“Fairy, isn’t this to ask a question, when already knows the answer, of course I am collecting divine water!” Then, Yang Xuan piled up the jade bottle in front of him Earned a storage ring, and then carefree said: “Fairy is lucky, there is still some magical water in this pool, so I will leave it to you.”

hearing this, the moon cicada Fairy body moved, when you come to the pool, you can see the pool There was only a small beach left without Death God water, and could not help being speechless.

“Why, is it too small?” Yang Xuan raised his eyebrows.

“Yang Xuan, can you?” Fairy Yuechan stopped talking.

“Fairy, I have to talk about everything first, come first, come first, and since I found this place first, don’t Death God water from Angelica me, don’t I leave you some, enough for your tempering Fleshy body.” Yang Xuan didn’t understand what Fairy was trying to say, but he needed Death God water to cultivation Black Tortoise, so he naturally refused to give away the Shenshui he got.

“Good one comes first, then comes first. If we had entangled the Chiyan Bird, do you think you can collect Death God water?” An angry voice came, Meng Shaoyu and the others came to the belly of the mountain, a few people Except for Bei Ming State who suffered some internal injuries, everyone else was unscathed, and it was Bei Ming State who spoke.

Chapter 291 void crack

Yang Xuan glanced at Bei Ming State, and said indifferently: “Don’t take yourself too seriously, Yang Xuan wants something, I haven’t I can’t get it.”

As soon as this remark came out, Bei Ming State’s complexion suddenly became very ugly. He angered: “What did you say?”

“Your ears Doesn’t it work?” Yang Xuan sarcastically.

“Boy, you are courting death. People who dare to be rude to my North Ming State will never end.” North Ming State’s face is gloomy, just a kid from Vientiane Realm Nine Layers Heaven , Dare to speak out to humiliate him, this is unforgivable.

“Is that right, I still don’t believe in this evil.” Yang Xuan raised the corner of his mouth and felt fearless, because he had a Golden Core in the sea of ​​anger. It was the original strength of the King of War. Once he urged Golden Core, he is confident that he can kill the Heaven’s Chosen Child from the Hunyuan faction in North Ming State.

“Very well, you successfully angered me.” Bei Ming State hair stands up in anger, the words are cold as ice, and the murderous aura is full of vigor.

“Brother Bei Ming, wait a minute.” Meng Shaoyu reached out and stopped Bei Ming State.

“Meng Shaoyu, what do you mean?” Bei Ming State was furious.

“Everyone knows everyone. If you have something to say, why bother to use your sword and gun.” Meng Shaoyu said, looking towards Yang Xuan, and said: “Heavenly materials, earthly treasures, see you have a share, It seems that Brother Yang has taken away all the water from Death God in this way. It seems a bit out of compliance.”

“Hehe, there seems to be a saying like this, heavenly materials, earthly treasures, and those who have the ability to live.” Yang Xuan smiled indifferently, and turned his head towards Yuechan Fairy: “Fairy thinks what I said is right?”

Hearing this, Yuechan Fairy Emei lightly picked it, but didn’t say much.

Over there, Meng Shaoyu said: “Brother Yang, I have a suggestion.”

“Oh, if you have any suggestions, you might as well talk and listen.”

“It’s very simple, if you take out the death God water, how about the seven people in the room?”

“Okay, this proposal is good.” Wang Teng agreed.

“I agree too.” Hou Xibai nodded.

“Junior Brother, we have come all the way here, can’t you let me go on an errand for nothing, right?” Yuwen Feng also spoke.

“Senior Brother Yuwen has said so, I naturally want to give you some face, but the equal share is impossible. I will give you a bottle of divine water at most.” Yang Xuan said.

“haha, one person, one bottle, are you sending a beggar?” North Ming State broke out into laughter caused by anger: “Boy, just like you said, don’t take yourself too seriously. Those of us present can easily kill you, you little Vientiane Realm kid, what can you compare with us?”

“Kill me? You can try it, of course, you can also Let’s go together.” Yang Xuan was crazy, with a black hair flying, even if he was alone, even in the face of several Heaven’s Chosen in Zhong Prefecture, he was not afraid.

“Arrogant, do you think you can despise us if you get the original power of the King of War?” Bei Ming State’s blue veins throbbed on his forehead.

“Yang Xuan, you have to think clearly, once you do it, you have no chance of winning.” Hou Xibai looked at Yang Xuan with cold eyes.

“Why, your senior and junior brothers are going to join forces to deal with me, well, we don’t need to talk nonsense, come and fight.” Yang Xuan coldly said.

“Little devil, I will kill you personally and destroy your Divine Soul.” North Ming State killing intent skyrocketed, Yang Xuan was too arrogant, he could not bear it.

Yang Xuan stared at the North Ming State and didn’t say much. There is only one battle now.

Seeing the scene with swords drawn and bows bent, Meng Shaoyu said: “Everyone, calm down.”

After that, he said to Yang Xuan: “Brother Yang, a bottle is indeed too It’s a bit missing.”

“At least five bottles.” Wang Teng blurted out.

“Five bottles, you can grab it at all.” Yang Xuan said angrily: “When words get sour, adding words is useless, we have nothing to say, I am leaving now, who will stop Me, who am I to kill.”

After saying this, I will leave.

“If you want to go, you have to leave Shenshui first, otherwise you don’t want to take a half step out of this place.” Bei Ming State stepped out, blocking Yang Xuan’s path.

Yang Xuan’s face turned cold: “If you want to die, Young Master will give you a ride.”

tone barely fell, a silhouette appeared silently not far away The place.

This is a woman, 17-18 years old, with a graceful figure, green silk like a waterfall, and beautiful appearance.

She is dressed in a white dress, skin like suet jade, like a white ice lotus in full bloom on the ice field, beautifully suffocating.

“What a beautiful woman!” Meng Shaoyu and the others’ eyes lit up, and then their pupils shrank suddenly and found that this woman was actually a divine force powerhouse, and her cultivation base had a divine force level 5 Heavenly Layer.

A young woman aged 17-18 years old, she actually has the cultivation base of Divine Force 5 Heavenly Layer, which is simply unimaginable.

In the eyes of Meng Shaoyu, the woman in front of her will definitely not be young. With this appearance, she should be maintaining a young appearance.

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