In a stone house, Yang Xuan is shirtless and sweaty, practicing Black Tortoise’s powerful technique.

With or without Death God water support, his fleshy body is getting stronger all the time. With more than a dozen bottles of Death God underwater, he has reached the Body Tempering Realm Ninth Layer without accidental breakthrough, and his fist strength is also Reached a strong 17,000 jin.

Yang Xuan understands that once he practices the Great Accomplishment, his fleshly body strength can almost reach 20,000 jin.

The punch strength of 20,000 jin is definitely a figure I am afraid. Any Celestial Realm martial artist will have to become scum with a punch.

“It’s a good thing to break through to the practice of the organs, but I also consume a lot of water without Death God. I don’t know if the remaining dozen bottles can help me practice the Great Accomplishment.”

With a whisper, Yang Xuan didn’t think much about it. He wore clothes and fell asleep on the bed. After all, he was not an iron body. The continuous cultivation Black Tortoise would also load the fleshy body.

The next day, the sky was bright, and Li Gang took Yang Xuan to a clearing deep in the valley.

Yang Xuan swam around and saw hundreds of people gathered in the clearing.

These people are naturally mine slaves caught by Walkabout Sect, 90% are ordinary persons, and the remaining 10% are martial artists, but the cultivation base is generally not high, and the highest one is Ning Yuan At Nine Layers Heaven, each carrying a bamboo basket and holding a mine hoe, his face was haggard, and his appearance looked like a haggard.

Even if they saw the new kid Yang Xuan, they didn’t show any surprises, as if they had become accustomed to it.

“Gang Li, do you check and see if the mine slaves are all here?”

Soon, a cold voice came, a middle-aged man in a group of Walkabout Surrounded by Sect disciple, he walked over with his head high.

Middle-aged man is about 30 years old. He is tall and dressed in satin brocade. The cultivation base is Vientiane Realm Peak. If you want to come to Walkabout Sect, you should have some identity.

“Senior Brother Zhao, a few mine slaves have not come out after entering the mine yesterday, I’m afraid…” Li Gang said respectfully.

“Don’t pay attention, those wastes must have died in it.” The middle-aged man waved his hand and stood in front of Li Gang, squinting his eyes to look at Yang Xuan, and asked: “You are The Yang Yan from Hong Chang Old An?”

“Yes, Senior Brother Zhao.” Yang Xuan bowed.

“Well, my name is Zhao Yuande, you will call me Senior Brother Zhao from now on.”

Zhao Yuande obviously learned something from Li Gang, and he was not embarrassed Yang Xuan , Indifferently said: “Hundreds of mine tunnels have been opened in the No. 1 mine. The deepest point is a few thousand zhang deep underground, and you can dig in the deep place a few hundred zhang. Remember, half a day later You must come out, and you must not hide the Yuanjing privately, otherwise you can kill without mercy.”

“You understand.”

“You understand.” Zhao Yuande was nodded and said to Li Gang:” Junior Brother’s eyes are bright. If anyone dares to escape, just kill.”

“Senior Brother, rest assured, I will stay outside the mine.”

“Be careful Recently, mine No. 1 is not calm. Once there is a mutation, immediately notify me.” After finishing, Zhao Yuande waved his hand and left with a group of Walkabout Sect disciples. He had several Chun Yuan Jing, ready to go back to cultivation, and strive for an early breakthrough to Celestial Realm. In their Walkabout Sect, only when they reach Celestial Realm can they have a status.

Gong send Zhao Yuande away, Li Gang turned his head and said coldly to the mine slave in the open: “You must dig a piece of Yuanjing today. If you don’t dig it, there will be no food to eat, and you are still stunned. What are you doing? Go in.”

hearing this, hundreds of mine slave expressions numbly entered the cave deep in the valley***

Chapter 297 A mineral source

Li Gang ignored the mine slaves, took out a white stone with a large fingernail from the storage ring, and said to Yang Xuan, “This is Yuanjing. If you dig it, remember to give it to me.”


“Well, I remembered it.” Yang Xuan nodded, he was not the first time he saw fossils, so he naturally recognized them.

“Just remember, you go.” Li Gang said, took out a bamboo basket and mine hoe from the storage ring and handed it to Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan wanted to enter the mine for a long time and scraped it away. He grabbed the bamboo basket and the mine hoe and was ready to enter the mine.

“Stop, are you who?” However, before he could leave, a silhouette strode towards him.

This is a young man of 25~26 years old. He wears a satin and satin dress, a sword on his waist, and dashing eyebrows. He is very heroic, but his brows are slightly narrow and long. Divide between viciousness and arrogance.

“pay respects to First Senior Brother.” Li Gang hurriedly saluted, as if a mouse saw a cat, he didn’t dare to breathe in front of the youth.

“Li Gang, who is he?” the young man asked, his name is Qi Luo, Walkabout Sect Inner Sect First Senior Brother, every word and deed has a kind of majesty, it seems that everyone in front of him Inferior.

“reporting to First Senior Brother, his name is Yang Yan, and he is the person from Hong Chang Old An who came to Mine No. 1.” Li Gang respectfully said, Qi Luo is not only their Walkabout Sect Inner Sect First Senior Brother is still a famous fierce person. Who dares to be disrespectful to him will have serious consequences.

“Hong Chang Old An is here?” Qi Luo dashing eyebrows picked up and stared at Li Gang coldly: “Hong Elder brought him here?”

” No, no, he said it himself.” Li Gang body trembled, stuttering and authentic.

“Idiot, he said that it was Hong Chang Old An who came in line, do you think it is true?” Qi Luo said angrily, kicking Li Gang out of several meters away, and Li Gang rolled on the ground After a few laps, his body was in terrible pain, and he felt that his whole body seemed to have broken more than a dozen bones, but he still struggled to get up, and said with trepidation, “First Senior Brother, I, I am going to investigate.”

“No need.” Qi Luo waved his hand and turned to stare at Yang Xuan, with a cold brilliance in his eyes: “Boy, let me go, I need to investigate.”

“What do you want to investigate?” Yang Xuan’s voice was indifferent, with a faint ridicule. He had already released his perception to investigate and found that there was no one within a few hundred zhangs, and he was going to kill here.

“hmph, a little martial artist in the Ning Yuan realm would dare to talk to me like this. I am more curious about your origins now.” Qi Luo broke out into laughter caused by anger, he was With the cultivation base of Celestial Realm 2 Heavenly Layer, Yang Xuan didn’t even put Yang Xuan in his eyes. He stretched out his hand to grab him, trying to catch him alive.

“Why do you want to find me?” Yang Xuan retreated sharply, leaving Qi Luo’s big hands empty.


Qi Luo was surprised. He didn’t expect Yang Xuan to avoid it, but he was also irritated. He bullied himself and punched Yang Xuan’s chest. .

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