“War puppet!” Yang Xuan’s eyes were slightly drenched, and he felt the crisis. The war puppet instantly merged with the fleshy body, strands of golden light gushing out of his pores, his whole body became A golden figure, even a pair of blood wings has been rendered into golden, rays of light.

“hmph, you have thousands of methods and magical powers, and you have to fly ashes under my Golden Dragon claws.” The dragon sounded like a knife. He knew the formidable power of Golden Dragon claws. It is obvious that even if Yang Xuan becomes a golden man and his defensive power increases greatly, he is confident that he can break Yang Xuan’s defense with one claw and tear him to pieces.

“What bullshit Golden Dragon claws, explode Laozi!” Yang Xuan roared to the sky, shaking Nine Heavens, his right arm shook, smashing bones into the fist, and a fist blasted the void. Collide with the huge golden dragon claw.

bang! bang! bang!! !

In a series of big explosions, the golden dragon claw trembles violently, then disintegrates every inch, and is smashed by fists. A powerful aftermath sweeps across all directions like a stormy sea, destroying many buildings below The houses are all blown up.

Long Ao’s treasure ship was the first to bear the brunt, and it was blown to the ground. The young maids on the treasure ship were blown into a ball and screamed because of the low cultivation base.

In the audience, only Yang Xuan and Long Yi stayed still, blocking the aftermath, and even Long Er and Long San were staggered back several meters far.

Originally, they were going to take advantage of Yang Xuan and Longyi to take advantage of the sneak attack. Who knew the plan would never keep up with the changes, Yang Xuan cultivation base was not high, but the battle strength was shocking, and it actually blocked Longyi’s Golden Dragon claws.

“Huh, fortunately, we are far away, otherwise we will be blown away.” In the distance, someone patted his chest and said with a look of uncertainty.

This is too terrifying, and no one didn’t expect this Vientiane Realm Nine Layers Heaven kid to fight one after another with the dragon, and this terrifying aftermath could explode.

“Are there any killer moves? Use them all, Young Master will follow them all.” Yang Xuan said aloud.

hearing this, Dragon One, Dragon Two, Dragon Three expression grave, silence, they all see that Yang Xuan is unusual, whoever really thinks of a Vientiane Realm martial artist, how to die Don’t know.

“No one dares to fight!”

The crowd was dumbfounded and shocked. At the same time, they were very curious about Yang Xuan’s current state. Someone whispered: “All covered in metal The whole body, is this some kind of body protection secret skill!?”

“This should not be a secret skill. If I read it correctly, it must be the legendary golden armor Martial Spirit, known as the impervious to sword and spear. Grade Martial Spirit! “Human said.

“What, Golden Armor Martial Spirit, you are not mistaken?” Many people startled, Golden Armor Martial Spirit is extremely rare, and it is the strongest kind of Saint Martial Spirit. No one didn’t. ‘t expect Yang Xuan unexpectedly awakened the golden armor Martial Spirit.

“How could I be mistaken, if it weren’t for the golden armor Martial Spirit, what do you think there is any Martial Spirit in the world that can stop the Long Family’s Golden Dragon claws?”

“You If you don’t do it, let me do it first.” Just as the crowd was whispering, Yang Xuan moved, swiftly and fiercely. The rabbits rose and the birds fell, and he swept towards Long Yi, Long Er, and Long San, with unparalleled power. .

“quickly retreat!” Long Yi screamed and flew back, not daring to rival it.

He didn’t dare, so how dare Long Er and Long San, both of them were struggling to retreat.

However, after all, it was half a beat. Yang Xuan swept across the waists of the two with lightning and thunder. The horrible leg smashed the two of them to fractures and spurted them on the spot. The blood flew more than ten meters, and the people were violent death before they landed.

“Kill the two Celestial Realm powerhouses with one kick, what a madness!” The crowd’s eyes widened, almost frightened to death, this is too abnormal, a martial artist that’s Vientiane Realm Nine Layers Heaven All, even if it can skipping grades to kill, there should be a limit, but now, Yang Xuan clearly exceeds this limit. Celestial Realm powerhouse is like an ant.

“It’s your turn!” Yang Xuan was no one next to him. He raised his head and glanced at Long Yi, his blood wings patted wildly, the wind screamed, and the fast as lightning culled him.

“Beast, Lao Tzu and perish together.” Long Yi understood that he couldn’t escape, and he was fierce, full of fierce and hostile air. With his fists, he attacked Yang Xuan frantically. The fist is a life-threatening blow, giving up all defenses.

“Want to be perish together with me, do you deserve it?” Yang Xuan was disdainful, his back bowed, bounced like a spring, punched out, momentum is big, power is deep.


With a muffled sound, the dragon was not low, and was shaken back, and his bones were about to fall apart.

“Fight again!” Yang Xuan pursued, imposing manner extremely fierce, killing firmness, he did not use any secret skills, fists and feet strikes with lightning, and the moves are absolutely ingenious, and he fights close to the dragon.

pa pa pa After several consecutive blows, the dragon retreats one after another, and blood spurts from his mouth.

“What is Celestial Realm 8 Heavenly Layer’s expert? You are an ant in my eyes. Young Master can pinch whatever he wants.” Yang Xuan kept attacking and slapped his face with words. Severely injured, and then humiliated by his words, a weak spot suddenly appeared.

Yang Xuan was waiting for this opportunity. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Long Yi’s neck and clasped him firmly in front of him.

“Ho ho ho!” Long Yi’s eyes were almost squeezed out, kicking with his feet, his throat made a muffled roar like a pig.

“It’s over!” Yang Xuan was cold and ruthless, with his big hands violently exerting force. With a ka-cha, Long Yi’s neck became a mass of flesh and blood, and a head and a headless corpse followed from the sky. Falling, peng peng hit the ground twice.

Seeing this scene, the crowd was all over with cold, their legs trembled, and the fear in their hearts could not be added. Absolutely did not expect that the Vientiane Realm kid, Yang Xuan, was so terrifying, killing a group of Celestial Realm experts like pigs and dogs.

“battle strength is tyrannical, very ruthless, what the origin of this child is, it’s a monster!” Many people are sweating sou sou, which is too terrifying, they don’t think of the ordinary Sect Aristocratic Family Can teach Yang Xuan such a fierce killer.

“Ah, forgive me, don’t kill me.” Suddenly, there was a cry of exclamation, and the crowd saw that Yang Xuan had boarded the treasure ship, standing in front of Long Ao.

At this moment, the “golden armor Martial Spirit” on Yang Xuan has disappeared, but everyone understands that he wants to kill Longao as easy as pinching an ant. The gap is huge.

“Why are you begging for mercy now? Didn’t you just clamor to kill me alive?” Yang Xuan looked at Long Ao in front of him, the cold light in his eyes rippling, intriguing.

“I, I used to have eyes but fail to recognise Mount Tai.” With these words, Long Ao was like a discouraged leather ball, lying on the ground weak and weak.

“Just forget the sentence “have eyes but fail to recognise Mount Tai?” Yang Xuan is extremely angry and smiles back. This is still him. If he were to be another Vientiane Realm martial artist today, he would have died here long ago.

“wu wu…” There, a group of young maids shrank into a ball, sobbing, and one of them was too scared to look at Yang Xuan.

“Don’t, don’t kill me, you, what you want, I, I will give you.” Long Ao’s voice trembled, disheveled hair, where is the imposing manner of the Long Family Young Master, as if Just a timid stray dog.

“Boy, stop it, what he said is the Long Family Young Master. If you really kill him, Long Family will definitely not give up.” A voice suddenly came from a distance, although he could not be seen, but Yang Xuan also understands that the other party is a powerhouse hidden in the dark, and the cultivation base has at least reached the fateful state.

“Senior has spoken, the kid is a show mercy.” Long Ao was still relaxed when he heard this, but Yang Xuan’s next sentence made him look very ugly: “Swear it , In the name of your Long Family ancestors, if your Long Family retaliates against me in the future, or spends a lot of money to hire someone to assassinate me, then your Long Family ancestors will not rest in peace.”

” This trick is so cruel!” The crowd took a deep breath. From their point of view, once Long Ao swears, no matter how angry the Long Family is, it is estimated that they will have to hold back this breath.

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