It is indeed hard training. As the energy of the water from Death God dissolves within the body, Yang Xuan can be described as miserable.

However, in order to become stronger, to rescue Qin Lan from the dream next time, no matter how hard he is, no matter how tired he has to stay, he has no intention of stopping.

The hard work paid off. Three hours later, he finally practiced Great Accomplishment.

At this moment, Yang Xuan was very angry and dantian, suddenly opened his mouth and put out a breath. This breath was so condensed that it was like an arrow. Pu Chi shot out with a single shot, and pushed the wall not far away. All pierced through, debris flying.

Exhale like an arrow!

This is the sign of Great Accomplishment!

It is no exaggeration to say that Yang Xuan now exhales and kills the ordinary martial artist of the condensing yuan realm. Of course, the premise is that the opponent does not have a vital energy body.

After resting on the spot, Yang Xuan naturally did not forget to test his fist strength. He united his waist and hips, squeezed his fingers into a fist, and threw a punch with all his strength.


A deafening muffled thunder blasted, and the powerful punching breakthrough air stirred the squally winds all over the house, which were as sharp as a knife, breaking the walls and The ground was full of holes and devastated.

If these scenes are seen by outsiders, they will definitely be frightened and stupefied. With just one punch, it will produce such terrifying destructive power, which is simply not human.

“15,000 jin of fist strength!” This number was predicted by Yang Xuan. His expression was indifferent, and he was unemotional in his heart. After adjusting his breath in the room, he heard shouts from outside.

“Boy, I’m getting home soon. Come out now.”

“Are you home?” Yang Xuan was speechless, and responded casually: “I know, I will come out soon.”

After that, he opened the door and walked out, all the way to the deck.

“This is?”

Yang Xuan was cultivation in the room, and he was not clear about the outside environment. Who knew that when he arrived on the deck, he found the big ship sailing into a vast expanse In the fog, naked eye can’t tell the direction at all, and the trajectory of the big ship is also very strange. It will turn left and then right, just like driving in nine bends and eighteen bends, very strange.

Yang Xuan observes carefully and knows that this trip is definitely not going to Walkabout Sect, because Walkabout Sect is also the Great Sect in Dongming Sea Territory. The Sect station is naturally vast and magnificent, with beautiful scenery. When people saw it, it was absolutely impossible to build the resident in this foggy ghost place.

About one hour, there is a Walkabout Sect martial artist who said: “Finally.”

“Damn it, I have to come out once a month. It’s really exhausting, blame it. These short-lived ghosts?”

“A group of ordinary persons, it’s strange to live. Even if they are martial artists in the realm, they can’t last for many days in there. Sooner or later they will die.”

“Hush, keep your voice down, let these fishermen listen to panic again.”

Yang Xuan’s ears are very good. Hearing several Walkabout Sect disciple murmurs, he couldn’t help but panic. Understand that this Walkabout Sect is afraid that it is doing shameful deeds in a certain place, and that place is quite dangerous, and if one is careless, one will lose his life.

Shaking his head, Yang Xuan didn’t think about it any more. He was so angry that he had the original strength of the King of War, and he was fearless in his heart. He was naturally not afraid. No matter how dangerous this trip was, he was confident that he could save his life.

Thinking about this, Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes and looked up, only to see the outline of an island faintly revealed in the thick fog in the distance.

The area of ​​the island is not small. Yang Xuan made a preliminary estimate and knew that the island should be as large as a hundred li.

In addition, Yang Xuan felt the strong Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth, which escaped from the island.

“haha, kid, our chance is here.” The purgatory boy’s laughter suddenly sounded in Yang Xuan’s mind, making Yang Xuan a little bit unable to touch the north, and secretly asked, “What chance?”

“If I’m not wrong, there should be a source of good fortune deep in that island.” The purgatory boy said.

“The source of good fortune?”

“You brat is really ignorant. For example, the source of good fortune is equivalent to the top grade in the elementary stone, which contains With a rich and pure energy of good fortune, it is comparable to the chaotic vitality, and it is very precious.”


“Of course, boy, how about a discussion? “

“Do you want that source of good fortune?”

“Well, if you let me eat that source of good fortune, I will sincerely serve you as Lord. “

“What do you mean by this?”

“Hehe, that, I lied to you at the time, we are not in a master-servant relationship yet.”

“You bastard.” Yang Xuan vomited blood in anger and had the urge to draw a purgatory boy. This brat was too sinister and cunning. He thought he had already recognized the Lord with Purgatory Sword, but now it seems that he has nothing to do. Purgatory Sword, but never recognizing Master with Purgatory Sword.

“Okay, okay, don’t be angry, I also saw that your cultivation base was too low at the time. Besides, I don’t know what your character is. If you are so confused with your recognizing Master, you will abuse me in the future. What should I do?”

“You can do it, this time I will accept it, but you have to save me some of the source of good fortune. I also want to wake up the Artifact Spirit of the shuttle boat.”

Chapter 296 Fog Hidden Island

“This is completely unnecessary. In addition to the source of good fortune, there must be a lot of fossils on that island. You can get a dozen or twenty pieces. Let the Artifact Spirit of the shuttle boat wake up, when the time comes, this boy will help you to ensure that the Artifact Spirit of the shuttle boat will obediently acknowledge allegiance.”

“Okay, deal.”

“By the way, be careful, there are many Gold Devouring Mouse on that island. This Gold Devouring Mouse is a relic from ancient times. One end may not be strong, but if it appears in groups, then you should run away quickly. .”

“I see.”

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