“Okay, be quiet, that is not the birth of Demonic beast.”

“Great Elder, how did you see it?”

“You haven’t heard Is there any fragrance?”

“This, there is indeed a fragrance, er, the fragrance is emitted from the blood energy!?”

“Yes, if it is an old man As expected, it should be the birth of some kind of divine medicine with rich blood energy.”

On Wuyin Island, many Walkabout Sect disciples were panicked and turned into a pot of porridge, fearing that some Demon might appear. It wasn’t until more than a dozen Walkabout Sect Elders showed up that divine medicine was born, that they were relieved, and at the same time everyone’s expression became excited.

“haha, divine medicine was born. It seems we came at the right time.” Suddenly, a loud laugh came, and the mist surged in the distance. Two treasure ships broke through the air and docked steadily. Hundred zhang high in the port town.

The two treasure ships are middle grade spirit boats, each carrying hundreds of martial artists.

Looking around, there are silhouettes, menacing.

“Damn it, people from Misty Fantasy Mansion and Wind and Thunder Valley.”

“How did they find this place!?”

“It still needs to be said , Let’s Walkabout Sect must have committed an insider, revealing the location of the Fog Island.”

“Damn it, don’t let me find out, or you’ll have to cramp him. ”

Many Walkabout Sect disciple were surprised and angry, and they all recognized that the martial artists on the two treasure ships were from the Misty Fantasy Mansion and the Valley of Wind and Thunder.

Dongming Sea, Sea Territory is vast, with a radius of 780,000 li, its Inner Sect gate stands in great numbers, Martial Dao has countless influences, but the most powerful Three Great Sects is Walkabout Sect. , Misty Fantasy House, and Wind and Thunder Valley.

Looking at the two treasure ships flying close to the Hidden Fog Island, someone shouted and asked: “Tao Tianming, Guo Wanlin, how did you find this place!?”

This is a short stature The silver-haired old man, named Shi Wenbin, is Walkabout Sect Inner Sect Great Elder. He has the cultivation base of 5 Heavenly Layer in Guiyi Realm. On Wuyin Island, he has the highest cultivation base.

“Isn’t this Elder Shi from Walkabout Sect? It turns out that you are on this island. No wonder you can’t see you for more than half a year.” On the treasure ship of the Misty Fantasy Mansion, one unity 4 Heavenly The layer’s white robed old man is sound and authentic.

He is no one else, but Tao Tianming in Shi Wenbin’s mouth, and the Inner Sect Great Elder of Misty Fantasy Mansion.

“Tao Tianming, we have been dealing with each other for many years. You should understand that you are not my opponent. It is too late to retreat. If not, I will let you back and forth.” Shi Wen Bin eye shows the ominous light, cold and authentic.

This is too hateful. If you don’t come early and don’t come late, you will come when Divine Medicine was born. Isn’t this an obvious way to grab treasure?

At this time, on the treasure ship of Fengleigu, an aquiline nose old man with a cultivation base equivalent to Tao Tianming said indifferently: “Tao Tianming is indeed not your enemy, but if you add me Guo Wanlin.”

“Guo Wanlin, didn’t you always have resentment between Fengleigu and Misty Huanfu?” Shi Wenbin was angry and angry, and he was sure to kill Tao Tianming and Guo Wanlin, but one against two, He is not sure of victory.

“There are no eternal enemies in the world, only eternal benefits.” Guo Wanlin smiled and said: “Lao Shi, divine medicine has a share, let’s get the medicine first, what do you think? “

“The Hidden Fog Island was discovered by my Walkabout Sect half a year ago. It belongs to the site of my Walkabout Sect. You will not want to take away a grass and a tree from this place.” Shi Wenbin said. Thunder, refuse to yield an inch.

“If this is the case, let’s fight.” Guo Wanlin said, but he didn’t mean to do anything, driving the treasure ship across the sky.

Tao Tianming was not far behind, controlling the treasure ship, ignoring Shi Wenbin on the Wuyin Island at all, and flew towards Mine No. 1 at a very fast speed.

“You are courting death, kill all the old man.” Shi Wenbin raised his eyebrows and chased him up.

“Kill, kill, kill!” Many Walkabout Sect martial artists shouted and shook the sky and rushed to Mine No. 1.

In the depths of Mine No. 1, Yang Xuan faintly heard the outside voice, but he ignored it and just looked towards the front in a daze.

There, the blood energy has been dissipated, and a sinkhole appears. The pitch-black as ink below is invisible at a glance. It is like a bottomless pit, as if it can swallow the Divine Soul of people, making people have one’s hair stand on end.

Vaguely, Yang Xuan smelled the strange scent, which invigorated people.

He understands that there must be divine medicine under the tiankeng, but this tiankeng always gives him an unspeakable sense of fear, making him afraid to act blindly without thinking.

“I actually missed it.” The purgatory boy suddenly said.

“Did you miss it?” Yang Xuan was confused, and some did not understand.

“Well, this island is not simple, there should be a True Dragon buried in the bottom of the pit.”

“What, True Dragon, are you sure you are not kidding!?”

“Who is kidding you? Seeing that the blood energy is not there, it is true dragon’s blood. If I’m not wrong, there is not only a source of good fortune, but also to have one nourished by true dragon’s blood. Divine medicine.”

“The divine medicine nourished by dragon’s blood!?”

“Yes, a dragon’s blood divine medicine. As for what it is, you have to personally Go down and take a look.”

“There is no danger down here, right?”

“There must be danger, but if one doesn’t enter the tiger’s cave, how will one catch a tiger cub.”

“Yes, I will go down and find out.”

After making a decision, Yang Xuan did not hesitate, and stepped to the Tiankeng to take a look. A slope came into view.

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