“Is this the so-called “return to the root of fallen leaves”?” Yang Xuan whispered, a little clear comprehension was born in his heart, and he felt a sense of sudden enlightenment . He felt that the fallen leaf fell to the ground, Feeling the emotions of fallen leaves carefully, not long after, the whole person becomes ethereal.

“Successful, this is the way of nature!” Yang Xuan opened his eyes and his face was unemotional. In his opinion, everything is where water flows, a canal is formed.

At this time, his appearance has not changed at all, but he is a little less sharp and more simple.

This is a state that fits Martial Dao.

After taking a break in the same place, Yang Xuan began to understand carefully, preparing to understand Heaven and Person Unites As One.

With the base of Nature Avenue, understanding Heaven and Person Unites As One couldn’t be easier.


Bazhou is adjacent to Lizhou, and you can enter Zhong Prefecture through Lizhou.

In four days of effort, Feitianzhou arrived in Bazhou and landed in a barren ridge on the eastern border of Bazhou.

This barren ridge is mostly scorched earth, with few vegetation. Looking around, rocks and broken mountains can be seen everywhere.

According to legend, in ancient times, terrifying battle happened here and it became a barren land.

However, in this desolate mountain, a white clothed youth is sitting cross-legged on a bare mountain.

The white clothed youth is not someone else, it is Yang Xuan. After four days of painstaking insights, he has grasped something. Today, when he came to this barren mountain, he was preparing for a breakthrough to Celestial Realm.

“If I remember correctly, today should be my 18 years old birthday.” Yang Xuan muttered to himself.

“Is the big brother only 18 years old?” The baby was surprised.

“Don’t be surprised, this kid is a man for two lives, his true age is not young.” The purgatory boy said indifferently. He had already learned that Yang Xuan was a divine force martial artist in his previous life, and he didn’t think Yang Xuan was young at all.

Yang Xuan was silent, the baby and the purgatory boy did not bother him.

Not long after, he closed his eyes and calmed down completely, like an old monk sitting in meditation.

About one hour later, he felt it, and his consciousness left his body, became one with the mountains, and merged with the world.

This is the so-called Taoist Nature, Heaven and Person Unites As One.

Yang Xuan is completely immersed in this realm and knows everything around his body well.

This state is very strange, and it makes him feel like a fairy.

At this moment, his body begins to glow, faintly discernible, and exudes a faint harmony.

Soon, the rays of light became brighter, and the harmony exuded suddenly increased.

next moment, his body then produced a strong suction, which caused the Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth riot within a hundred miles, one after another Fire Yuan Qi and even the sky The scorching sun was also attracted, and strands of golden brilliance fell down.

This is Supreme-Yang True Fire, which descends like a rain of light and combines with Fire Yuan Qi to form a strong Fire Attribute energy.

huhuhu! ! !

As time passed, all Fire Attribute energy reached the sky above Yang Xuan’s head, forming a scarlet gold energy cloud.

This energy gas cloud is spinning fast, getting bigger and bigger, and there is no sign of stopping at all. It took a few minutes to stop, and the energy gas cloud has reached the size of a radius of thousand zhang. The sight is shocking.

This is a normal phenomenon, because any martial artist will absorb a large amount of Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth when breaking through to Celestial Realm, so that the vitality of within the body can be qualitatively changed and become more refined Pure and strong Origin Force.

It’s just that the common martial artist breakthrough to Celestial Realm can’t make such a big movement.

Yang Xuan doesn’t know anything about the outside world. His great burning of heaven works autonomously, and hundreds of millions of pores on his body relax. The energy cloud on the top of his head suddenly changes, and a funnel-shaped spiral air column extends. After coming down, he has reached the top of the head of Yang Xuan.

At the same time, the energy gas cloud keeps shrinking, and a large amount of Fire Attribute energy flows through the spiral gas column, flowing into Yang Xuan’s top of the head, into his meridian , With the vitality in his meridian moving extremely fast.

“Look, what is that!?”

“It’s so rich Fire Yuan Qi, no, it’s also mixed with a lot of Supreme-Yang True Fire!”

“Damn it, what is it that actually caused such a terrifying natural phenomenon!”

“Is it treasure born!?”

It appeared in a cloud of energy gas At the same time, five Celestial Realm martial artists are hunting for treasure in a mountain range more than a hundred miles away from Yang Xuan.

Although this barren hill is barren, it is an Ancient Battlefield after all, and occasionally a small number of martial artists enter it to find opportunities.

At this time, the five people discovered a cloud of energy and gas in the distance, and they were all shocked and uncertain. Such a vast natural phenomenon, whether there was some heaven-defying treasure, or some kind of terrifying existence, was born. danger.

“Everyone, do we want to go over and take a look?” A martial artist of Celestial Realm 2 Heavenly Layer hesitated to ask. His cultivation base is the lowest among several people, although I really want to check it out. , But dare not to act blindly without thinking.

“That’s Fire Attribute energy, not at all monster qi, it should not be some kind of Demonic beast, we can go and see.” After all, a Celestial Realm Peak gray-clothed old man rose into the sky , Hurried over.

“Let’s go, too.” The other four people were stunned, and they rose to the sky one after another, chasing after them. They are all Celestial Realm martial artists, but their cultivation base is not as good as the gray-clothed old man, the highest Also Celestial Realm 8 Heavenly Layer, the speed is naturally not as fast as the gray old man.

Yang Xuan is at the breakthrough juncture, and he doesn’t know that someone is approaching fast. With a large amount of Fire Attribute energy entering the body, his great burning of heaven has already reached its limit.

If someone can see through, he will find the horror scene in his meridian. The energy of one after another Fire Attribute is like one after another stormy sea. Every time it goes around, there will be big Drops of scarlet gold’s liquid dripped into his qi sea, exuding extremely strong breath fluctuations.

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