However, Yang Xuan can’t care about his own changes now, stimulating the Golden Core in Qi Hai, and integrating the battle puppet with the fleshy body, and then waving the Purgatory Sword towards the one below The white light ball was cut off.


Like a blast of thunder, Yang Xuan was hit hard, and his breath was utterly weakened.

Fortunately, the light cluster was also broken, and a void channel appeared. At the end of the channel, blue sky and white clouds were faintly visible.

“Saved!” Yang Xuan relaxed.

At this moment, the rumbling sound from below clearly came, and a terrifying void storm surged up like a stormy sea, almost covering the entire void crack. This is a lore. If Yang Xuan hits , Mortal is undoubtedly, even Divine Soul will collapse.

“Quickly go in!” The purgatory boy screamed. This void storm exceeded its expectations, as if it was a threat to it.

Yang Xuan didn’t dare to neglect, he got into the tunnel and he fell into a coma.

Heavenly demon Martial Spirit’s side effects are too strong, not to mention that he was injured, and he also used Golden Core and War Puppets, and his spirit was severely depleted, and he couldn’t resist the intense dizziness.

I don’t know how long before Yang Xuan woke up, he felt severe pain all over his body, especially his head, as if he had been filled with lead.

“Where is this?” Yang Xuan endured the pain, wandering around, looking at his surroundings.

This is a small thatched house. Apart from a wooden bed and a few broken quilts, there are no other furnishings. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as the four walls.

Looking down, Yang Xuan found that he was wearing a fairly clean linen coat, and the storage ring on the index finger of his right hand was still there.

“I was probably saved by someone.” Yang Xuan rubbed the temple, sat up straight, sound transmission asked: “Boy, how long have I been in a coma?”

“Seven days.” The purgatory boy responded.

“Seven days, okay.” Yang Xuan was relaxed, he was really afraid that he would sleep for 3-5 years.

“Ah, grandfather, the big brother is awake.” Suddenly, a crisp childish voice came, and a little boy ran in, eyes wide open, and looked at Yang Xuan curiously, not afraid at all. Raw.

The little boy is about seven or eight years old. His face is yellowish and thin, but his eyes are very bright and piercing. He is dressed in a patchwork coat and bare feet. He should be a child of a poor family.

“What’s the name of the little brother?” Yang Xuan grinned, giving people a warm feeling like the big boy next door.

“My name is Hutou, what’s the name of the big brother?” The little boy who claimed to be Hutou came to the bed barefoot.

“My name is Yang Yan.” Yang Xuan reached out and touched the tiger’s head.

“Well, I remembered the name of the big brother.” Tiger head nodded. He is not old, but clever and smart. Yang Xuan looked at this simple and cute little boy with his face showing With an innocent smile, he asked: “Hutou, are you alone at home, how about your grown-ups?”

“No, I still have grandfather, grandfather is cooking now.” Hutou Shaking his head.

“Are the little brother awake?” At this moment, an old man walked into the house. The old man was quite old and his face was full of wrinkles from the years. He walked hard. Limping.

“Yang Yan big brother, he is my grandfather, grandfather, slow down.” Hutou hurried over to help the old man.

“Well, grandfather is fine, go to the kitchen and bring a bowl of porridge.” The old man said dotingly.

“en.” The tiger head was nodded, and ran out in a hurry, while the old man staggered to the bedside.

“Senior, please sit down.” Yang Xuan reached out and helped.

“Cough cough, okay.” The old man coughed a few times and sat down on the edge of the bed. “When people get old, when the weather turns cold, one foot hurts badly.”

After speaking, I asked: “The little brother should be a powerful martial artist, right?”

“Why see?”

Yang Xuan was a little surprised, the old man was just an ordinary old man man that’s all, maybe he was cultivated when he was young, but he didn’t cultivation, but now, the old man in front of him actually sees that he is a powerful martial artist.

“When I rescued my little brother a few days ago, my whole body was broken and his body was wounded. Common herbs were difficult to treat, but the little brother miraculously survived.” The old man laughed.

Chapter 293 Blue Sky Island

“I can’t be called expert, it’s nothing more than a physique, different from ordinary people, this time I suffered a catastrophe, and it was a catastrophe.” Yang Xuan smiled and asked, “Dare to ask Senior, where is this place?”

After he entered the void channel, he became confused and naturally didn’t know where he was.

“This is Blue Sky Island.” The old man replied.

“Bikong Island?” Yang Xuan startled. He hadn’t heard of any Bikong Island at all, but when he heard the sound of waves coming from outside, he also knew that he might have come to a certain Sea Territory.

“We are in a remote place here. It is normal for a little brother to have never heard of it.”

“I wonder which Sea Territory is this blue sky island located in?”

“Uh, our Bikong Island is an unremarkable island in the Dongming Sea.”

“Dongming Sea, this is the Dongming Sea Territory!?” Yang Xuan was stunned. He was a man for two generations, and he was very concerned about Divine. -Martial Continent’s geographical environment is still well understood. It is known that Dongming Sea Territory is located in the vast ocean depths of the far east of the mainland. It is less than one million li away from Zhong Prefecture, and hundreds of thousands li away from Star Sea Domain.

In the void crack, it was only one hour, and he came to the Dongming Sea Territory in a blink of an eye, which I have to say is a miracle.

“The little brother shouldn’t be from Dongming Sea Territory, right?”

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