” Yunyan Saintess smiled charmingly.

“No more, no less, just five fingers can be counted.” Yang Xuan said bohemianly.

hearing this, Ying’er Emei wrinkled slightly, Chu Heavenly Peng was taken aback, and then gave a thumbs up: “Brother Yang is great, I have enough Yunyan.”

Yunyan Saintess glanced at him: “You can also find a few more, don’t you men like three wives and four concubines?”

“Yunyan’s words are bad, I have always been to my beloved woman Loyalty.” Chu Heavenly Peng said.

“Uh, what Brother Chu meant, I’m an unfaithful person?” Yang Xuan stunned.

“haha, Brother Yang, don’t think too much.”

Just when a few people were drinking and having fun, Yanyu Lake was boiling, and many people were talking about one person.

This person is naturally Yang Xuan. As the Sword God Palace outer sect Number One Person, Yang Xuan’s strength is of course needless to say, but hearing is fictitious and seeing is believing. With Yang Xuan, he slaps and slaps him. Nie Bei of the Yuan school, everyone understands how strong Yang Xuan is.


At night, the moon star is sparse, Ying’er can’t sleep, finally got up, quietly came to Yang Xuan’s room, although she tried to make her footsteps inaudible, she felt The powerful Yang Xuan still heard it. He opened his eyes from the cultivation and said with a bitter smile: “You this girl doesn’t sleep in the middle of the night. Why did you come to my room?”

“big Brother, don’t you go, okay?”

Ying’er came to Yang Xuan with a lot of money. Although she was not very old, she was already graceful and charming.

“Do you have any other man in Harmonious Bond Sect?” Yang Xuan asked amusedly.

“This, it doesn’t seem to be there.”

“Why don’t that end? Okay, don’t be sad. The big brother will visit you often.”


“Big brother, I want to sleep with you tonight.”

“This is not good, if your mother knows, you must kill me.”

“Hehe, my mother was secluded cultivation recently, so I don’t know.”

Ying’er laughed, took off her shoes and socks, and climbed onto Yang Xuan’s bed and held her arms around him. Yang Xuan breathed. Hurry, fortunately, he will be tenacious, but after all, he has restrained him, not incarnation as a wolf.

“Big brother, I want to be your wife. Otherwise, in a few years, I will come out like Yun Senior Sister Yan.”

Ying’er looked up Yang Xuan, a pair of eyes were covered with mist, charming eyes were like silk.

“Don’t worry, your big brother will not let you marry someone else. After a few years, I will pick you up and leave.”



“Of course, the big brother never lie.”

“Well, Yinger will work hard to cultivation and wait for the big brother to pick me up.”

said Well, dragonfly touches the water lightly on Yang Xuan’s face.

“Little naughty.”

Yang Xuan lovingly scratched her nose, then fell on the bed with her arms around her, and said softly: “Close your eyes and sleep well “


Ying’er obediently closed her eyes and leaned against his arms. She fell asleep unconsciously. It was so painful Yang Xuan, he I endured it all night, and didn’t take a nap until dawn.

The next day, the sky was bright, Ying’er saw Yang Xuan wake up, and couldn’t help but replied with shame, “Big brother early!”

Although the two did not do anything last night, they did nothing. It seems that I have slept with the big brother, and will be the wife of the big brother from now on.

“It’s still early, the sun is about to swear, get up quickly.” Yang Xuan said with a smile.

Ying’er blushed. She always wakes up early, but Yang Xuan’s embrace is so warm that she is reluctant to get up early.

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