As a rare Innate Dao body, Yuechan Fairy is extremely talented. In addition to being born with Dao and smooth cultivation, a pair of Divine Vision can also tell that many common martial artists cannot see. Whatever you arrive, it is more accurate at first sight according to people, and there has never been a mistake.

“No, his luck is too strong, the whole person is like a stove, covering everything, except that I can see his vitality is extremely strong, everything else is a mist, I can’t see through.”

Yue Cicada Fairy shook her head, and there was a little ripple in the eyes of ancient well without ripples.

She has only seen such strong luck in her life, and she can’t help but feel surprised.

“Really!?” Meng Shaoyu and the others were also shocked.

Qiyun said, extremely mysterious and abstruse, illusory, but it is real, simple is luck, complexity is luck.

A person with strong luck can conceal the secrets and make people unable to see through. Even if the innate talent is not high, this kind of person can pick up money after walking a few steps, and even if you fall off a cliff. Bao, when faced with danger, he can always turn a good fortune. It is difficult to kill him, which is terrifying.

Wang Teng was a little dumbfounded, and said: “Qi luck is like a stove, is there such a person in the world!?”

“It is the first time I have seen such a strong luck. People are more than twice as powerful as I am!” Fairy Yuechan had brilliant eyes, and asserted: “His luck can isolate all Qi Viewing Techniques, shield the calculations of heaven, and look at the world, except for the protecting sect Divine of Heavenly Knowledge Hall. Item outside the Mirror of Heaven, no one can see through his reality.”

The Mirror of Heaven, the high grade Divine Item of Heavenly Knowledge Hall, can predict the good, bad, bad, and fortune of people, deduct the fortune of heaven and earth, etc. Unpredictable and mysterious energy.

At this moment, listening to Fairy Yuechan said that only the celestial mirror can see through the reality of Yang Xuan, Meng Shaoyu and the others were silent, and they were all hit.

North Ming State took a deep breath, and said in surprise: “Who in the world, when did our Zhong Prefecture appear such a pervert!”

tone barely fell, there was someone in the crowd Urged: “Boy, test it quickly, don’t worry, no matter what the result is, we will not laugh at you.”

“Yeah, don’t linger, we can all wait.” Many people followed Booing.

Supreme List, World’s First List, well known, there are countless people who come to test every day, but those who dare to test are all geniuses, and the lowest cultivation base has reached Celestial Realm, which is very few Vientiane Realm martial artist has the guts to test, because Vientiane Realm’s cultivation base is basically impossible to make the list, and what people see will attract ridicule.

The crowd was already impatient, but Yang Xuan expressed indifferent and remained unmoved, and muttered in his heart: “Father, child, today I will be famous in the world by the Supreme Ranking. I hope you can come to Sword God after hearing the news. Palace is looking for me.”

Today’s test is for the blessing of the King of War, and second, I want to reunite with my father as soon as possible.

Now, the opportunity is here. Once Yang Xuan is nominated on the list, he is destined to be famous for a lifetime, and his name will be popular in the world. When the time comes, his father will know it.

Of course, the premise is to have a trial.

Speak frankly, Yang Xuan doesn’t know if he is both a Human Race and an alternative to Blood Race. Can he test it?

“Damn, you brat play with us, do you want to test it?”

“Don’t dare to come down.”

“Yes, don’t be there Occupy the pit and don’t shit.”

Many people shouted, thinking that Yang Xuan had stage fright and was about to retreat.

“No matter what, try it.” Yang Xuan gritted his teeth, ignoring the curse of others, inhaled a long breath, and suddenly raised his right arm, like steel and iron, and slapped it with a palm. On the stone tablet.

hong long!

With a roar, the earth shattering and the stone tablet were violently shaken, and the whole square was shaking, as if there was an earthquake.

“Hey, who is testing this!?”

“Let’s go and take a look!”

There are many people rushing over the square, who All understand that this is someone who is testing, which has caused a huge change in stone tablet.

weng! weng! weng!

The stone tablet trembles wildly, releasing endless divine light, the golden glow is monstrous, and one after another spews out, as vast as the ocean, with great momentum , Submerge Yang Xuan under the stone tablet.

In an instant, Yang Xuan burst into dazzling and eye-catching rays of light, Yuechan Fairy, Meng Shaoyu and the others regressed.

They are still like this, let alone others, all back.

“What happened!?”

At the same time, all the people in the city looked towards the center of the city, and I saw the golden light ten thousand zhang in the distance, a vast expanse.

“The divine light soars into the sky and shines in all directions!”

“This powerful divine light is simply against the sky, who is testing?!”

At this time, the entire chaotic city was boiling over it, and countless people shouted in exclamation, shocked to the extreme.

Since the establishment of the City of Chaos, too many people have come to test it, but apart from a few of the top ten on the Supreme List, few people have made such a big move.

There is no doubt that the top ten rankings of the Supreme Ranking will be changed today, and some people have turned out to make it into the top ten.

This is a major event, enough to shake the world!

For a while, the crowd rose from the sky, rushing to the center of the city at full speed, to see what happened.


In the square, the crowd was stunned. They were gazed at everything in front of them. This is really unimaginable. A kid from Vientiane Realm Nine Layers Heaven was only testing it. , Everyone regards him as a joke, but at this moment, this joke actually draws out so much light, is this to absorb all the original power of the king of war?

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