“Coincidentally met?” Tao Tianming and Guo Wanlin vomited blood, and many martial artists in Misty Fantasy Mansion and Fenglei Valley were also furious.

What is it called? They dare to be met by someone by chance and then they are killed.

“I’m very angry, right, but I’m telling the truth. In fact, I only plan to kill Walkabout Sect people.” Yang Xuan shrugged and said: “If you blame it, blame Walkabout Sect. “

“Asshole thing, did my Walkabout Sect offend you?” Shi Wenbin went crazy.

“You Walkabout Sect did not offend me, but your Walkabout Sect is for your own selfish desires, arresting people everywhere, and enslaving people like pigs and dogs. This makes me very unhappy. If I am unhappy, just Like killing people.”

Yang Xuan’s voice fell, his fighting intent thunderous and thunderous in his mouth: “Well, let’s not talk nonsense, do you go one by one, or do you go together?”


It’s crazy!

Everyone present was stunned. A kid from Vientiane Realm Nine Layers Heaven dared to let out a brave statement that he wanted to fight the three big powerhouses. This is either a brain problem or an extraordinary one. He thinks he can deal with the three big powerhouses.

“Little ghost, you are digging your own grave.”

“In Dongming Sea Territory, if you dare to talk to me Guo Wanlin like this, you are still Number One Person.”

“The courage is great, but the courageous people often end miserably, little beast, today you are destined to be digging your heart out by the old man, breaking the bones of your body, and torturing to death.”

Shi Wenbin, Guo Wanlin, and Tao Tianming all spoke up. All three were irritated by Yang Xuan, with strong killing intents in their voices.

The crowd felt this killing intent, they were sweating straight all over, and they all stepped back.

However, Yang Xuan was indifferent. He didn’t show any fear on his face from beginning to end. Coldly said: “If you want to fight, you will fight. Don’t gossip. Young Master has no time to deal with you. Three old dogs are entangled.”

The Buddha was also on fire after repeated shouting.

Guo Wanlin’s murderous intention overflowed in his eyes and roared: “Since you want to court death, then the old man will do you.”

Yang Xuan stands tall, expression cold, and sarcastically said “Have you finished the fart? Come over and let the Young Master cut off your dog’s head.”

“You two, don’t interfere. I will kill this dog.” Guo Wanlin was furious. .


“No problem.”

Shi Wenbin and Tao Tianming are nodded, privately they are ready to go, killing Yang Xuan is a trivial matter It is the major event to seize divine fruit. They don’t want Guo Wanlin to kill Yang Xuan to take the opportunity to steal divine fruit.

“Come to fight.” Yang Xuan said.

“One palm destroys you.” Guo Wanlin rose into the sky and shot fiercely with one palm.

Suddenly, a thunder and lightning palm appeared. It was as big as a mountain and shone with brilliance. It enveloped the entire Lake Heart Island. It whizzed and suppressed Yang Xuan below, emitting terrifying energy waves. , To destroy both Yang Xuan and Lake Heart Island.

“War puppet!” Yang Xuan’s eyes burst with cold light, and instantly merged with the war puppet. His whole body glowed. Then, he stepped on his feet and soared up into the sky with his right hand. Fist, fiercely slammed into the palm.

This is an attack of pure power, but without the slightest fancy, it is a strength breaking myriad laws.

In the eyes of many people, his attack like this is completely stroking a stone with an egg. It will definitely be crushed into slag by palm strength. Unfortunately, they don’t know how powerful Yang Xuan’s fleshy body is. In the case of war puppets, fleshly body strength has exponentially increased.

Originally, Yang Xuan’s punching power reached 17,000 jin, but after he became one with the battle puppet, his punching power doubled, soaring to 34,000 jin.

This is definitely a terrifying matchless number, and no one believes it. If the ordinary powerhouse does not have an Origin Force body, it will be broken with such a punch.


Yang Xuan’s fist quickly collided with Thunder Palm Jin, and Thunder Palm Jin instantly froze in the void and cracked every inch. However, Yang Xuan was not comfortable with it. Guo Wanlin, after all, belongs to 4 Heavenly. Layer’s powerhouse also practiced Thunder Attribute Cultivation Art. The formidable power he issued was powerful enough to blast any Celestial Realm martial artist into fly ash.

In just a moment, Yang Xuan already felt that his body could not bear it, and had to withdraw and retire.

“hong long! ”

At the same time, the thunder and lightning palms are overwhelmed, all split up and in pieces, one after another terrifying energy swept away, Lake Heart There was a big explosion in the lake around the Island, causing thousands of water waves.

“old bastard, you also take my fist.” Suddenly, shouted in a low voice, a fist strength with a large grinding disc rose in the sky and blasted towards Guo Wanlin.

“The light of firefly dare to compete with Haoyue for glory.”

Guo Wanlin’s murderous intention broke out, angrily shot, the big hand Origin Force spewed, and the next look turned into several feet big The giant hand that covers the sky, grabbed the fist strength in his hand, and cracked it to pieces.

Chapter 304 Horror battle strength

This is the powerhouse of Guiyi Realm. Within the body, the inner core is condensed, the Origin Force is strong, and the mountains are cracked with every gesture, even if Yang Xuan displays it. With a crushing fist, it can’t help the opponent.

“Give me to die.” Guo Wanlin didn’t stop there, and while waving his hands, the giant hand that covered the sky broke through the sky and grabbed it towards Yang Xuan.

huhuhuhu ……

Yang Xuan only felt that the surrounding air was forcibly squeezed out, forming a suffocating vacuum, and then a giant hand was quickly on him Enlarging his eyes, he must squeeze his body into a mess.

The power of a palm is as terror as a family.

“Cut!” At the critical moment, Yang Xuan finally showed his extraordinary strength. Holding the Purgatory Sword in both hands, his whole body was braced, blood boiled within the body, like a volcanic eruption. The full strength exploded with the true essence, and a sword struck the giant hand.

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