Don’t think about it carefully , that beautiful mountain is the Inner Sect main peak of Walkabout Sect. Looking up, above the peak, the pine is tall and straight, waterfalls and springs, surrounded by mist, A magnificent palace in an imposing manner is faintly visible, and it is obviously the hall of teaching of Walkabout Sect.

Chapter 307, a strength breaking myriad laws

“What a gorgeous boat, is it a top grade spirit boat!?”

“It must be, but I don’t know if it is. That great character is here, and came here in a top grade spirit boat.”

“Could it be that the head teacher of Misty Fantasy Mansion and Fenglei Valley came here!?”

Flying boat just appeared. The sky above Xiaoyao Island attracted the attention of many Walkabout Sect martial artists, all of them staring wide-eyed, and they were shocked by the gorgeous appearance of Flying Boat, thinking that it was a great character who came here.

This is also normal. Spirit boats are scarce in Dongming Sea Territory. Only their Walkabout Sect, Misty Fantasy Mansion and Fenglei Valley have a few pieces, which are extremely precious.

Yang Xuan expression was indifferent and ignored the Walkabout Sect martial artists below. He controlled the flying boat to slow down and flew all the way to the Inner Sect main peak of Walkabout Sect.

However, before flying far, a few people stepped into the air and intercepted Feitianzhou.

“Who is the newcomer, actually dare to rush into my Walkabout Sect, I have not yet reported my name.” The speaker was a red-clothed old man with the Celestial Realm Peak’s cultivation base.

Behind him, there are five people standing side by side. Everyone has Celestial Realm’s cultivation base, and the highest one reaches Celestial Realm 8 Heavenly Layer. If you want to come, these five people should all be Sect Elder in Walkabout Sect. .

“Yang Yan, a Loose Cultivator, where is the wind of Xiahou, come out quickly to meet.” An indifferent voice resounded through the world, and the flying boat disappeared out of thin air, leaving only a handsome young man in a black cloak.

The young man is Yang Xuan, his hands behind ones back, on his ribs, a pair of blood-colored giant wings gently flap, let him stand steady on the void.

“A pair of scarlet wings!” Below, many Walkabout Sect martial artists were dumbfounded, followed by anger. Someone shouted loudly, “Where is the kid who doesn’t understand the rules, so you dare to speak out What is the name of our Sect Master?”

“Young man, you are who, why are you looking for my Walkabout Sect Sect Master?” red-clothed old man gloomy face asked, his name is Feng Kaiming, yes Walkabout Sect Inner Sect Punishment Hall Elder, the cultivation base is only lower than Shi Wenbin, and it is also a big shot in Walkabout Sect Inner Sect. It can be said that he has the most power besides Sect Master Xia Houfeng and Great Elder Shi Wenbin.

“Didn’t I tell you, I’m Yang Yan, I’m a Loose Cultivator.” Yang Xuan looked serene, glanced at Feng Kaiming, and said, “As for why you are here, it’s very simple. Xiahoufeng discusses.”

As soon as this remark came out, the tens of thousands of Walkabout Sect martial artists below were all furious.

“Boy, what thing are you, what qualifications do you have to come to our Sect Master to discuss it?”

“Yes, it is really tired of living.”

” Second Elder, kill him, this kid is too arrogant, and death is not a pity.”

Many Walkabout Sect martial artists are filled with righteous indignation, verbal criticism, and if the cultivation base is too low to allow a spatial flight, they would have rushed forward. Yang Xuan is slaughtered. This kid is too supercilious. He wants to discuss with their Sect Master. Who is he, return to the powerhouse?

“A group of ants that’s all, what is it called, if you refuse to accept it and bite me, you can only bark underneath like dogs, making jokes.” Yang Xuan looked down, arrogant Crazy, he brought the domineering to the extreme, he didn’t talk about kicking in the hall, and mocked many Walkabout Sect martial artists with words, and slapped them in the face fiercely.

“Damn, all Elders, this child can’t stay.”

“Grab him, chopped him up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades, cramp and peel, or who else will be in the future They dare to ride on our Walkabout Sect.”

Countless Walkabout Sect martial artists have red eyes and roars.

“Boy, you are deceiving me Walkabout Sect, no one?” Feng Kaiming’s tongue burst into thunder, and a powerful pressure from Celestial Realm Peak surged out and enveloped Yang Xuan.

“You only have this imposing manner?” Yang Xuan is unbelievable, his face is as cold as ice, as if he hasn’t been affected by Feng Kaiming’s imposing manner, standing still on the spot, not moving. .

“Who the hell are you!?” Feng Kaiming was moved. He is the powerhouse of Celestial Realm Peak, released in an imposing manner, and even the ordinary Celestial Realm martial artist can’t bear it.

But now, Yang Xuan has resisted his imposing manner, not to speak, and can still humiliate him.

“I am your uncle.” Yang Xuan blurted out.

“damned bastard, what are you talking about!?” Feng Kaiming jumped into thunder, his mouth was crooked, almost crazy, Yang Xuan’s words were like giving him a loud slap, his eyes squirting Out of the fire.

“Second Elder, I will kill this kid.” A middle-aged man from Celestial Realm 6 Heavenly Layer said to Feng Kaiming, his murderous intention flickering in his eyes.

“Yes, but don’t rush to kill him. Capture him. I want him to taste the cruelest torture in the world.” Feng Kaiming gnashing teeth said authentically, ready to take down Yang Xuan and torture him. Interrogation, this is also because Yang Xuan came in a top grade spirit boat, otherwise he would not make any extra effort, and ordered Yang Xuan to be killed on the spot.

“A Vientiane Realm kid that’s all, I’ll catch it.” As he spoke, the middle-aged man shakes his arms and flies towards Yang Xuan.

“Young Master never kills nameless people, come and announce your name.” Yang Xuan had no fear on his face and asked drwsily.

“You don’t deserve to know my name.” The middle-aged man was furious, with a murderous aura coming out from his pores, sweeping the world, making many Walkabout Sect martial artists below feel shocked. Understand that they Elder activated True Fire, and they will kill Yang Xuan, a fanatic.

“Forget it, let’s fight, I hope you can make a move in my hands.” Yang Xuan’s cold voice is like a knife, sharp and sharp.

“courting death.” The middle-aged man’s face turned black and his murderous aura climbed to the extreme. He stomped hard and his figure shook. He came to Yang Xuan fast as lightning and grabbed it. Yang Xuan’s throat.

Seeing this scene, many Walkabout Sect martial artists laughed, thinking that Yang Xuan would be dead on the spot immediately.

However, at this moment, an extremely shocking scene appeared. I saw Yang Xuan beat his blood wings and fluttered backwards with a swish, and even escaped.

“What!?” The middle-aged man’s face showed a surprised and angry color. He dignified Walkabout Sect in Sect Elder, Celestial Realm 6 Heavenly Layer’s expert, but did not take down Yang Xuan in one fell swoop, especially Was it still in the presence of countless Direct Disciples, which immediately made him feel ashamed, and his face became ugly.

“It’s ridiculous, because of your snail-like speed, you threatened to capture me.” Yang Xuan calmed his body and said sarcastically.

“Do you dare to humiliate me?!” The middle-aged man’s eyes stood upside down, and a middle grade spirit knife appeared in his hand, slammed down, and a fierce sword came out fiercely Cut to Yang Xuan, wanting a killing blade to vent his anger.

“This is the celestial sword of our Walkabout Sect, that kid is dead.” There is Walkabout Sect martial artist said with a sneer.

Tiangang knives, Gang knives in one, formidable power is large enough to skipping grades to kill, even if Yang Xuan has great ability, it will definitely die. At this moment, even Feng Kaiming and other Walkabout Sect Sects Elder thought that Yang Xuan would definitely be in a different place, blood staining the sky.

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